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  1. Hello All. I am using Autocad mechanical 2018. After designing my object in 3D, I am exporting it in stp format for cnc machine (mm dimension). When the step file of the drawing is opened in mastercam, the file opens up in a different scale and not what I have designed. When going for the scaling factor to resize the drawing, there is variation. My object length is 260.00 mm. After importing the step file in mastercam, it shows enlarged/scaled up object. When going for the scaling down, the dimension length that I get comes as 260.102 and not 260.00 mm. Can anyone suggest solution for this? I have attached my autocad files as well as the image of dimension that I am getting after importing the step file in mastercam. source 3d.dwg 1a.stp 1b.stp
  2. Has anyone else run into this? This is a .dxf file of a Nikken SK16C in HSK63. No matter what I do, I can't get rid of the concave face on the nut.
  3. I want to use 3D tools in verify. The Tooling rep said that it is a more accurate representation when in verify. Could someone please help me with achieve this. If you have a library I could use or if you could show me what I am doing wrong, it would be great! I must be missing a step or something. You guys have been fantastic with help and guidance in the past, Please Help. Thank you .
  4. Version 1.0.0

    The CAD Import & Mill Advanced Toolpaths Training Tutorial consists of projects and accompanying practice exercises. It is intended for intermediate to experienced Mastercam users who are primarily importing 3D geometry from another CAD software package. It is strongly recommended to have a good understanding of 2D machining (provided in the Mill Essentials Training Tutorial, for example) before beginning this book. Each project explains how to prepare the imported geometry using levels, how to check for problems in the geometry and how to move the geometry to set the work zero. All of the parts are designed with machinability in mind and include suggested fixtures and tool setups. Clearly laid out objectives and step previews make it easier than ever to follow along. This book covers Surface Finish and Roughing toolpaths with an emphasis put on the advanced Surface High Speed toolpaths. Other topics include STL Stock creation and its use in solid model verification and how to create and manage Stock models in the Toolpath Manager. Machine Simulation is used to check for collisions between the part, the tool and any of the machine’s components.
    From $39.99
  5. Version 1.0.0

    Published by: In-House Solutions Inc. ISBN: 978-1-77146-715-5 The CAD Import & Mill Essentials Toolpaths Training Tutorial is intended for anyone looking to understand the ins and outs of Mastercam Mill Essentials toolpaths, while learning the best practices for importing geometry from various CAD software packages. You will learn how to import AutoCAD, SolidWorks and Parasolid files and create the 2D toolpaths for them in Mastercam. Each tutorial walks you through preparing the imported geometry using levels, shows you how to check for problems in the geometry and how to move the geometry to set the work zero. We also cover tool settings, stock setup, drilling, tapping, contouring, pocketing, circle milling, slot milling, 2D High Speed Toolpaths (such as Dynamic Mill, Area Mill, Dynamic Contour, Peel Mill & Blend Mill) and using the WCS in multiple fixture applications.
    From $39.99
  6. Version 1.0.0


    This sample is in color as it would appear in the eBook version. The print version is greyscale. The CAD Import & Mill Essentials Toolpaths Training Tutorial is intended for anyone looking to understand the ins and outs of Mastercam Mill Essentials toolpaths, while learning the best practices for importing geometry from various CAD software packages. You will learn how to import AutoCAD, SolidWorks and Parasolid files and create the 2D toolpaths for them in Mastercam. Each tutorial walks you through preparing the imported geometry using levels, shows you how to check for problems in the geometry and how to move the geometry to set the work zero. We also cover tool settings, stock setup, drilling, tapping, contouring, pocketing, circle milling, slot milling, 2D High Speed Toolpaths (such as Dynamic Mill, Area Mill, Dynamic Contour, Peel Mill & Blend Mill) and using the WCS in multiple fixture applications.
  7. Version 1.0.0


    This sample is in color as it would appear in the eBook version. The print version is greyscale. The CAD Import & Mill Advanced Toolpaths Training Tutorial consists of projects and accompanying practice exercises. It is intended for intermediate to experienced Mastercam users who are primarily importing 3D geometry from another CAD software package. It is strongly recommended to have a good understanding of 2D machining (provided in the Mill Essentials Training Tutorial, for example) before beginning this book. Each project explains how to prepare the imported geometry using levels, how to check for problems in the geometry and how to move the geometry to set the work zero. All of the parts are designed with machinability in mind and include suggested fixtures and tool setups. Clearly laid out objectives and step previews make it easier than ever to follow along. This book covers Surface Finish and Roughing toolpaths with an emphasis put on the advanced Surface High Speed toolpaths. Other topics include STL Stock creation and its use in solid model verification and how to create and manage Stock models in the Toolpath Manager. Machine Simulation is used to check for collisions between the part, the tool and any of the machine’s components.
  8. Version 1.0.0


    This sample is in color as it appears in the eBooks version. The print version is grey scale. The CAD Import & Mill Essentials Toolpaths Training Tutorial (METRIC) is intended for anyone looking to understand the ins and outs of Mastercam Mill Essentials toolpaths, while learning the best practices for importing geometry from various CAD software packages. You will learn how to import AutoCAD, SolidWorks and Parasolid files and create the 2D toolpaths for them in Mastercam. Each tutorial walks you through preparing the imported geometry using levels, shows you how to check for problems in the geometry and how to move the geometry to set the work zero. We also cover tool settings, stock setup, drilling, tapping, contouring, pocketing, circle milling, slot milling, 2D High Speed Toolpaths (such as Dynamic Mill, Area Mill, Dynamic Contour, Peel Mill & Blend Mill) and using the WCS in multiple fixture applications.
  9. Version 1.0.0


    This sample is in color as it appears in the eBooks version. The print version is grey scale. The CAD Import & Mill Advanced Toolpaths Training Tutorial (METRIC) consists of projects and accompanying practice exercises. It is intended for intermediate to experienced Mastercam users who are primarily importing 3D geometry from another CAD software package. It is strongly recommended to have a good understanding of 2D machining (provided in the Mill Essentials Training Tutorial, for example) before beginning this book. Each project explains how to prepare the imported geometry using levels, how to check for problems in the geometry and how to move the geometry to set the work zero. All of the parts are designed with machinability in mind and include suggested fixtures and tool setups. Clearly laid out objectives and step previews make it easier than ever to follow along. This book covers Surface Finish and Roughing toolpaths with an emphasis put on the advanced Surface High Speed toolpaths. Other topics include STL Stock creation and its use in solid model verification and how to create and manage Stock models in the Toolpath Manager. Machine Simulation is used to check for collisions between the part, the tool and any of the machine’s components.
  10. Version 1.0.0


    This sample is in color as it appears in the eBooks version. The print version is grey scale. The CAD Import & Mill Advanced Toolpaths Training Tutorial consists of projects and accompanying practice exercises. It is intended for intermediate to experienced Mastercam users who are primarily importing 3D geometry from another CAD software package. It is strongly recommended to have a good understanding of 2D machining (provided in the Mill Essentials Training Tutorial, for example) before beginning this book. Each project explains how to prepare the imported geometry using levels, how to check for problems in the geometry and how to move the geometry to set the work zero. All of the parts are designed with machinability in mind and include suggested fixtures and tool setups. Clearly laid out objectives and step previews make it easier than ever to follow along. This book covers Surface Finish and Roughing toolpaths with an emphasis put on the advanced Surface High Speed toolpaths. Other topics include STL Stock creation and its use in solid model verification and how to create and manage Stock models in the Toolpath Manager. Machine Simulation is used to check for collisions between the part, the tool and any of the machine’s components.
  11. Version 1.0.0


    This sample is in color as it appears in the eBooks version. The print version is grey scale. The CAD Import & Mill Essentials Toolpaths Training Tutorial is intended for anyone looking to understand the ins and outs of Mastercam Mill Essentials toolpaths, while learning the best practices for importing geometry from various CAD software packages. You will learn how to import AutoCAD, SolidWorks and Parasolid files and create the 2D toolpaths for them in Mastercam. Each tutorial walks you through preparing the imported geometry using levels, shows you how to check for problems in the geometry and how to move the geometry to set the work zero. We also cover tool settings, stock setup, drilling, tapping, contouring, pocketing, circle milling, slot milling, 2D High Speed Toolpaths (such as Dynamic Mill, Area Mill, Dynamic Contour, Peel Mill & Blend Mill) and using the WCS in multiple fixture applications.
  12. Mastercam 2017 CAD Import Mill Essentials Toolpaths Tutorial Metric SAMPLE (PDF) View File Details coming soon Submitter DanielGingras Submitted 06/07/2017 Category Training Tutorials (Metric)  
  13. Mastercam 2017 CAD Import Mill Advanced Toolpaths Tutorial Metric SAMPLE (PDF) View File Details coming soon Submitter DanielGingras Submitted 06/07/2017 Category Training Tutorials (Metric)  
  14. Mastercam 2017 CAD Import Mill Essentials Toolpaths Tutorial SAMPLE (PDF) View File Details coming soon Submitter DanielGingras Submitted 06/07/2017 Category Training Tutorials (Imperial)  
  15. Mastercam 2017 CAD Import Mill Advanced Toolpaths Tutorial SAMPLE (PDF) View File Details coming soon Submitter DanielGingras Submitted 06/07/2017 Category Training Tutorials (Imperial)  
  16. The CAD Import & Mill Essentials Toolpaths Training Tutorial (METRIC) is intended for anyone looking to understand the ins and outs of Mastercam Mill Essentials toolpaths, while learning the best practices for importing geometry from various CAD software packages. You will learn how to import AutoCAD, SolidWorks and Parasolid files and create the 2D toolpaths for them in Mastercam. Each tutorial walks you through preparing the imported geometry using levels, shows you how to check for problems in the geometry and how to move the geometry to set the work zero. We also cover tool settings, stock setup, drilling, tapping, contouring, pocketing, circle milling, slot milling, 2D High Speed Toolpaths (such as Dynamic Mill, Area Mill, Dynamic Contour, Peel Mill & Blend Mill) and using the WCS in multiple fixture applications.
    From $39.99
  17. The CAD Import & Mill Advanced Toolpaths Training Tutorial (METRIC) consists of projects and accompanying practice exercises. It is intended for intermediate to experienced Mastercam users who are primarily importing 3D geometry from another CAD software package. It is strongly recommended to have a good understanding of 2D machining (provided in the Mill Essentials Training Tutorial, for example) before beginning this book. Each project explains how to prepare the imported geometry using levels, how to check for problems in the geometry and how to move the geometry to set the work zero. All of the parts are designed with machinability in mind and include suggested fixtures and tool setups. Clearly laid out objectives and step previews make it easier than ever to follow along. This book covers Surface Finish and Roughing toolpaths with an emphasis put on the advanced Surface High Speed toolpaths. Other topics include STL Stock creation and its use in solid model verification and how to create and manage Stock models in the Toolpath Manager. Machine Simulation is used to check for collisions between the part, the tool and any of the machine’s components.
    From $39.99
  18. The CAD Import & Mill Advanced Toolpaths Training Tutorial consists of projects and accompanying practice exercises. It is intended for intermediate to experienced Mastercam users who are primarily importing 3D geometry from another CAD software package. It is strongly recommended to have a good understanding of 2D machining (provided in the Mill Essentials Training Tutorial, for example) before beginning this book. Each project explains how to prepare the imported geometry using levels, how to check for problems in the geometry and how to move the geometry to set the work zero. All of the parts are designed with machinability in mind and include suggested fixtures and tool setups. Clearly laid out objectives and step previews make it easier than ever to follow along. This book covers Surface Finish and Roughing toolpaths with an emphasis put on the advanced Surface High Speed toolpaths. Other topics include STL Stock creation and its use in solid model verification and how to create and manage Stock models in the Toolpath Manager. Machine Simulation is used to check for collisions between the part, the tool and any of the machine’s components.
    From $39.99
  19. The CAD Import & Mill Essentials Toolpaths Training Tutorial is intended for anyone looking to understand the ins and outs of Mastercam Mill Essentials toolpaths, while learning the best practices for importing geometry from various CAD software packages. You will learn how to import AutoCAD, SolidWorks and Parasolid files and create the 2D toolpaths for them in Mastercam. Each tutorial walks you through preparing the imported geometry using levels, shows you how to check for problems in the geometry and how to move the geometry to set the work zero. We also cover tool settings, stock setup, drilling, tapping, contouring, pocketing, circle milling, slot milling, 2D High Speed Toolpaths (such as Dynamic Mill, Area Mill, Dynamic Contour, Peel Mill & Blend Mill) and using the WCS in multiple fixture applications.
    From $39.99
  20. Version 1.0

    The CAD Import & Mill Essentials Toolpaths Training Tutorial is intended for anyone looking to understand the ins and outs of Mastercam Mill Essentials toolpaths, while learning the best practices for importing geometry from various CAD software packages. You will learn how to import AutoCAD, SolidWorks and Parasolid files and create the 2D toolpaths for them in Mastercam. Each tutorial walks you through preparing the imported geometry using levels, shows you how to check for problems in the geometry and how to move the geometry to set the work zero. We also cover tool settings, stock setup, drilling, tapping, contouring, pocketing, circle milling, slot milling, 2D High Speed Toolpaths (such as Dynamic Mill, Area Mill, Dynamic Contour, Peel Mill & Blend Mill) and using the WCS in multiple fixture applications.
    From $39.99
  21. Version 1.0

    The CAD Import & Mill Advanced Toolpaths Training Tutorial consists of projects and accompanying practice exercises. It is intended for intermediate to experienced Mastercam users who are primarily importing 3D geometry from another CAD software package. It is strongly recommended to have a good understanding of 2D machining (provided in the Mill Essentials Training Tutorial, for example) before beginning this book. Each project explains how to prepare the imported geometry using levels, how to check for problems in the geometry and how to move the geometry to set the work zero. All of the parts are designed with machinability in mind and include suggested fixtures and tool setups. Clearly laid out objectives and step previews make it easier than ever to follow along. This book covers Surface Finish and Roughing toolpaths with an emphasis put on the advanced Surface High Speed toolpaths. Other topics include STL Stock creation and its use in solid model verification and how to create and manage Stock models in the Toolpath Manager. Machine Simulation is used to check for collisions between the part, the tool and any of the machine’s components.
    From $39.99
  22. Version 1.0

    The CAD Import & Mill Essentials Toolpaths Training Tutorial (METRIC) is intended for anyone looking to understand the ins and outs of Mastercam Mill Essentials toolpaths, while learning the best practices for importing geometry from various CAD software packages. You will learn how to import AutoCAD, SolidWorks and Parasolid files and create the 2D toolpaths for them in Mastercam. Each tutorial walks you through preparing the imported geometry using levels, shows you how to check for problems in the geometry and how to move the geometry to set the work zero. We also cover tool settings, stock setup, drilling, tapping, contouring, pocketing, circle milling, slot milling, 2D High Speed Toolpaths (such as Dynamic Mill, Area Mill, Dynamic Contour, Peel Mill & Blend Mill) and using the WCS in multiple fixture applications.
    From $39.99
  23. Version 1.0

    The CAD Import & Mill Advanced Toolpaths Training Tutorial (METRIC) consists of projects and accompanying practice exercises. It is intended for intermediate to experienced Mastercam users who are primarily importing 3D geometry from another CAD software package. It is strongly recommended to have a good understanding of 2D machining (provided in the Mill Essentials Training Tutorial, for example) before beginning this book. Each project explains how to prepare the imported geometry using levels, how to check for problems in the geometry and how to move the geometry to set the work zero. All of the parts are designed with machinability in mind and include suggested fixtures and tool setups. Clearly laid out objectives and step previews make it easier than ever to follow along. This book covers Surface Finish and Roughing toolpaths with an emphasis put on the advanced Surface High Speed toolpaths. Other topics include STL Stock creation and its use in solid model verification and how to create and manage Stock models in the Toolpath Manager. Machine Simulation is used to check for collisions between the part, the tool and any of the machine’s components.
    From $39.99
  24. I'm dealing with the issues of large file sizes. I planed to use the CHook SectionNCI.DLL, but I am unable to find how to select Chooks within Mastercam for Solidworks 2017.( [Alt]+[C] does nothing ) So as an alternative I am trying to use the default Mastercam 2017. In MC2017 I am unable to find a way to import the sectioned NCI. Backin the days of X9 it was TOOLPATHS>IMPORT NCI. Where can I find this for Mastercam 2017? Trying to just stick with Mastercam for Solidworks 2017 How do I do any of this in that addon?
  25. Version 1.0


    This is a sample PDF. For more information on this title, visit the store or download the file above. The following sample is presented in colour as it would appear in the eBook version of this title. Print versions are printed greyscale.

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