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Everything posted by Psychomill

  1. This is one downfall I have with MC as well. Especially if the profile is really arbitrary and with/without islands. I've had to cut it down to even 20% to get it all. Now I just leave the cut where it is and chase the islands after. I for one would like to know if there is a better way. Anybody?
  2. Yes it does. I usually don't bother too much with the actual count as long as I'm sure the tool itself can attain that depth. At .500 depth you'll need at least 10 teeth for MC.
  3. Check your number of teeth setting. If you only have it set for 1 or a few, it will spiral multiple times until it exits. Added note: I usually like to run around twice to ensure a repeatable thread as well as finish reasons. HTH
  4. Michael, Ron is applying HSM techniques at which to double the Z (esecially at Full width) would be the wrong way. How about this? Just did this 2 months ago... .2 doc, .5 step, 840ipm.... ER -32 84 cubes.
  5. +1 to Ron. I prefer ER over TG. quote: Do you think that this will work with ER32? Yes. I've run 800+ with ER32 and 40. Even had a TG at 720. They make some noise though. The TG always seems to go through tools faster though that I attribute to runout at those speeds. I'm with Ron though. Rigid holders. I only used the collets at those rates temporarily until I bought something else. The diameter of the holder and cap is always a problem too at those sizes. I use all mill chucks and shrinkers. Lyndex/Nikken's new Ultra locks really kick a$$ and are a lot slimmer than traditional mill chucks. Talk to the tool suppliers. Most of them will discount for quantity purchases even through the dealers. Have them set up quote packages and let them know that others are bidding too. I've saved thousands doing this.
  6. +1 cmr... was going to edit my post. Took the words out of my mouth.
  7. Read this first Then, contact your dealer. He's your best bet at this point.... BTW, welcome to the Forum.
  8. Should be working even with 3400 rpm. Its all relative. Could be the cutter though. Not enough rake maybe? Maybe try more flutes? How much are you leaving for finish? At lower RPMs I've seen it sometimes helps to leave more than 'usual' amount for cleanup. HTH
  9. I'm taking a stab at saying its a machine problem. Sounds a bit like the gains control needs some tweaking on the Z axis. What machine tool is this ( the manufacturer)? Used to have a machine that clunked in the 'Y' until we got the servos dialed in. Are you running in High Feed? G8 or G5? I'd say have the factory ( or your seller ) check it out. Until then, maybe change the default setting for 'retract' to a slower feed rate until its figured out. Should get rid of the 'clunk'... or at least not be so violent.
  10. Tom... LOL! I took a peek at Jim's file. In the zip file he also added (along with the post) 2 .nc files .... one for where he is, one for where he's going. Will check it out later Jim... unless someone else gets to it for ya. It's Friday and time to go home...
  11. I used to use a computer that had Mastercam and Surfcam installed on it.I noticed that too initially. But MC have come a long ways process for surfacing so by todays standards I wouldn't think such is the case. Then again, I haven't used Surfcam since 'Surfcam 2000'. Another thing to consider are the computers themselves. How fast and what kind of hardware is on the Mastercam computer compared to the Surfcam one? This may cause it to be "slow". Another thing too would be the actual geometry and toolpath. Is he comparing apples to apples? HTH [ 03-11-2005, 08:36 PM: Message edited by: Psychomill ]
  12. I wouldn't do any major hogging with TG100's either. I have however done quite a bit with ER chucks in HSM apps. I much prefer mill chucks or shrinkers and the like though. quote: Either that or convince the owners that what we can't afford is the loss of productivity and tool life. This is where it counts. They don't want to buy the better holders because it 'costs more'. Does it really? Time is money. The 50 bucks they save on holder ends up costing them tons of money, many times over in increased cycle times and reduced tool life just for starters. There's a lot more cause and effect because of this. My favorite saying about guys like this: "Tripping over dollars to pick up dimes". These guys can't see past they're noses... it's a wonder they manage to keep the doors open in this day an age. I've argued with many shop owners about using "cheap" tooling (Lyndex TG holders are actually quite nice... but its still a TG holder). Most of them say "we're making money with what we've got." What they don't realize is the amount of money they're NOT making by using tool 'A'. If you bought tool 'X' (no pun intended ) you would make this much more. I feel your pain, think I'm venting too now even though I'm currently at a shop where I can pretty much buy whatever I want... but I've been in your shoes many many times. HTH
  13. Also, for added note: Looks like you're just trying to blow out the corners. If you contour instead, the 1" will work. Or better yet, surface it with the angle and rough it off in one shot.
  14. I downloaded your file. The reason why you're "missing" the toolpath is because you're trying to cut a pocket thats only .950 wide and the other is only .897 wide. Can't do it with a 1" endmill. You need a smaller one ( than the pocket width).
  15. I'm trying to remember this so bear with me... it's been years since I've run a Makino stand alone. On the custom side there should be a page for 'pallet' something. On this page you input your programs to run... pallet 1 is 1000, pallet 2 is 2000 for example. Then you just G10 your workoffsets in the program. To start it, theres a program start button you pushed (not just the cycle start). The only problem to this is if you had to restart a program, it takes it out of this loop. So when that program ends, you then put it back in the loop to start from the other pallet. Another way to do this, is to just write a pallet change 'main' and have the part programs run as subs to this. At the end of the part program, have an M60 then M99 so the pallets will rotate. The #100-#103 calls up a Macro to set programs but I remember it also wants to rotate to B0(#100), B90 (#101) etc. so I never used this method. Once again, this is off of memory. HTH
  16. Seems to me its more of a post problem or tool operation problem. Have you tried just posting the same file through PFE or another editor to see if the results are the same?
  17. If your Mpmaster hasn't been altered for offset calls, in your tool operations click on the 'T/C plane...' button and you can set your workoffsets there (bottom left corner) 0-5 for G54-G59, 6 and up for G54.1 P1 etc. Or you can set it in the WCS when setting up your part drawing
  18. I run them dry as "roughers", with coolant as finishers..... but not always
  19. A little slow today.... Jimmy on the gun...
  20. Not sure how to do it there. But there is a c-hook called 'GDT.dll' that will do all of this for you. Go here to get it and download 'GD&T'.
  21. If he installed it, it should say it. You also need "Patches and Updates through October 2004" to install 'MR0105'
  22. TheePres, I would just use 1.875 as the major od since thats what it is and yes, thread milling does allow for cutter comp (in fact all of the same options as 'contour'). quote: Also, thread height is longer than tool, what this causes in toolpath is retract and restarts at next "Z" level, what i would like it to do is continue spiraling more than 1 revolution, is this possible? Set your 'number of active teeth' to (1). This will keep your tool in the cut for multiple passes. Then just use 'top of thread' to control the number of passes you want by changing that depth.
  23. Now I see it... must have been tired last nite...
  24. Are you talking about Z level of your drawing in MasterCam or workoffset at the machine?
  25. Are you talking about Z level of your drawing in MasterCam or workoffset at the machine?

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