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Everything posted by crazy^millman

  1. Got the Shirt and Thanks alot for this. I still think it is a trip I get a shirt from here before ever getting one from the place I work. Crazy Millman Saying Thank You.
  2. Good Eye Roger have not used the MpFadal2 in so long forgot that was in there that way. Crazy Millman
  3. I am sorry I have never had luck telling a drilling operation in one operation drill to different depths using just geomenty is usally doss all the holes with one that is selected verse many different depths in one operation I will have to try that thanks for the tip. Crazy Millman learns something new everyday. Edited:11/06/03 Damn Rekd that is soemthing I have wanted since about the frist week over 2 years ago and alway worte them as seperate operations. I now owe you 2 Starbucks. I was coming buy there last week to make good on the first owed one but got no answer. Soon I hook a brother up. [ 11-06-2003, 12:12 AM: Message edited by: Millman^Crazy ]
  4. Old Number but Welomce to the Forum anyway. Good question I will soemtimes put solids on Different layers or I will use Bounding boxes on Different layes ot create this effect. I also like Solid for most oolpaths but doesnt really matter to me just give me the Geomenty and I will start haking away at it. Crazy Millman
  5. Ok as long as long as we dont start getting Rekd clones running around the forum and jumping through our computers all is good. Ten the enforcer will start saying Hello Mr Anderson!!!! We need to termeaite your program today Rekd Style is all. Crazy Millman
  6. Nominal how would you select the depth for the operation this way? Rekd Cool Tip. Crazy Millman
  7. Well The only Thing i can think of is Maybe trying a sub and then using the sub as the location call and then use different subs for the one operation. I was curious the Okuma doesn't use G98/G99 in these operations. Crazy Millman
  8. Thnaks James for Teaching me soemthing on this one. That book keeps on a Growing I tell you. Crazy Millman If you both Download the Mpmaster post you can see where this in use the copy and paste this into your existing post. I as alway recommned backing up before doing any post mod so if you mess up to bad just start over, Been there done that so just try it and do a little at a time so you can see how things work. [ 11-05-2003, 01:10 PM: Message edited by: Millman^Crazy ]
  9. As long as you dont make me Freaking Trinty then all is good with the world. I am not Morphiues either so dont think about it. Hey who is Neo I know what you can make that is Rat or Tank from the Frist one I know they die but did they die or was it just a dream. Crazy Millman [ 11-05-2003, 01:05 PM: Message edited by: Millman^Crazy ]
  10. Well Rekd after a couple F's on problems in Calculus you start to remember things like that. I guess it was cool cuase our professor would allow us to redo problem if we left things like that out for the first 2 week but after that he gave alot of people F's for things like that. I miss those 2 page problems for one equation. Crazy Millman
  11. Good Going Dave I for one Appericate the help you have given me and promise to keep you from having to lock thread down in the Future on my account. Keep up the good work place wouldn't be the same without you that is for sure. Hey would this even be a place without you? Crazy Millman ok see I got beat to this one humm looks like I will have to start doing these weeks in advance good going Bulliness
  12. Ok guys dont make me break out my 2 year old Daughter's Tricycle and put it up as my Avatar. Hey does anyone smell Hijack. I would also use the my Tplane workoffset and make sure they are all set the same this should keep this from happeing also. Crazy Millman
  13. Well I did not see any toolpaths so I cant be of much help wihtout them sorry. I dont use WCS for different views I use the T-plane and C-plane but pay real close attention to the X axis when doing this cuase it might give you trouble inverting the X back is back in the View but look at X it is not right. Crazy Millman Let the WCS and Tplnae & CCplane games begin again.
  14. I dont think you can do what you are looking for in Mastercam even if you use incremental control you still have different depths and will need to do different operation to achieve that. I may be wrong but think you will not do that all in one operation in Mastercam. I would check your machine and see if it not comping the tip. Some machine will over travel ot give full thread need to see what yours is set at. Crazy Millman
  15. Try Tranform and use the sub with the incremental sub and see if that does it for you. Crazy Millman If you want ot put up an example I will be more than glad to see if I can help you.
  16. +1000 in Mits way to go on most inserts. I will ask are you using through the spindle coolant on this tool. I will also ask if not can up put up coolant ring like a spade bit would use to maybe get coolant at the tip. I might also look at a airblast setup using a mag base and long air nozzel plastic tied on to blow out the whole of all chips. I would also recommned kicking the fpt up I like the old trial by fire method here though any rep comes in running his mouth about a tool I tell to give it to me on a test I run at the Maz recommned for that tool on the Material right out of the box if it passes I keep it if doesnt I hand them back their piece of scrpa metal and tell to have a nice day. Crazy Millman
  17. No I think that is more of a windows thing than anything even if you go to military time it still uses the : I have program set up like this. code: O9999 (03HOLE2) (MC9 FILE - C:2003_MC92905_MC903FLIPPED.MC9) (PROGRAM LOCATION - CNC_DELTANC_PROGRAMS2905_NC03HOLE2.NC) (DATE - OCT-10-03) (TIME - 16:31) (T8 | 1/8 FLAT ENDMILL | H8 | D8 | D0.1250" | | CONTOUR....) G0G17G40G80G90 T8M6( 1/8 FLAT ENDMILL) (MAX | Z.25) (MIN | Z-.1083) I use the colon at the C: and really like thisa layout and again that is a wondows thing I beleive. I hoping if I am brave enough to start toehrs will follow. Good question. Crazy Millman We dont mind helping you fix your post just dont ask us to give you our posts.
  18. I tell you all it is just a dream. Put your tray in the upright postion and prepare for landing. To keep the wool pulled over your eyes we do thing to divert you attention thought you may not see us we are everywhere and we will take control one way or another. Crazy Millman
  19. Did you check the settings on the Screen config for the Arc filter they might be over riding the one you are using in the operations. Crazy Millman
  20. The information that is asked in the HTML Set-up sheet you need to read the Readme that come with the zip files and make sure you have it for use Set in the Configure part of Mastercam or it will not use the Html Setup sheet it will use the standard Mastercam Set file for making a set-up sheet which ok but no where near the Awsome Html. Here is what Mine looks like at this point just the Max-Mins are not right soemthing I am still working on: Well keep plugging away and keep trying and you will be suprised what you can get done. Crazy Millman [ 11-05-2003, 12:38 AM: Message edited by: Millman^Crazy ]
  21. Hey James in the Little time I have been here I know the kinda of person you are no need to explain. Hope tommorrow is better I get to listen to sales and cooridnaters tommorrow about their over promised work so that should be fun. Crazy Millman
  22. Well did you do the Sp2 fro mthe disc or a complete Sp2 disk install with a clean install again just my experiecne dont have mulit places for Mastercam and do a clean install of 9.1sp2 fro mthe Disk and see if that helps. This is just me talking I hope you dont need to but if you keep having problem you might look at backing up all CFGs and OPS and other important thing like tool libaries then do a complete uninstall turn off computer then do a complete reinstall. Again this is just me talking. Crazy Millman
  23. Thad I will be shot down for this but if you have more than one folder for Mastercam 9.1 you are going to keep having this trouble and if you are on a network and storing the cfg file that wya you might be gettign a conflict that way that is giving you this trouble. I recommned and this is just me speaking have only one version of Mastercam installed in one place. I had all kinds of problm like this and things just not doing the right thing. I then backed up everything uninstalled everything turned the computer off again to me inportant and the reinstalled wit hthe 9.1sp2 disk and have not had any problem since i did with the computer at work. I have it dont different at home and have 2 different installs. Mcam9 and Mcam91 and it does fine but od it on a limted bases at home so cant really say if having the same probelm cause it also not on a network and dont do mulit session of Mastercam at home either. Well I would also check that if you do have different folders you dont have backup in any place in the Mcam foler put like in a temp or even burn a Cd and erase them all off that are not needed that are cpoies or extras. Again these are just from what I have done here and they have helped me 1000%. Crazy Millman
  24. I am always put my pride of what I do ahead of everything and if I didnt love making thing and what I do so mcuh I wouldn't do it. I just wish people would realize the important thing in life and money is not it. I just look at the money as a repsect thing is all I do just fine on what they pay me now and would rather spend time with my family but if you take tiem away from my family you need to pay me for it. Been doing the 60-70 hours a week for the last 15 years between either working that many hours or working full time and going to night classes and to a point I want my time and time with my family and think that is not to much to ask and if you need to to more no problem but dont expect me to do it for free. I did get soem of my money for the overtime but not all so looks like A day for here in next week and all will be good wit hthe unverise again. I do have 2 VF2SS coming and talk of a 5 axis so I have to think I am getting through just some task take more time and work that others is all. I again appericate you guys on here you make it a great place and it helps me to help others and helps me to get help from others who I respect and think so highly of. Crazy Millman ten whewwwwwww I do like this for an Avatar also. [ 11-04-2003, 11:05 PM: Message edited by: Millman^Crazy ]
  25. Thing to pay attention on If then is the [] they are very important without them it is not a word equation which what the if then really is if this condition is met then do this line if not the esle is the line that will be output. Good Luck keep playing have fun and dont take life so seriously . Crazy Millman

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