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Everything posted by Travis_Buchanan

  1. Check out file 1230.MC9 on cadcams ftp site. I have already machined this in sheets and have cut the pockets in the sheets. I have glued them together and now I have a 16" thick block that I need to machine this raduis on. I will do a surface pocket rough, then a 5-axis surface to finish. How can I machine this part without creating a bunch of operations and not cut air? Thanks
  2. I found a great workaround on this. Blank everything you do not want. File-Converters-Iges-Write. Then File-New-Converters-Iges-Read and read the file back in that you just wrote. This will get rid of everything that was blanked. And IIRC it will also disassoiate geometery with geometery, and no tool path stuff will come in.
  3. Look Here. http://www.emastercam.com/ubb/ultimatebb.p...ic;f=1;t=009304
  4. Thanks wildcat I am going to give that a try.
  5. Since this is on a temple, could it not have more of a religeous meaning? I know some people through other people, but I don't know them on a personal basis. Know thyself that this is true.
  6. You can also do stuff like drill a point with tool 555. In your post if t=555 then do this or that. I have added this to post in the past to activate programable vacuum pods on a router.
  7. What is Quick Zigzag option for in Surface-Rough-Pocket?
  8. I'm not crazy about the stair steps left by sur-rou-pock, cause I get collisions on finish surface, but I do like the cycle time vs. sur-rou-par. I think it is best to go with sur-rou-pock, then surf-fin-parallel with stock to leave and wide step-over, then a tight surf-fin-parallel. Thanks to all for the help.
  9. I need more help. Why do I get so many retracts with surface-rough-parallel? I have better luck cycle-time wise, by making multiple surface-finish-parallel operations and using the depth cuts and stock to leave on surface. Can anyone help me here, I think I've tried every paramater setting in s-r-p.
  10. OK I see that the holder is constant as far as verification goes no mater what the values you give the holder. Creating a custom tool works but is a time consuming task. You reckon we will get holder defining options in X?
  11. If I define the holder width & length will verify catch the collisions of the holder, because no matter how I seem to define the holder the "look" of it does not change during verify. Thanks [ 02-02-2004, 02:46 PM: Message edited by: Travis Buchanan ]
  12. The Budwieser "Ref Tune Out" has got my vote.
  13. I don't know alot about endmill geometery, but high speed will cut wood better at low rpm than solid carbide will. I do know that and endmill will not cut wood very well at high rpm. On another note, my 5-axis alone creates about 2 yards of dust per shift, and it is a sweep up clean-up job. How can that be easier than turning on the chip convayer and sending your shavings into a barrel? Then washing out your mill/lathe with coolant?
  14. Jimmy, My dad could not figure out how to set the clock in his new pick-up, so he disconnected the battery cable a few minutes before 12:00 and reconnected it at 12:00. Now his clock is right. Maybe this will work for your VCR.
  15. They are all OK, but I am going to need some grocery money. Them boys can eat as much as you can. The 3 year old can eat 3 hot dogs per meal.
  16. Good Ole' Jimmy, Always trying to help out his customers, not to mention his customer's wives.
  17. How about x-form translate (surface) orgin to orgin. Change color of one. Trim each one where you want. Alt-e to (hide/unhide) is real handy here.
  18. Hey Trevor, I've been been real busy so I haven't had much time to play. I have used some of the knowledge you bestowed upon me to do some of the parts I have been working on. Dear Jimmy, I know you would like for these folks to think you raised me, because I make you look so good. But the fact is I take the credit for making you what you are today. Do you remember about '93 when the company sent you up to work under my wing?
  19. Actually I need quiet a few, to obtain that Senior Membership. I just couldn't keep quiet any longer.
  20. Under gap setting, select motion type direct or smooth?, and fill in the bottom 3 parameters on the page as amount of overtravel and such.
  21. I was amazed when I saw my first computer in the 6th grade. It was an Apple IIe. It had some neat games that you ran from a floppy like Orgeon Trail. I used to spend all my library time playing on this computer. In high school I took Basic and Pascal programming, along with every math & science class I could get into. That stuff made since to me unlike english, diagraming sentences, & history. I guess you all can tell I never was no count at English. I was into cars and electronics. I went into the local community college taking Electronics and we had to draw our schematics in CADkey 3.3, man I ate that up. Made me sorry that I did not take drafting in high school. I was also working night shift at a local furniture plant, and was button pushing a cnc router. I started watching the code and trying to figure out what it was doing. I finally got moved to first shift as the set-up operator of that machine, and I finally droped out of electronics which I had grown to hate and started taking more computer and drafting classes. I ran the router for about 3 years and got promoted to programmer. I have been programming for about 10 years now, with the last 2 being 90% 5-axis. I love the job. I have just recently started a new job and it presents a lot of challange. I can't think of anything else I would rather do. I would like to someday do 5-axis consultant work in the router market, but that is down the road. I still have a lot to learn, and parts to cut.
  22. Thanks for the replies. Jimmy from Barefoot CNC recommended "cancel" when you get this message, I will try it soon and post the results.
  23. It does not seem to happen on files that do not contain multi axis tool paths.
  24. Mill 9.1 sp2 Level 3 Every time I open a file that contains a toolpath I get "Warning - File contains 59 enities in the graphics screen background color" What is up with this?

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