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Tom Anderson

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About Tom Anderson

  • Birthday November 22

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  1. Daniel, thank you for testing this! It is nice to be able to continue practicing on something AND be able to try features of a new version. I'll give it a try.
  2. Is it possible to open previous HLE files with a newer version? THX
  3. We are having trouble when trying to nest parts with geometry at different depths. It works fine if the parts exist in the file you are nesting in and you use “Add chained parts”. But if you nest by adding parts from external files using “Add parts from file”, then it projects all geometry to the same Z height. Bug? Thanks,
  4. Does anyone know where the default X6 Config file comes from on Windows 7 64bit install? When a new user launches X6 it automatically creates all the foldes and default files in -> Users\Username\My Documents\my mcamx6\Config\. I found this folder here -> C:\Program Files\mcamx6\common\UserDefaults\CONFIG, but there is no default.config in there. We want to setup a defualt config file for all users to start with. Thanks,
  5. After reading Colin's post it makes me wonder even more, why have a File Copy of the Mdef, rather than just a Disk Copy? Seriously, I can strip block numbers in the editor after posting much faster than editing the local Mdef. So, there has got to be more compelling reasons to have to go through all the Mdef updating and replacing. But I can't think of any right now (ok it's early) . What are there others that you would regularly need to change from file to file? Maybe we aren't taking advantage of those here, but it seems that a machine is a machine. If I add a rotary axis to my machine, and then to my Mdef, it should automatically be available to any MCX file, whether old or new, that uses this machine. I think the problem may be that "occasional options" like sequence numbers, are too tied up in the Mdef. Some settings should be in the config file, and some as the Mdef default ,with an option switch to change these from the default on the fly. Examples:(1)drafting settings are global. But as soon as I create a drafting entity, I can modify it. This doesn't change the global drafting settings, and doesn't require me to load a new set of global drafting settings to accomplish. (2)Mdef/Cdef settings you can change on the fly after it is loaded; "Output MCX file descriptor", Misc reals/integers, NC file path, tool library. I'll have to find my list of Mdef/Cdef defaults you can't change without editing teh Mdef, but should be able to. Not whining, just wanting to help keep Mcam in the lead of functionality.
  6. We have the same frustration. You fix or improve one thing in your MDef, and then you have to remember to replace it in every file from now on. And in two months maybe I'm replacing it on file are already did. No way to tell if you have the latest one. Never was really sure why the MDef gets copied into the MCX. The post doesn't get copied in. So, if you make changes to the post, you don't have to do anything to get those changes to take effect. Just post and go. ONE master copy of the MDef would do the same. I might suggest this enhancement. A config setting with several options: Update Mdef on file open Always Ask Never
  7. Also, it looks like your using X4. With X4 users can trade off sharing licenses by switching using the Settings > NetHASP Licensing. You can grab and release solids, multi-axis, etc. To switch the base license, there must one available to switch to. It will tell you if it cannot switch.
  8. Looks good so far. Still exploring all the new stuff, and where all the old stuff is.
  9. Thanks for the input guys. The problems are random, so I think we'll track it to see how many many before we decide what action to take. It is just crazy that a file opens on C:McamX4 install and not on Program FilesMcamX4 install!!!! Still waiting for word from CNC as to a fix or work-around. My guess is the answer will be "it works in the next version". Heard that before? Hopefully, since X5 default will be to install in Program Files :fingers crossed: Or, we'll have to go back and re-install on 70 PCs. I suggested to our dealer I would do that and then deduct the time cost from our annual maintenance . . . . . . . . . . still waiting for a response. So pass it on: DO NOT INSTALL MASTERCAM X4 IN C:PROGRAM FILES No matter that the X4 Administrator's Guide says you can.
  10. X4 launches and runs fine for the most part. The problems are specific to this one file (at the moment), opens only on C:McamX4 instalation. My concern is if this will become more of a problem.
  11. Yes, we have followed the guidelines in the X4 Administrator’s Guide for installing in C:Program FilesMcamX4 and setting user permissions(pg34). I am an Admin on my PC and this file still will not open. But will open on a C:McamX4 instalation. IT dept scripted the setting of permissions on the Program FilesMcamX4 folder, I will talk to them about setting it through GPO.
  12. Does anyone else have X4 installed in program files? If yes have you experienced any problems? Here's the story. We have installed X4 in program files for all our users (over 70). One user recently had a problem with a file crashing on file open. I tested it on my PC, and it crashes here also. Event log has this < Message >MSVCR90.dll caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005) in module MSVCR90.dll at 001b:7855b00a.< /Message > I sent the file to the Mcam dealer who says it opens just fine. I then tried it on another PC here with X4 installed at C:McamX4, an it opens fine. So it appears directly related to where X4 is installed. WTH? The latest word from Mcam dealer is " CNC says X4 doesn't realy like to be installed in Program Files directory..." Anyone else heard of this? It doesn't cause problems all the time, but we can't have files get hosed at random, and we really can't go redo 70+ installs. I'm looking for a fix or work-around.
  13. I don't want to beat this to death . . . ok, well maybe. We have the "work arounds" and can pay attention to how it is posting out. My biggest interest in this, is finding out if there is a better solution for the future. So here is the question: Can we set file paths, file names, nci files, etc., NOW in X4 files, so that when we open an X4.mcx in X5(or future version), add operations and post, we get ONE NC FILE for old and new ops?
  14. We would want to keep the option for different NC file names. I would just like Mastercam to play nicer when old and new OPs are included with the same name. Where does Mastercam store the nci path info that makes it think they are different? When I right-click > edit selected > change NC file name, old(X2) and new(X4) ops all say "C:Program FilesMcamX4MillNCT.NC", but the underlying nci path is obviously different. Somehow "changing" the NC file name(even though they are already the same) sets the nci path to the same.

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