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Everything posted by terry5357

  1. quote: You can download the All-Result chook from the FTP. Then you'll have an icon to click to select the result. Just a friendly reminder, using a topic that relates to the question makes it much easier on peole when they search the forum. Please Help and similar topics make it a pain to search through You now how us newbies are.........sorry will use your suggestion, and thanks for the tip
  2. Select the result or the group in MCX
  3. I'll just be moving right along creating geometry and all the sudden no respnse from mouse, keys nothing?? MCX MR1
  4. cqualls.....don't be shy. find a place that does that kind of work (EDM) overnight there, and overnight back. Explain situation, pay the extra bucks (the burn will not take long, maybe an hour for all 4 holes) and overnight back. I'm assuming this is in the "A" or "B" side core and cavity. If you jump on it right now, you may end up being only a day late. Be nice when you talk to EDM shop........offer extra $'s in earliest part of conversation. $ talks and B*ll Sh*t walks good luck
  5. well I finally made it to the new work place with all the latest and greatest of MC and SolidWorks. Old job got really pissed when I gave notice. I sent a courier over to get my toolbox and they wouldn't let him have it. I had iniatially given them 2 weeks but when they wouldn't give the courier my box ( inital price to move box was $20.40 after the guy spent 45 minutes therer tryin g to get my box it turned into $75 and no box delivered) since they wanted to be xxxx I told them that they could consider me gone. They said that they couldn't let my box go out before looking in it to be sure nothing of there's was being taken. I asked them "did you look in it when I brought it in, no you didn't, so how can you tell whats yours and whats mine." I didn't have anything of their's casue they didn't have **** to work with anyway. What so you need to trim bathtubs
  6. I am in that dangerous area of trying to learn how to configure my posts, I know how to force statements with the * and # to rem statements. I would rather do this with the aid of you guys help, and not have to do search and destroy. If there is a book or even a definition sheet that someone could email me that would be wonderful also. Thanks a million. what does this mean or do "!" example "g17| g18" example "e$" "pretract" when, where and what does this mean Anything else that might be of major use but needs little defining. I know all of you have jobs you have to pay attention to, but man if you could help it would be really great. sincerely, Terry
  7. Jeff, the reason for Tim's method on 1/2 forward and 1/4 back is to break the chip that you are forming. Use this method for any tough to tap metals. A company i used to work for had a Brother CNC tapping machine and there was a "chip break" tapping cycle that was absolutely killer for copper and anything else like that. you could make as little as a quarter turn and back out. I don't know what would happen if you put a "Q" in a tapping cycle. I don't know if it would just ignore it (which is what most canned cycles do with uneeded information). Just food for thought
  8. quote: The headunter's response... "Dude, that really sucks". The only upside... I didn't survive the 90 day probation so that clown didn't get paid YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY GOT TO LOVE THAT!!!! I am glad that the company had no quams about upping the cash. It seems that the acquisition immediately stocks the company's bank account with 1.2 million, so I know I'll have a job for 1.2 million, how ever long that is.......lol
  9. I was contacted by an employment agency about a job that would pay 10k more than I am making now. I do the interview, manager likes me and says that he would olve to have me come work for him ( he gave me a little 3D job to program right quick and I did it right quick)this is on a thursday. Also the manager says the the company is being acquired by another company in Oregon, but has a huge customer base here in Dallas. So the employment agency calls me on Monday and says everything is a go. I give my notice that day. I got a phone call from the manager that evening saying there are problems with the acquisition and he may not be able to hire me. I start FREAKING OUT. I told him "you told me it was okay to give my notice and now you say can I extend the notice time? I have been unhappy where I'm working for quite a while, I was going to leave one time before and they glued me with $$$$ so I stayed. After giving them notice this time, I doubt they will do that. So I put out a few feelers and came up with a job that wasn't as cushy as the one I had but nearly the same money. The employment agency called me last night and said that everything had been worked out and to proceed with the original plan. I told the lady "I already have another job" and the only way I would even consider getting involved with that deal again was for them to come up with another 5k. She said "I don't think they will do that, but I will ask". I said fine, but that is the only way I will go and I want that in writing. you guys were willing to hang me out to dry, you won't get that chance again. She calls back and say's do you still want to start on the 22nd? I told here to fax me a signed document from her or the company and I will start there on the 22nd, otherwise I start somewhere else........
  10. By the way, I hardly ever model in MC. Itry to use the modeling programs to model and the CAM program to machine.......just works better for me. I don't waste a lot of time trying to figure out HOW to do things in Mastercam when I've got SW right there, and its easier and faster. But in the real world when I didn't have the luxury of both, I was trying to figure out all kinds of weird sh*t all the time.
  11. When I want threads on my model I create in SolidWorks then move to MC
  12. why not just mirror the geometry you want to keep about x and y with a mirror/copy
  13. you can also go to the "information" area of this forum
  14. +1 Micheal a post is a post is a post......most of the time. you have him headed in the right direction.. good job
  15. your I.T. guy shouyld be able to put you right on it.....I know ours can. If I.T. tells you they can't , thats ********, they are just being lazy, typical of IT
  16. Man, i swear you guys almost bring a tear to my eye, I am proud to finally be in a forum where its all for one and one for all. I was reading a post over the weekend or maybe it was Friday where y'all were talking about His Highness the Glorified Operator. I felt your pain, but let me take it one step further. I went to work in an aerospace shop. I was green to aerospace but had 28 years of machoning and programming exp combined. (No I was not a programmer for 28 years) In this particular shop programming was under the machine shop supervisor wh just happened to be a not quite dry behind the ears control FREAK. I have always been open to suggestion, after afew suggestions this f**ker made me rewrite about 20 programs because , not that they were bad, not that they ran the parts 20% faster than the old program, but because he (GOD) didn't want to confuse the operators who had been running a similiar part and might get confused with this in his country xxxx manerism of speech said"that new fangled method will probably confuse them Mex-cans". I nearly blew a gasket, for #1 and its a big #1 THEM MEX-CANS just didn't sit too well with me. They are not an inferior race, some are dumb but you got dumb people everywhere. #2 NEW FANGLED what the f**k does that mean. I went to the vice president (I'm a pretty fair hand at programming setting up or operating a lathe or mill of any kind and just about every machine in a machine shop, I can get a job so this lends me to be a little more out spoken)and told him How ever it works out, I will not work for that moron thats running the shop, initially he did what I probably would have done, EXPLODED....he then asked me to qualify that statement. I gave him the rundown of my last 3 days of redoing good programs to a state of slow programs by order of the shop supervisor. then he EXPLODED again. From that day on Programming was a dept. of its own like it should've been from the start, I became dept head, and since I was a dept head I became salary at a substantial raise. The supervisor ended up getting terminated about 6 months after that on sexual harrasment charges......you can't tell a MEX-CAN lady "ummm umm you sure got a fine xxxx" about 70% of the work force was hispanic and a really great goup of people. This guy gave rednecks a bad rap, I'm a country fied, red neck (if you like) but Bubba, there are Rednecks and then there are dumbass'
  17. Okay it is starting to make a little sense now. this will make you laugh your xxxx off, I would select entities for transforming or whenever I had more than one, I could not figure out how to say "Enter" or "OK". Then I found the "green button". I to have "regressed" if you want to call it that, to the drop downs at the top of the screen. There are a few changes there but not much, the "modify" is no longer there but I figured that stuff would be under edit like most cad systems. I still have not found out how to run the "verify" not the one that just makes the tool path grey. I haven't been on the system long enough to really appreciate the new stuff, its still kind of a struggle to get things done. I do have one question and this is on the X-form menu. I having trouble with the translate from a point to a point, in 9 if you are in a 3D Cplane. you can translate to a new Z level without moving anything in x or y by picking an intity and then translate to keying where you want it in Z. I got the what I need by translating the known amount using rectangle. There are a lot of short cuts that I use when drawing that I can't seem to find yet in MCX. I know that will come with time, I just hope I haven't pulled all of my hair out by then. Once again thank you for your attnetion and support
  18. I tell them to come with me. I take them to my office and tell them "there's the chair redo it the way you want it, and while you are doing that I will go get me a diet coke (I'm diabetic). What you want will take me about 15 minutes but I'm sure that you can't even do it at all, so you can explain to your supervisor why you want me to change a perfectly good program, and while you are telling him that you can explain the princepal and proceedures behing your thinking just like I do when you get your setup sheet and program. Have to make it right for the next guy that runs it, you understand that , don't you" Then I turn around and head for the coke machine. One time an operator I did that to went to the owner and told him what I did, the owner told him "why do you think I pay him $20 more an hour than I pay you, cause he's stupid? Now get your xxxx back out on that machine or pach your f**king sh*t and hit the clock. That really cut that kind of stuff down to almost nothing. Man the operators were scared to ask me dang setup sheet much less to make a change in the program. And by the way I didn't make $20 more an hour that that guy.......it would be nice
  19. I used SurfCam for about a year and a half at one time, and while in the drawing/design side it was tremdously weak, but on the toolpathing side it was much easier to set up ramped leadins into pocket routines, toolpath surfacing was 2 choices planar (parallel) for more or less flat surfaces, and "Z finish" same as contour in MC. I worked with aguy that was forced to use Gibbs for a year or so because some dumbass engineer said it was the best thing since sliced bread. His comment was "it's okay for 2-D machining and it uses parametric surfaces for toolpathing and you either can't or its hard to manipulate the surfaces. So in my book its MC then Surfcam then everything else, and Gibss is one of the "everything else". just my 2 cents worth
  20. It didn't take but one time of losing a half hour of work to find the "autosave" its a pain but I have it set for 5 minutes. It usually takes me that long just to draw a line so now I'm okay
  21. for a bunch of really bright guys, sometimes you act like you are one brick shy a load........lol just kidding. Thanks for all the help
  22. I had my first encounter with MCX yesterday. Its QUITE different. pictures instead of drop menus. After spending 10 minutes trying to make it backplot..... I started gitting the "jist" of what there intentions were when they reconfigured. It will definitel take some getting use to, but all in all , I think I'm in love. I am glad that the majority of the hot keys are still the same. I completed a few painstaking toolpaths and found that surfacing is a whole new animal but way cool. I only had a couple of hours before I had to leave (this is my part time job) but all in all I really like what they have done. The last month or so I have been reading the posts about X and you guys really had me terrified. When I booted it up I was kid of domb struck with all the icons. The system is already setup so that is one hurdle I can ease into. One thing I don't like is it seems like there are too many tool bars, I don't know if that's just the way the guy before me had it set up or thats just the typical. Seems like you lose a lot of screen space especially when you get into the back plot menu's. If anyone has any suggestions about how to regain some of the screen space please let me know.
  23. I went over there after work yesterday and did some toolpathing on a little forming mold without vacumn. Anyway since they had 9 I went ahead and used it. I have my ver 9.1 tweaked exactly like I like it, theres was soooo clumsy that I think I will just jump into X. Now the work I did last night, I should be able to bring into X no problem, right ( toolpaths, levels stuff such as that). Also to get dyn rot will I have to use the mmmouse or mcutils or does X already have that. AND GUYS......THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT. THIS IS A GREAT LITTLE FORUM.
  24. I have recently started doing some part time work. They have MCX as well as 9. I am curious if I were to sit down at MCX would I be able to get around in it enough to just do some multi surf machining. And if so what should I look out for, and if not what would I need to know to get started. they do have the transition manual. as well as the 5 axis stuff

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