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O/T for politics junkies


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I'm a total political junkie, so here is my take:


1. This over-the-top and twisted Bush bashing is silly and in fact dangerous. We are at war. This internal US bickering will be used to give aid, comfort, and encouragement to our enemies. You can disagree, but the outlandish flaming is wrong.


2. I'll never vote for Kerry, but the guy did his time in Vietnam, and you have to respect that. I also don't mind that he came back and said some stupid stuff he probably regrets now. He was young and shocked by what happened to him.


3. I'm a lot more concerned about what's going to happen going forward than what happened 30 years ago.


I'd give anything for Bush to have 1/10th the verbal acuity of Tony Blair, but he doesn't. What he does have is moral clarity, excellent management skills, determination, and a stable personality. In 30 years we'll look back at the nay-sayers in the same way we look at Chamberlain's appeasment of Hitler before WW2.


We'll look at Bush like Reagan or Lincoln - a man willing and able to take on the world as it is in spite of the critics.


Despite his lousy verbal skills, this is a great man.

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Guest CNC Apps Guy 1


...I also don't mind that he came back and said some stupid stuff he probably regrets now. He was young and shocked by what happened to him...

He even went so far as to lob some horriffic(sp?) charges at his fellow servicemen when he came back. Charges, of Rape, unnecessary killing of children, unnecessary burning of villages, and even some charges worse than that. So, I'll say this, if he wants to raise the "morality of war" flag, I'd like him to say who did what. Name names, name units, divisions, battallions, whatever. If he witnessed these so called "atrocities" he should speak up so these alleged perpetrators can be tried in a court of law. Am I so naive to believe that war is not a horrifying experience? Hardly. I know theres things that go on that are unspeakable - but it's part of war. It's the dark side if you will. I'd be willing to bet that his charges are groundless. If they did have merit, the people involved would have been tried and convicetd long ago.



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These are some good candiates for bilateral

negotiations. I'm sure they will listen to reason


This is the face of our enemy.

Its a terrorst recruiting video

entitled "Dirty Kuffar"

Kuffar means "non Believer" which includes

just about everybody on the planet who is not a wild eyed bomb throwing nut job


go to this site and watch the video




[ 02-12-2004, 07:51 PM: Message edited by: gcode ]

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oh.... I got to keep my mouth shut on this one. I'll take my CIB, Silver Stars, Bronze Stars, and 4 Purple Hearts pinned to my Comunist hating liberal chest and shut my mouth!!!!!!



Anyone of draft age during the 60's-70's knows the story.... lots of people went to the Guard and Reserves to escape combat. The Guard/Reserves were flooded with applications only the luck or "connected" few gainied admission after a while. Was G.W. one of those "connected few"? I wouldn't doubt it. As for the records and record keeping..... well let's just say there were a lot of people AWOL in both the Guard and Reserves... too much paper work and a hassel to fill out, so everyone got paid and officially "served their tour" AWOL or not. You youngsters had to be there to understand the mentality of the Vietnam era... a lot of things have changed. Bush is not being honest.

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Larry, thank you for serving our country and defending democracy. cheers.gif


But if honesty was really the issue, more left leaning veterans would have stood up against the likes of the last crook we had stinkin' up the joint on Pensylvania avenue. The National Guard IS expected to protect the homeland, with their lives, in extreme circumstances. This is something you can't do from England while you smoke dope, (but never inhale), and talk sh!t about the U.S. on your way to a liberal college education.



Aaron Danielson

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Two things I find fascinating.

#1 the two top ( at the moment ) presidential candidates ( Dubya and Kerry ) were both members of the skull and bones at Yale. ( small world yeah I know wink.gif ).

#2 The poorest multimillionaire in dubya's cabinet, Condoleeza Rice, has a Chevron oil tanker named after her. wink.gifwink.gif

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Guest CNC Apps Guy 1


...dubya's cabinet, Condoleeza Rice...

Ya know, for supposedly being the "party of racists", Bush has certainly elevated so-called minorities to extremely high positions. Kind of funny that he finds the best and brightest to work for him but gets no respect for that. He even nominated a hispanic judge to the Federal Circus Court errrr.... Federal Circuit Court who was not voted on. The Dems would not even bring up the guy for a yes or no vote. Yeah, the Dems are the "party of inclusion" alright. Uh, huh. If you believe that, I've got some prime property for sale... rolleyes.gif The Dems are the racist B@$+@{)$..... shoot, they were against De-segregation. How a "minority" can identify with the Democratic party is beyond all comprehension.

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OK I have read this until I can contain myself no longer. To start with I am 36 years old and I've lived through both party presidencies. I for one can tell you my style of life has not changed one bit regardless of the party. I think we live in very scary times folks. The fact that any of us can defend a politician's "morality" these days if a joke. Do I believe Clinton didnt inhale? hell no!!! Do I think Bush partied and probably did the same thing? Hell yes! THese days it seems like all we ever vote on is the lesser of 2 evils! How anyone in this day and time could WANT to be called a politician is beyond me. Politician = A greedy, lying, corrupt power hungry turd IMHO. And these guys ADMIT it!! I am a registered voter and do NOT vote anymore, unless there is a alternative to the incumbant that is not worse. I probably would lean towards the more conservative views , but I think it's time we draw a line in the sand with this bunch of idiots that run our country. Retardicans AND Dumbacrats. It's funny how the these two parties swap ends of the spectrum as it suites them. Our most conservative president in my lifetime possibly was Carter! A freekin Democrat! And the least liberal was maybe Nixon up until Clinton got here ( i dont want to debate this, I am just describing general populus assumptions). Now we have Dubya lieing to us. Folks it is not the parties fault. It's OUR fault. WE let them rob us, We let them lie to us, we let them have affairs in the white house, We let them get there ENron buddies out of trouble. This continues because there is no fear of repurcussion. THere are so many issues that both sides could debate AND be right about it's silly. Maybe one day we will have someone in office that can get the crap off the table and serve us a meal of REAL issues. Sorry about the rant, just a few thoughts.

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Well, here goes nothin'.


Let me play the religion card.


I feel very strongly about my man Bush. He is a confessing Christian who gave up his carousing and drinking after completing his Emmaus walk in Texas. It just seems to me that a lot of his trouble that he is receiving from the faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar left is the very fact that he confesses to be a follower of Christ. In a country where the media is so confounded liberal what could any one expect.



we just need someone with some resolve, some leadership, and some balls to stand up for our soverignty as a nation.

'Nuff said Mr. Meyette.

Bush is receiving a lot of flack for his boldness. But, isn't the leader of the free world supposed to bold and stand up for what he believes.


BUT I, Shane Aaron do not apologize for standing up for what I believe. That is Christ and him crucified.


Rookie 1 teh unapologetic and unashamed Christian.

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Hey guys. Sorry I asked the question. Next time I'll just take the time to read the newspaper.


I hope everyone can just cool off a bit. We are all (for the most part) friends in here. We come from different places, have different life experiences that form our opinions, and should allow others to have their opinions however different from ours without biteing heads off. Isn't that what it's all about?


Again, I am sorry I asked the question.



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Don't be sorry bro


Debate is healthy and different views help that or else no debate or change right ?


Some ppl feel very passionate about "their" views, also known as opinion. When we can't talk anymore is when there is no more freedom of expression. As far as ppl gettin heated no prob.

It's all good cuz it's just words and they don't hurt very much. Now when u can't speak and only hurt each other is when we have a problem. Just like all the other issues of the day,week,year,life we deal with it the best way we can.


Speak up I say or else.


Another thing that is easy to say but hard to remember "Heed the mistakes of History or we are bound to repeat them." (Ben Franklin I think)


jm2c after thinkin a littl bit

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Very important to say your opinions. Regardless if other's agree or not. It's what seperates us from our enemies. We can speak out without fear of bodily harm. True we may suffer consequences for out words, but along with freedom comes responsibility. Don't be sorry, be grateful we're free. Besides, we need ot pass the time 'til X comes some how. biggrin.gif

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we need to pass the time 'til X comes some how

Hot off the press from Drudge Report

1. Kerry has denied everything

2. Somebody from the Alabama Air National Guard

remembers George Bush

3. Mastercam's latest release know only as "X"

has been delayed by a vast left wing


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Guest CNC Apps Guy 1

ROFL!!!!! cheers.gifcheers.gif


If there were such a thing as X, I hear they tapped the aliens at Area 51 for some of the new stuff..... but you didn't hear it from me. biggrin.gif .. and I'll deny any knowledge.

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I don't get all this about Bush lying. Virtually every intelligence agency on earth believe Sadam had WMD.


If there was a mistake (and we likely won't know that for years, if ever), I see no evidence that it was on purpose.


Of course, if we did not act and some of this material ended up in our post offices, we'd never hear the end of it from the same critics who are blasting Bush now. cuckoo.gif


I guess the real lesson here is that if you are the brutal dictator of a secretive society who bluffs that you have WMD, you'd better watch out because the world may believe you. bonk.gif

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Hi Charles,



I guess the real lesson here is that if you are the brutal dictator of a secretive society who bluffs that you have WMD, you'd better watch out because the world may believe you.

Or if you fly planes into our buildings .....


In other words, "If your going to kick a Tiger in the a$$, you better have a plan for dealing with his teeth." biggrin.gif (Back of Tom Clancy's new book)

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I don't get all this about Bush lying. Virtually every intelligence agency on earth believe Sadam had WMD


How about tens of thousand of dead Iraqis and Iranians killed by his chem. weapons.

That is a well documented fact and that is what prompted UN resolutions concerning Iraq.

Nobody was wrong. He DID have them.

The question remains where did it all go...

Bush might not be the most eloquent man we have seen in politics, but he will get my vote this coming election. His hart and soul is in the right place.

I'll be voting as a naturalized citizen for the first time this year.


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Hey guys, this is the best OT in a long time. I laugh my butt off. The liberals are still in "left field" and are the most intolerance people on earth. bonk.gif


I give gcode and James the highest scores. As we used to say in the Special Forces -- "Keep up the Fire." Or the modern version, "Maintain the Flame." flame.gif


My vote goes to Bush, who WILL get the popular vote this time, as well as the electorials. cheers.gifcheers.gifcheers.gif

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