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Everything posted by biss03

  1. here's another one for those of you with kids: "hippity,hoppity,all the way to the birdy boil" or "what's a motto?"reply "nothing,what's a motto with you?"
  2. hardmill.... color me a stooge fanatic! i've got just about everyone of the videos that were released as of about 5 years ago. a local video store went out of business and i grabbed everyone they had - can't remember the exact number but well over 20 video's. watching the stooges was a weekend tradition for me and my dad when i was a youngster.
  3. this topic is great! these are the things i'm currently studying about in my economics class at the local community college. is there any way to print this whole thing out? providing Tim wouldn't mind, i'd love to share the final product with my instructor to get his take on things. what do you think?
  4. animal house is correct. here is another one.. "i'll be your huckleberry" and a different one.. "prepare ship for ludicris speed","we can't stop, we have to slow down first"
  5. here's a couple from one of my favorite movies of all time: "it's not gonna be an orgy, its a toga party" or "what til otis sees us, he loved us" any takers?
  6. we found out about the tap retract speed the hard/scary way - by accident. first time we bought a used HAAS machine. all the new ones come from the factory set to not increase the speed. i never saw the boss move so fast to hit the e-stop button. he thought i had the G85 code for a tapmatic rather than the G84 rigid tap code until we got to reading the manual - what a novel idea, reading the manual. this is actually a great way to find the neat little tricks and codes for the HAAS machines that can increase production and effeciency (providing your boss gives you the freedom to explore). another good place to check out is the HAAS website. some of the stuff is pretty basic, but once in awhile you find something that makes the bulb above your head light up!
  7. Not sure what thru coolant setup you have with your haas,but if you plan on using it regularly, make sure you familiarize yourself with all the specifics of it - where the filters are and what not. even if you don't use it regularly during your machinging of parts, make sure you turn it on periodically to keep the crud from building up. also, we've found that the gages they put on there for telling you when the filters need to be changed are worthless. you may want to add a pressure gage on the inline to see easier what pressure you are running. and just make sure you have plenty of all the different filters on hand for when the alarms start coming. don't get me wrong, the thru coolant rocks on these machines but they can be a pain when they start to get dirty with chips and such. (we cut aluminum and steel on our haas's) good luck and happy milling!!
  8. charles... thanks for the info. i only wish the same could be said for all of you.
  9. man.. i didn't realize how bad the fires were until getting on here for the first time since they started. shows how crappy the news is here in michigan. i'm glad to here everyone is getting thru it. i have one question, i'm not real familiar with san diego's size, but i have a cousin living there and i believe he is near the coast - maybe by sea world. is the area he is in anywhere near the areas you guys are talking about? i'll completely understand if nobody wants to take the time to answer this for me. thanks. keep on keepin on everyone! biss
  10. if the "big boss" wants to stay in business, he better reconsider his stance on giving money to implement quality checks and balances. like you said, one or two mistakes could be the difference between getting a job and losing it so quality should be of utmost importance. we've gone thru quality seminars (on site) as well as getting QS9000 certified.yes these are both expensive options but i firmly believe that we would not be in business today if it weren't for our certification. the days of companies not caring about quality are going away faster than the easy jobs are heading south to mexico. if you can't get the boss to spend the money then it basically comes down to common sense being tracked on QC control sheets. put what you know is critical to the customer and make sure your operators are checking them at a rate deemed appropriate by the people who know the most about the job and the way it runs. just my .02 biss03
  11. rek'd... thanks for the link. i've forwarded it to the guys. keep on stating the facts and telling the truths of society( we all know you will ), its amazing how some people just don't get it. [ 10-20-2003, 12:58 PM: Message edited by: biss03 ]
  12. rek'd... do you sell the product in your avatar? a couple of guys at work saw it and wanted me to inquire as to the price of one.
  13. quote: the day you see me and my wife displaying are selfs like that ...please kick me in the head.. couldn't agree more but please don't kick me too hard. to me this display of affection is no less uncomfortable than seeing 2 men showing affection. there is a place for this behavior even for normal couples (which i encourage and endorse ) and it certainly isn't in view of the publics eyes (unless your broadcasting over the internet and making money ).the last thing i would want is for my teenage daughter(if i have one someday) seeing this behavior from hetero's at the local bowling alley and thinking it is ok to behave that way. just my .02
  14. its refreshing to see i'm not the only one who has had problems during marriage. i met my wife on a blind date for my senior prom in high school. i didn't want to go at all but my friend and his girl wanted me to, so they asked her first,then told me (i still can't understand why she said yes, she had a boyfriend at the time). anyways as they say, "the rest is history". we hit it off great and she helped me get thru some tough times (my cousin/best friend was killed in a car accident the same night as the prom).we dated for 3 years, got married august,22 1998 so we have been married for 5 years. have 2 boys,ages 5 and 2. the first year was really rough,like chris said,but we made it thru and things are going real well now! great thread! you all rock!
  15. in the 9 years i've worked for my current employer, we've had 9 people get divorced becasue of "alleged" relations with co-workers. some were not true but most had some credibility. i was never one of the people involved mainly because i learned from the other dumbasses at my plants mistakes (not saying that anyone on here is a dumbass) and i've never seen anyone here worth risking my marriage for. good luck with this, hope everything works out
  16. changing the link on the Mastercam website may actually make this site better. now when, illegal users of Mastercam go searching for free posts, chances are they will go to mastercam.com and see the link to the other forum and not come in here asking for free stuff and pissing everyone off! i'm just glad i found this place before it was too late.
  17. all i can say is: lets hope no one gets hurt before,during or after the game. ya know what i mean? no need for any of the above mentioned schools to have an poor excuse for why they lost. i've been an ND fan all my life and have seen good and bad teams, but your right james, regardless of the situation they both come ready to play with an extra little chip on their shoulder. i am worried though SC does seem to have a team reloaded with talented players. i just hope ND keeps it close!
  18. Maziac... thanks for the advice and words of encouragement on posts! hardmill... have to admit, i'm pulling for the sooners since my irish are out of it - especially against any florida school, nebraska, texas (what a beating that was!),Ohio st, michigan... i think it will be a 3 team race to the finish with oklahoma, virginia tech (they will beat miami), and USC (providing my irish don't upset them this week). i'll guarentee at least on of the teams in the championship will have one loss. james... you know what they say about a wounded animal right? this is when they are the most dangerous! so watch out this weekend. i'm sure Ty will have something up his sleeve (i just hope he doesn't pull out the green jerseys again). look what they did to the supposed heisman candidates for pitt, the qb was running for his life and the receiver couldn't shake free of coverage. Williams better be ready to get hit.
  19. time to try this quote technique out: quote: SC is going to come into YOUR house and wreck the furniture! I'm guessing SC will be up by 21 at the half. At the end of the game it will look like the SC/Stanford matchup. GO Trojans!!!!! i don't know about that. we've had bad teams in the past but look at the last 10 games at ND... SC is 1-10 in those games. that top 10 ranking is pretty lofty to me - especially after losing to a lowly Cal team. ah how easy the pollsters forget! either way, i'll be there in person so i'll be thinking about ya when we're scoring at will chris m... i wasn't aiming at anyone specifically. but it sounds like you need to take a look at who is editing your programs if they caused you major crashes. my problem (which really isn't a problem because i'm not looking for any free help) is that each project i do is different - not the machine it posts to but the way it needs to be outputed. i do mainly production machining 3/4 axis work on Haas verticals and Mori Horizontals, so the work i do isn't really complex. you said: quote: 3) Editing your own posts is much more productive than paying for it on simple [Haas-,Fanuc-, Yasnac-, Okuma-controlled] 3 and 4 axis machines because you get code just like you want, you know why you get what you get, and if you want to move the M09 up one line next month you don't need to ask someone else (or pay them) to do it. the problem is if I don't know how to edit even simple stuff, how is this more productive then taking a minute or two to make the change to the NC program?(by the way, i've figured out how to do some editing but i'm using this example to hopefully illustrate a point). quote: 4) Cry me a river with this 'I wish I had the time' crap. I have 2 kids, 2 jobs, a 55 mile commute each way to work; I have nothing to do so I just sit around and play with posts and talk on the forum? I have a boss and work to do just like everyone else does but if I spend an hour or two at night or on the weekends dialing something in; isn't that in my company's best interest AND mine? i'm going to leave this alone.i just don't see what is wrong with anyone coming in here and asking : quote: We are using mplfan for generating codes presently. let me know whether a specific post processor for fanuc Oi-TB is available. if available link us to that site. to me this isn't asking for a free one,but rather wondering if one exists. and if you happen to have one that works really good, why not reply with something like " i have one that works well,once you can show your not using illegal software, i'd be glad to help you out for a price." this is a free country, you can do that. who knows if the originator of this thread is legit or not, but i'm pretty sure after the way he was treated he will not be coming back. somewhere i read where a high school senior was looking for help with learning the software and nobody even thought for a minute that he might not be legit. someone said this dying industry needs more people getting interested and i'm wondering why the 2 situations are different. i hope i'm not jeopardizing my position within this community but i feel strongly about these things because i remember being the new guy. i don't think i came in here the wrong way, but i think i am/was in good standing with the forum members. i respect everyones opinion and only ask that everyone respects mine. i am a legit user who unfortunately doesn't get to use MasterCam to its full potential (by the sound of some of the pretty cool stuff people are using it for). i think Mastercam is geared towards creating molds and other complex machine operations,which i do not do. but i wouldn't trade it for any other package out there simply because of this forum. to quote chris m one last time: quote: Enough said [ 10-14-2003, 01:10 PM: Message edited by: biss03 ]
  20. thanks for the tip on quotes. i guess i should scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page. Point taken Req'd. i wouldn't want to take away anyones fun! my point was that it some times seems like people are out there waiting for someone to jump on because they are having a bad day (myself included). James... i agree with what your saying, but if i were to stop working on the project i'm doing know and start modifying my post to get it exactly how I want it,and my boss were to ask me if i was done with the project in a day or two and i'm not.. he would go thru the roof! he wouldn't care that i'm actually making myself more productive in the long run. the biggest problem is my company has a tendency of waiting till the last minute to start on projects so we are always behind the 8 ball with timing constraints. i would love to be able to get my posts tweaked for my tendencies but it's just not realistic for me to spend the time doing it. because what might take someone who knows post language an hour or two to modify would probably take me all day! i'd love to be able to spend my own time working on honing my skills but i work at least 50 hours a week, go to school almost full-time and have a wife and 2 young boys(not to mention coaching HS baseball in the spring). i know, i know we all have our problems. not really an excuse but it is an answer. you also talk alot about your reseller. how close are you to yours? i'm a good 3 hours away. anyways, thanks for the reply. oh yeah, james one more thing: GO IRISH!!!!!!!!
  21. a couple of thoughts... 1. when i first started using MasterCam, i had no idea how much work was involved with modifying posts (probably due to the fact that roger martin was at my dealer at the time and most of the mod's he made for me were quick and easy for him). its, nice that some people can spend hours upon hours modifying posts to get them how they want. i, unfortuneatly (or fortunately depending on how you look at it), don't have the time to do this. now i'm not saying people should be coming on here asking for free posts. but i've also seen people ask where they can get a post for whatever and some people take this opportunity to jump on them for asking for a post. maybe they aren't looking for a free one,and simply telling them to contact their dealer will suffice. 2. believe it or not but some people just aren't aware of the piracy problem of software in general around the world, let alone with MasterCam. I for one,didn't understand the magnitude of the situation until coming on here and reading about it. your probably right 90% of the time when you call out someone on here looking for posts as being pirates, but what about the 10% of people who probably don't want to be using the software in the first place but are giving it a try because the boss wants to see what it can do. should we help them or give them a false sense of what this forum community is all about. if i didn't know better, and read some of the posts on here, i'd probably make a huge mistake and move on to another software. 3. buckethead... how do you get the quote setup the way everyone does it? chances are i'm not the only one who doesn't know! thanks, biss
  22. i noticed philcott talking about a book from charles. Charles can you get me more info on these books? i'm always looking for more reading material to help me with Mcam. also, are there any other books out there that people would recommend for someone trying to increase his knowledge of Mcam? i have taken both classes offered by my local community college and they were taught by someone who had been using Mastercam since before it was even called that. unfortunately, he passed away and now the teacher is really green in the ways of using Mastercam. i feel very fortunate to have had my instructor and would easily compare his knowledge with anyone on this board - james,jayson,etc.(this was in no way a slam on anyone,but rather a huge complement to my deceased mentor). in fact i think he would have fit in this forum perfectly. anyways rest in peace my friend, Jesse Sprayberry. thanks all, josh [ 10-07-2003, 09:04 AM: Message edited by: biss03 ]

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