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David Conigliaro CNC Software Inc.

CNC Software
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Everything posted by David Conigliaro CNC Software Inc.

  1. Hey Thad, Our current website is set up for servicing the Mastercam Dealer network as a training resource for version X. Hence the Password protection. I have a team of six guys at our disposal all former Axsys Alumli including Max that are capable of providing group training on X. We aren't currently offering our services to the public. At the moment we spend most of our tme doing multimedia work directly for CNC software. The introducing X video that came with the software was our work and you'll be seeing more multimedia stuff like that in the upcoming maintainence releases. Its a good time to keep your maintainence contracts current. Your right Guys like Max are worth their weight in gold and I had the good fourtune to work a number of guys like that. Unfortunatly Axsys had a bit of a bloodletting over the past few years and lost some profoundly talented guys. I'm sure that will reload though eventually. Chuck B.
  2. Thad, The guys I'm talking about never upgraded their technical skills and made the move to programming from bridgports and surface grinders. Got any opening for bridgeport operators at 18-20 per hour? Nice to see your comments about Max Burgel. I was his boss and trained him. He's a great guy! he's since moved on to Toyota.. Imagine that! They know how to pluck the cheeries!. He got a job offer while teaching one of their prototype engineers. He's doing well they made him that offer you can't refuse so to speak.. Good to hear from the Michigan guys. Chuck
  3. Hey James, Thanks for the linky actually believe it our not when you train full time virtually every week is easy to spend 1400 to 1500 hours a year infront of people. Do it 5-6 years and the #'s add up. The hours I mentioned is a combination of my time and my partners over 7 years working the michigan reseller. Thanks for the link. I'm not sure how things are going out west but it's been tough for peope in the rust belt. I know plenty of journeymen tool and die guys working at the Lowes and home depot stacking Lumber for 9 Bucks it's sad. Chuck
  4. It might be interesting to create a poll to see just how many people using X have actually had any formal training on it to date. Our guess it that the less then 10% of the users on the forum have actually done anything proactively other then just taking it on and hoping for the best ? We have been involved in producing extensive cirriculum for X and from what we can tell by just paying attention its pretty clear most everyone is just winging it! We had the good fortune to recieve factory training directly from the guys who developed the software one on one at CNC Softwares headquarters. We came to the table with a combined 10,000 classroom hours in front of Michigan Tool and Die guys teaching Mastercam since version 5.0. We found the new software a challenge it took some time but now have come to understand it at a whole different level. My point is that fella's you need to get a real training plan put together! It was work for us and we have spent thousands of hours learning and training people. Its not fair to wing it for a few months on your own and say it must be the software. There are tools and classes available for you to pursue. If the guys on the forum are struggling imagine how the poor other guys not utilizing this medium are fairing. The sad part is "X" is much, much better then a lot of people realize but very few are bothering to take the time for training to see whats really possible. The depth and capabiblity of the software is only going to become more powerful and intense going forward. No time to learn we all say but lots of time to do things over and over the hard way. We trained formally for the better part of a decade in Michigan I can tell you from personal experience 90% of the users are working at about 30% to 40% of whats possible at best! As most of you know our lack of competitiveness in Michigan is resulting in massive losses of jobs in the Detroit area. Sure some of it is unavoidable due to global outsourcing but plenty of it has to due with people unwilling or unable to step up their game to the next level. Mastercam is stepping up their game significantly over the next few releases the question is are we! From the way it looks most users aren't going the extra mile to get some help. Anybody else curious about what the real #'s of trained users look like ? I'd bet it would tell a pretty graphic story about whats really going on. Cheers and Chips Chuck B. (Former Training Manager for Axsys in Michigan)
  5. In response to Thad's assertion about Beta testers in Michigan. We are current Michigan Beta Testers and Former Axsys Alumni but will stay out of the Michigan dealer Policy discussions for obvious reasons. The only thing we can add is that we are very actively involved in extensive Beta testing in Michigan but we also do significant supporting product development to support CNC software directly in Conn. Many Many good things are coming for the X Platform so stick with it guys! What you have seen is just the beginning. You'll see soon enough. Happy holidays to Everyone on the forum Chuck Beckas
  6. Hey Randy, Didn't want all you guys to think all we could do is teach and train after all.. hope your doing well drop me a emial sometime I'll share [email protected] Chuck
  7. Hey Paul, Pick us Pick us.. lol WE happen to have just a wee little bit of experience you could say.. How you guys doing with X? We get her figured out. Just wait till you guys see the new goods coming soon in MR1.. We think you will like it. Our new shop is on Groesbeck and 16 mile. Cheers Chuck and Dave Ed H. has got our email address we are on the top secret list.. lol
  8. I can help you sharon what do you need to know Chuck
  9. Chris and Mike, I was the lead trainer and Training Manager in Michigan for Mastercam for over 7 years. James pretty well hit the nail on the head! Finding someone that is not only technically minded but able to communicate effectively is very hard to find and even harder to keep. The other problem is burnout. I had to retrain new guys all the time to do training because they get tired of all the repetiton associated with it and ultimatly get bored. When you do find a good guy do yourself a favor and keep his job diverse. In Michigan we didn't do that nearly enough and lost some very talented people because of it over the years. It's a tough spot to fill and get production from in a short amount of time. People underestimate the value of good training and trainers, it's vital to staying competitive both at the reseller level and shop user level. Good luck in your search and your right it can be a very cool job in the right environment. Cheers Chuck B.
  10. It's sublte, but you can type the desired location in the same box you would name the file. If you do not type a location and ou just type a name "backup" Mastercam automatically save a file named "backup" in the same directory as the mcx file you are working on.It's kinda nice because this way you get multiple backup files saved with the original mcx files.
  11. Makino all the way, I've never heard a bad thing about a Makino other than price
  12. Just load it and start learning, SP1 is on the way shortly
  13. I beleive your right, I can't seem to display large toolpaths in there entirety as well, the 32767 limit must be in play
  14. You can enable 'large icons' in system configuration on the screen page to the right. It really helps, I'm running a widescreen at 1680x1050, the large icons really help
  15. Need more info. Are you sure it saved correctly? Saving geometry is different than V9 you need to first backplot to the desired point and then hit the save geometry button. Mastercam X will save whatever backplot is currently displayed. -------------------
  16. Should have signed this Chuck B instead of Dave we share the business log on.
  17. Hey Jagg, When you do get it you should like it. It's going to take a little while to adjust but overall the more you use the more you will appreciate all the little changes. I used the software in the Shop going way back to V4 and trained for the better part of decade in Michigan and I've come to like the software more and more everyday. Change is good sometimes despite the normal human tendency to stick with what you know. I remember toolmakers complaining when they took their Rotary crosslides off the Bridgeports!!
  18. Hey Todd, Too funny...How you doing big fella.. Drop us a line sometime..Have you had a chance to do any X training yet ? Tell Bob W. Chuck said hi and hopes his golf games been good. Go Maize go Blue Digging X Chuck and Dave formerly of Axsys. Email addy is [email protected]
  19. rsbeadle: In response to your issue posting to multiple machines. You should have a dfferent Machine and Control Definition for each machine. This will create alot of flexibility for you. For example; Create a machine definition for MACHINE-1 and assign a control definition that references the file location you want used. Create a Machine definition for MACHINE-2 and assign a control definition with a different file location you want to use. Once you have a Machine definition for each machine you can select them from the -Machine Type- drop down. This will create a machine group in the Operations manager for each machine definition you select. The Operations Manager supports multiple machine definitions/groups in one file allowing you to even have Lathe and Mill toolpaths in one file if you have them both liscensed. Now, place the red insert arrow, found in the operation manager,in the Machine Group you want your toolpath created in. Basically the operations manager should have a machine definition/group open for each machine you want to use with the toolpaths organized in the correct groups relative to where they will be run. When you post a file it will automatically reference the file location set in the control deinition the Machine definition/group is referencing, you can still change this location if you need by selecting -Files- if you expand the machine group propertie in the operations manager. You can even select all toolpaths to post all at once and they will all save off to the proper locations you defined in the Control definitions being used by the Machine definitions in each group. Hope this helps [big Grin] Dave -------------------- Dave
  20. Steve, We posted this in the other thread but didn't know if you had seen it there.. We figured we drop it in for you hear since it may be a common concerm with X. rsbeadle: In response to your issue posting to multiple machines. You should have a dfferent Machine and Control Definition for each machine. This will create alot of flexibility for you. For example; Create a machine definition for MACHINE-1 and assign a control definition that references the file location you want used. Create a Machine definition for MACHINE-2 and assign a control definition with a different file location you want to use. Once you have a Machine definition for each machine you can select them from the -Machine Type- drop down. This will create a machine group in the Operations manager for each machine definition you select. The Operations Manager supports multiple machine definitions/groups in one file allowing you to even have Lathe and Mill toolpaths in one file if you have them both liscensed. Now, place the red insert arrow, found in the operation manager,in the Machine Group you want your toolpath created in. Basically the operations manager should have a machine definition/group open for each machine you want to use with the toolpaths organized in the correct groups relative to where they will be run. When you post a file it will automatically reference the file location set in the control deinition the Machine definition/group is referencing, you can still change this location if you need by selecting -Files- if you expand the machine group propertie in the operations manager. You can even select all toolpaths to post all at once and they will all save off to the proper locations you defined in the Control definitions being used by the Machine definitions in each group. Hope this helps Dave -------------------- Dave
  21. rsbeadle: In response to your issue posting to multiple machines. You should have a dfferent Machine and Control Definition for each machine. This will create alot of flexibility for you. For example; Create a machine definition for MACHINE-1 and assign a control definition that references the file location you want used. Create a Machine definition for MACHINE-2 and assign a control definition with a different file location you want to use. Once you have a Machine definition for each machine you can select them from the -Machine Type- drop down. This will create a machine group in the Operations manager for each machine definition you select. The Operations Manager supports multiple machine definitions/groups in one file allowing you to even have Lathe and Mill toolpaths in one file if you have them both liscensed. Now, place the red insert arrow, found in the operation manager,in the Machine Group you want your toolpath created in. Basically the operations manager should have a machine definition/group open for each machine you want to use with the toolpaths organized in the correct groups relative to where they will be run. When you post a file it will automatically reference the file location set in the control deinition the Machine definition/group is referencing, you can still change this location if you need by selecting -Files- if you expand the machine group propertie in the operations manager. You can even select all toolpaths to post all at once and they will all save off to the proper locations you defined in the Control definitions being used by the Machine definitions in each group. Hope this helps Dave
  22. Hey Bill, Good to hear from you. Hope you like the new X stuff. It's one of those things that the more you use it the more you appreciate the changes. Hope your staying busy. Cheers Chuck

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