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Everything posted by JParis

  1. The guy I interviewed earlier this week, really seemed like a nice guy, unfortunately, his skill set just wasn't where I need it to be....using X4, all 2D and a bit of 3D programming, No multi-axis, no HMC, no lathe, no probing, no macros,,,,I am not opposed to enhancing a person's skill set but I would need him or whomever, to take the basic lions share of HMC programming. I just don't have the time to wait for someone to have some of the basic skill I need. I'll teach the rest. With me taking on the Additive Manufacturing portion on top of my management duties, my time is currently very thin....I need a person but it has to make sense for all parties.
  2. Modify a copy of the model to add stock where you have it, there use Rest mill...
  3. Hmmm. I have had no such issues with 2023.... Strange indeed
  4. Double check your path to where you are sactually saving the file...
  5. Poster has been reported as a Spammer but someone of the Mods might want to clean up the quote in Ron's post that also has the link...
  6. Right off, I don't want to say that people are being greedy, lord knows I will take what the market will bear, that said, I think there are some people that aren't looking a little bit down the road.... All signs right now point to slow down, I have been doing this long enough to KNOW that when it happens, many of those people eeking out every last cent they can are going to be many of the first people looking elsewhere when that time comes... Some of it is some people rightly climbing to where they really should be, I am referrring to the others that are squeezing every last penny that they can....that is going to come back and bite them, likely in the not too distant future.
  7. While I don;'t want to speak for them. I can tell you I learned a lot from here and I have always tried to give back more than I received.
  8. I suppose that would be part specific.....but just easier to manage when dealing with Rev changes in my experience They are lighter in the toolpath calculation as they are only calculating on the slected surfaces instead of the entire solid as many people just select the whole thing. They are less bulky but I still keep the solid in the file. Tough to say but typcially, create ONLY the surfaces you need off the solid....I find many times I only have to do a bulk creation once or twice...then it's just area that weren't covered in the bulk areas. Only what I need
  9. You're going to be better off doing it that way on this...simple, not too complex parts you can use "Change Recognition" As I end up doing just what you're about to, more than I care to admit....I will "usually" convert and areas that need 3D milling to surfaces.....and only use wireframe to drive paths....this way, I can easiy dump the old solids and go through to see what matches and doesn't with the new geometry.
  10. I'm not...I Know careerwise that limits me but we've worked long to get all of the family into a 25 mile radius...now just need to granddaughter back
  11. Man, what a loaded question.... So much can and does depend on location....your coasts are going to generally pay better than "midlands". That said, I had an interviewee last night that has very rudimentary skills and outdated Mastercam experience....the place he's working at is paying him mid-80's....I have had people in looking for $110-120k....they have a full skill set across multiple machine abilities.... Couple the above with inflation driving costs right now and I have had one shop owner suggest that he's had asks in the $150k range..... I'm not sure in this market that there's a good answer... With what people are asking for and some are getting, it leaves me wondering, "am I being underpaid?"
  12. Won't even tackle the toolpaths themselves... No toolpath notes, descriptions No levels used, nothing named, no notes a zero off in space Ask yourse;lf this question as a programmer... Can anyone follow my file and know what was done?
  13. Typically, if there are issues, it is almost always by someone either not entering the correct info into the offsets or forgetting to change the info in the offsets..That scraps parts which in turn costs $$$ Also, if you're using regrinds in dynamic cutting, you are eventually going to run into a chip clearance issue and clog the endmill, usually breaking and the scrapping the part. Setting thew wrong tool into the program thinking you can use a 3/8's when the program calls for a 3/4 becasue you can type in half the diameter. There are just so many reasons NOT to use Control Comp any longer. That has been discussed ad infintum on this forum on multiple occasions. Friends don't let friends use Control Comp... :)
  14. As most can't open an Educational file it would better serve you if you have an full version file that someone might dog through....
  15. The first rule is there really ain't no rule when you're in no man's land....tell me you're doing that in aluminum and I'll wince, in stainless.....I would plunge out as much as you can, then start wrapping $50 bills around the parts as you start breaking endmills... Low, slow, light cuts and A LOT of them... Mind you, most every part I program here requires a small endmill sticking out further than nature should allow...
  16. Yikes!!! I can only say what I have done in the past, not what you should or shouldn't do.... We're it me, I'd be out of there....the habits that you are going to learn in that shop are going to serve you ill. If there is no one in that shop, including ownership, that does not know better or dare I say, the right way to do things, there is no real way to properly learn. Most "good" machinists will agree that good habits and repeating those habits over and over again are a big key to doing well. Good Luck in whatever your journey brings your way.
  17. Just an observation on my part... I've not used Translate 3D since Dynamic Transform was introduced
  18. Your reseller is the 1st place for that question... The hosts of this site, In-House Solutions are a good source as is Postability...both will require you to go through your reseller
  19. I don't want to throw water on you because honestly, this industry NEEDS motivated individuals. I will preface by saying, what I am about to say may well be my own jaded views of my younger years in job shops. Do "YOU" a favor now....learn how to use cutter compensation, and I am guessing there's a whole lot of more basics that you can hone....do 500, 1000 do a ton of setups so that you can see many different problems that arise.....in that experience, you'll build some cache' you'll earn confidence and most importantly, trust. Learn how to program, learn how to do it well, not just how to slap something together and throw it at a machine...that is not a good programmer. You are in a shop that has gotten into the position it is in by a certain mindset....regardless of an idea, I think you will find it a very difficult road to get anything done in that way at this time. Unless you can convince the powers that be, that it is their idea, you will most likely get a whole lot of lip service and not much more. So I say focus on you!

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