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O/T -- Unfortunate actions of a few....


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The U.S.A has just lost the moral high ground. Those pictures are just disgusting. Any chance of a long-term peaceful solution in Iraq just vanished. the U.S. military is now the "BAD GUY" all because of the actions of a few idiots. i wonder if they realize they just sank any efforts by our government to institute any kind of western style democracy in that country. these pictures make the military look just as bad as saddam. i am absolutely furious that these bone-heads just made everybody's job over there damn near impossible to do.

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I agree that it may be possible that the photos may have been tampered with, but that point may be moot. Many people already had a beef with the U.S., this only adds fuel to the fire. People in the 3rd World countries are not going to take a 'wait and make sure that the photos are real' approach. Expect a lot of backlash about this.

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I not convinced this is true yet.

I think the photo's are made up by the enimy.

I would like to have a day or two to let all the truth out.

And even if two soldeirs (plus camera)are that stupid it means -they- have comited treason . They are not representing any of my USA freinds and neighbores that I know.

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We have a very few (.005 percent)of our soldiers do silly freshman college pledge pranks on the Iraqi soldiers.


We bring those soldiers to trial and justice for the whole world to see.


It is obvious that this treatment of POW's is a rare abberation, and does not reflect on the extreme professionalism and restraint of the other 99.995% of our soldiers.


BTW: did anyone see how our pilots and soldiers were treated by Sadam's military during the first Gulf war and the latest? Some were brutally beaten, tortured, and executed. I'd rather be a POW of America than of any other country. This stuff happens in war (and at colleges everywhere). At least with us it's rare and the offenders are punished.

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Guest CNC Apps Guy 1

Maybe as a show of good faith we could allow the Iraq Courts deal with this after the Court Marshals??? This may go a long ways towards showing them that we do not stand for that type of behaviour. I mean it sucks to be turned over to a foreign governemnt and all but if they are found guilty of what is depicted in the pictures... it may be the "just" thing to do.

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The US military has consistently been plagued by their use of "subjective discipline". The leaders often don't give enough background, cultural information and the results are typically "childish" to say the least, in the face of diplomacy. Today's soldiers, our country's foremost and most visible representatives, have to be trained in more than martial sciences. They have to be trained in social sciences as well.


What I'd like to know is where their commanding officer was at the time and why these individuals were placed in charge of captives if they were suspect of committing such cruel, humiliating acts. mad.gif This immaturity will clearly turn the tide against us. We are truly our own worst enemy.


What's worse is to think that we will never be rid of terrorists from now on. There will always be someone who is now forever viewing the US forces, and Americans in general, as barbaric idiots with no respect for other cultures. This is the "root of all Evil" in the eyes of the rest of the civilized world. We might as well pack up the troops and bring them all home now. The damage is done.


We have truly lost our best opportunity to finally rid the free world of acts of terror and those who perform them. These few idiotic, immature, imbeciles have undone all we've been able to accomplish in the name of freedom. mad.gif If I was their commanding officer, I would get them to exchange places with their captives and see how they like it. The War on Terror is lost. By the stupidity of a few "bad apples". curse.gif

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Common dreams .org is a socialist propoganda machine. Similar to the Al-Jazeera network.


Don't believe everything you see folks.


I have seen pictures of half man half monkey monkey boys at the check out stand.


Do a little research and background check on this web-site and you will see what their motives are.


Never take anything for face value on the web or any media outlet. It is YOUR responsibility to research before you post this garbage for everyone to see.


Kind of like forwards in email that say something and you just pass it along taking it as gospel before looking into it and it's source.


Good grief people!

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The war on terrorism is not lost by the chidish pranks of a few dummies.


I wish other countries (including the Arab states) would advertise their bad behavior as much as we do ours.


We mock some POW's and get clobbered as a whole for it. They murder hundreds of thousands and gas their own people, and it's like, "what's the problem?"

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2 wrongs dont make 1 right, they do what they do, why should we do the same?

why i want to sink to theyr level?

our thinking is to be the best on evrything, not to follow others ppl actions...

it sucks that these inmature ppl are doing this, but, that is all the excuse the enemy needs to create a bigger war...think about it...like someone said, why stay there?..lets get that hell outta there if we gonna do the same thing.

we trying to make a change for the best not for the worst.

dont you want your kids to be the best of the class?

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Bill said:


It is YOUR responsibility to research before you post this garbage for everyone to see.

For your information, this story is covered at several locations, and I felt that the story in general was accurate. Perhaps the President of the United States has been suckered also....????



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How are these "atrocities" worse than:


Drilling holes in your hand with a drill press.

Removing teeth with pliers.

Snuffing out cigarettes on bare skin, including genitals.

Being whipped and cut, then put in a sewer pit so the wounds will get infected.

Having your hands tied behind your back, being blindfolded and then being pushed off a 2 story building. (High enough to break bones, but probably won't kill you.)

Having surgeries performed to remove an ear, limb or finger so that for the rest of your life you are "marked" by the regime.

Having your wife and daughters raped in front of you, before they kill them.

Having bones intentionally broken and reset in an awkward way so that you are now deformed.

Tearing off fingernails and toenails with pliers.


Worse than Saddam? Hardly a fraction of Saddam! curse.gif


I'm not trying to justify any of these acts, because they are wrong, but you've got to admit it is rather timid compared to how prisoners have been treated in some countries.


These prisoners have very likely killed American and coalition forces. That makes it a little harder for me to feel sorry for them.



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Sources then please ... if you will.


I have checked numerous sources including the left wing rags of NYTimes,SFBay paper, and the BBC. The only other "source" I found it on was AL-Jazeera.



You remember the ones who show all of the dead women and children and tortured bodies of Americans

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If this was a propaganda ploy via Al-Jazeera, how is it that the President of the United States has known about the photos for "a while"? (according to CNN). Would he not find out about it at the same time as everyone else?




I agree that these photos are not verified, but as I said before, the damage has been done to reputations.

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So far Reuters and Al-Jazeera have been the only ones reporting that.


There have been physical abuses with one death and a few have been charged and are being brought up on court-marshalls.


Reuters has always been reporting with a Socialist slant. Which makes you wonder why none of the other media giants have not jumped on the anti American bandwagon. Heck you'd think Rather and Jennings would be beating down the doors to get that on Prime Time.


If there were pictures taken of dead Arab fighters and some soldiers were "caught" smiling.... big deal. At least they're not dancing in the streets or mourning over dead coalition troops.

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I think getting the facts and establishing reliable sources are really beside the point now. The fact that the only other place you could find information on this story was on Al-Jezeer is enough to know that this story, wether reliable or not, has created near irreparable damage in the Arab world. They are not and will not be interested in some long drawn out proceedings to bring these apparant perpetrators to justice after another long drawn out process to establish the facts. Terrorists and criminals do not use rational logic to "wait and see" what the facts are before acting...this is just more fuel for the fire.





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If there were pictures taken of dead Arab fighters and some soldiers were "caught" smiling.... big deal.


it is a big deal. when trying to win the hearts and mind of the civilians in this conflict pictures of their family members being tortured

and humiliated doesn't help pacify the populous.

it just makes the job harder and will probably push up the casualty count on our side.

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The populous has been and will be behind our efforts. These people realize who these captors are.


If it is their family then for the most part there would never be pacification.


You can not pacify and or rationalize with people who live for hatred and death period!


Al-Jazeera on a daily basis is undermining our efforts with or without truthful photos or excerpts from Reuters or CNN. CNN whose owner married an anti American communist.


I am not and have not said I agree with the photos truthful or not. If it is truth then these soldiers will be dealt with. Move on.


I just think it's odd no other media outlets have picked it up especially with the press corps falling over each other trying to get a scoop following the President everyday. Reuters I suppose were the only ones with a reporter in the rose garden? Doubtful.

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