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Everything posted by biss03

  1. sorry, forgot to mention a few things: i'm currently using 8.1.1 and do not have solids. i do however have mold plus. I've played with moldplus a little but couldn't really find a whole lot. i'll check it out again and see if i can find it. thanks
  2. Here is my dilemma: i've got a 3D surface model of a part that is fairly large. i need to create a 2D print showing the different sides of the part with dimensions relative to each view. what's the best way to go about doing this? here is what i've tried so far: i take and rotate the part so when looking in say the front view, i see every side of the part i want to dimension out. there are lots of holes on the part so i would like to be able to use the create/drafting/dimension/point option. i've set my cplane to front and set my origin where i want the dimensions to come from on one segment of what i'm looking at. the problem comes when i try to use the same way of dimensioning on the other segments. all the "Y"'s are coming from my origin rather than the datum for that segment. i know this is long winded and probably doesn't make any sense, so i'll try and figure out a better way to convey this if anyone needs a better explanation. thanks in advance!
  3. james.. without a doubt you qualify as an original!!!! edit: darn it , mike beat me to it!
  4. four years? amazing! how many have been here since the beginning?
  5. yeah that volo view works great. even with Pro/E, Auto Vue doesn't allow me to export it to an IGES format i can open in MasterCam.
  6. just got the price list.... (i hope i'm not breaking any rules here,but i want to help others out) the cost for the basic version is $400 US and the professional version runs $595 US.
  7. thanks everyone. sorry i forgot to mention i'm still using v8.1.1. i've downloaded a trial version of autovue. it works better for the dxf files anyway. not sure on the price yet though. toolfab.... i'll try getting that off the site. actually 22meg isn't that bad. we have high speed internet now. the autovue download was 70meg and took less than 10 min. thanks again everyone. keep the suggestions flowing.
  8. more and more, i am getting 2D prints to be opened and printed off for quoting purposes. usually they are either in DXF or DWG format. either way, they rarely convert into MasterCam they way they were intended (i.e. things are moved or missing). Is it the way they are exporting the file or is it something with my setup of MasterCam? would it be easier to purchase a 2D reader? if yes, any suggestions? or should i look into getting AutoCad? thanks in advance.
  9. +100000000000000 to Mr. Bond's response.
  10. contact your supplier of bolts and other hardware. some of them have these already drawn on CD in various formats. I got mine in autoCad format on CD from them for free. then you just have to convert them into mastercam and save them where ever you want to. HTH
  11. thanks again thad!! i appreciate your honest replys
  12. here's another option that is popular amongst the smaller shops here in western michigan: visit the larger and mid-size shops (this helps if you know people who work there). tell them you are willing and able to do any type of small quantity runs or service part runs that they don't have time or energy to worry about anymore. this will give you work from them, but also get your name out to the customers they are providing the parts to. any way you slice it, things will be tough. so be persistent and don't give up! good luck to you!!
  13. my bad.. i went back and used it, and to my suprise there was the option for roll form. man your quick, i thought i could get back here before you read it! thanks
  14. Rekd, aren't roll form tapdrill sizes different from cut taps? will your chart account for this?
  15. thad, thanks for sharing those with us. this is probably a stupid question but are those actual photos from a soldier who was there? are the people sending these to you reputable in regards to the legitimacy? i'm sure they are but i thought i'd ask - almost too good to be true that we are seeing actual photos from abroad! thanks again and keep them coming!
  16. of course there is a chance of getting hurt. that goes for on the ice or in a bar. i agree with bullines. trust me, the message has already been sent. but toolfab nailed it - the parents should be the ones teaching right from wrong. a couple of years back in a high school game, we had a parent and older sibling not like a call made by a ref on the ice. so they jumped over the wall and beat the crap out of the guy. what message did this send to the younger sibling?
  17. mackius... by your logic just about everyone in hockey would be banned. trying to harm someone is the name of the game. personally i don't think his intent was to end the guys career or season for that matter. he just landed a better punch then he intended and then EVERYONE piling on caused more damage. i just don't believe this guys intent was malicious. thats like saying Earnarhdt Sr.'s intent was malicious every time he wrecked someone to get by them and win the race.
  18. you guys think 9600 is slow... we run ours at 4800. of course we are using a laptop that is pushing 10 years old and rarely do our programs exceed 1/2 mb. the bottom line is set the machine and pc as high as they will go and still "talk" to each other. we have some older lathes that won't even work at 4800.
  19. man thats fierce out west. here in michigan, i've been coaching baseball in some capacity for the last 7 years and we have only had to make cuts once. it doesn't look like i'll have to this year either. you do make an excellent point that holds true no matter where you are - travel team players are now the rule rather than the exception. millman.... i applaud you for sticking with what you knew was right and not caving in. the bottom line is that your happy. james.. i like your way of thinking. i'm planning on using the same approach with my boys as they grow up and get involved.
  20. couldn't agree more. that problem is rampant whether the dad played professionally or not at all. in fact, as a coach, i see it more often where the kids dad didn't even make his HS team so he's got his kid practicing year round at the various clubs (here in MI it gets cold playing baseball in subzero temps) rather than participating in other sports. boy am i jealous - you guys are already playing and we can't even start practicing until next monday. of course it is only in the low 30's with a windchill in the teens so being out there on the field could be uncomfortable.
  21. james.. good luck to your son! my personal preference is that he succeed in baseball ( i love that game in spite of the steroid talk). either way though i hope he accomplishes his goals and someday his name will be all over the place (in a good way of course).
  22. midnight brings back some bad memories for us wings fans (yet he does make a very good point). "those who live in glass houses shouldn't cast stones" as the saying goes. i'm sure draper has no sympathy for the Avs organization. this incident is similiar to the one a few years back with mcsorley and brasheer (only more severe in my opinion) and i'm sure it will be dealt with accordingly.
  23. i agree with bullines. of course things can be taken too far. but what goes around comes around.
  24. i'm not too familiar with football recruiting but i know baseball is more about potential rather than existing talent. for example, a 5'9" junior throwing mid 80's will not have the same potential as a 6'0" junior throwing mid 80's (according to the experts). as far as getting recruited is concerned, grades are of little value other than to say they won't have problems keeping a passing grade in college. i would have him concentrate on the ACT and SAT tests. those are what really determine if you can play or not (of course i'm not saying don't worry about gpa, i would rather have a smart kid over a talented one any day, well actually i would like both). so what is your gut feeling about his abilities? do you think he has a legitamite shot? by the way, how old is he?

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