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Tool library speeds and feeds documentation?


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Hello Forum Members. Has anyone found a way to quickly output the speeds and feeds of tools in library files in Mastercam? I did a search and found related topics on the .doc files and .txt files we're all familiar with from the tool lists and libraries in Mcam but none of them will output the speeds and feeds in a relatively easy way to understand. The .txt file will output all the information necessary, but you would have to be able to discern what the speeds and feeds are from the .NCI-like output. I don't want our customer to have to do all that. I suppose what I'm asking for is much like a Setup Sheet style printout from a tool library, without the need to produce operations. Perhaps someone who has developed VBS scripting has something that will do this easily. TIA.

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That was my original thought but it relies on producing operations, very much like the Graphical Setup Sheet in Mcam already. I was hoping for something that would produce the same type of output, only using the tool library as input instead of operations. It may require importing of the .txt file into Excell. I just don't think that's exactly what my customer wants. The .doc files don't output speeds and feeds or they would be work fine. Hope this clarifies things. cheers.gif

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There's nothing to be sorry about. biggrin.gif This just may be something that won't be available for a while. I could call CNC Sfotware and ask someone there but I know they're busy with the schedule for Mcam X. Thanks for the thought though. cheers.gif

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Well Peter, if I would had taken the time to read your 1st. post probely, you would not have to waste your time explaining your self. Now were I read it the 3rd. time , I got to say you make yourself pretty clear.

(Me and english bonk.gif )


Now I am thinking eek.gif

Why not give them the txt or doc file, and they can import it to Mcam, then they would not onely get your feeds and speeds, but also your depth of cut and step over. I have found as being pretty green in the milling that feeds and speed are realtive easy to figure out, or at least get a range, it is the two other factors that you only get by experience.



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If there's no one else who will chime in here about this, or has any other ideas, I will call CNC Software and ask them if there's an easier way to print out the Speeds and Feeds of Mcam library tools.




I appreciate your thoughts on this issue. Apparently it can't be done simply at this time. Thanks for your input and ideas. cheers.gif

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Rekd probably has a way. Seeing how he has MC do everything but put the cream and sugar in his coffee. But hey, at least he had MC make the coffee! biggrin.gif Haven't seen him around much lately though. I hope all is well.



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Did you try this:


Go to Job setup, and in the Tool Manager, click on Tools, then right click anywhere in white space of the Tool Manager and click on Detail Doc files . . . This will give you all info on tools. If it is too much info, maybe it can be modified. You don't need any operation to do this.



I don't know how to modified the file it uses, but if you find out, send me an email. Thanks





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Yes I tried that and unfortunately it doesn't give me the Speeds and Feeds from the tools. Thanks for the replies however. I was sort of hoping someone like Mick, the VBS guru from Mcam, would pipe in with something that either does this now, or could whip up something quick to handle it. Don't know if they're watching this topic however. biggrin.gif




LOL I guess I'll just have to wait until Rekd gets his coffee before I get a response from him. biggrin.gif


[ 05-24-2004, 10:12 AM: Message edited by: Peter Scott ]

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Are you using Doc files . . . or Detail Doc file . . . ??



This is what I get when using Detail Doc files . . . (only one tool shown here)



Tool Number = 7

Tool Type = Chfr Mill

Tool name = OSG HyPro 45 deg chamfer tool

Diameter = 0.500000

Radius Type = None

Corner Radius = 0.000000

Threads = 0.000000

Tip Angle = 45.000000

Dia. offset number = 37

Length offset number = 7

Feed rate = 12.000000

Plunge rate = 12.000000

Retract rate = 12.000000

Spindle speed = 6000

Number of flutes = 1

% of Matl. SFM = 0.000000

% of Matl. Feed/Tooth = 0.000000

Coolant = Mist

Material = Carbide


Required pilot dia. = 0.000000

Flute length = 1.000000

Overall length = 2.000000

Shoulder length = 1.200000

Shank Diameter = 0.500000

Holder dia. = 2.000000

Holder length = 1.000000

Spindle rotation = CW

Manufacturer's tool code =

Chuck =

Metric Values = No

Rough step XY (%) = 0.000000

Rough step Z (%) = 0.000000

Finish step XY (%) = 0.000000

Finish step Z (%) = 0.000000

Outside dia. = 0.025000





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My apologies! "D'Oh!!" That's what I was looking for. I read you're post reply too quickly and thought you said ".Doc file" not "Detailed .doc file". That does produce an awful lot of information though. I wonder if there's a way to limit it to just certain types of information? I suppose therer's a .txt file that lists exactly what the "det. doc file" outputs. Thanks for the reply. biggrin.gif

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Hello Peter,


I'm working on a new c-hook called tlist. It is not finished yet. I want to add more functions, HTML output, EXCEL output, eventually import and export from toollibrary to toolibrary.

Like I said it is not finished yet, but you can do alrady a lot of things. You can drag and drop the column headers, you can automatically size the columns. You can sort by every column ascending/descending. Load the tools from libraries or mc9 files.


The c-hook is on the ftp in the chooks folder.


Any suggestions and comments are welcome.


Attention, the c-hook is in german, but I can make a english translation when finished.

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I did miss this posting biggrin.gif


Anyway heres a quick and dirty script, I only spent 20 minutes on it but you should be able to take it from here.





'// Author: Mick George [email protected]

'// Date: 01/06/2004 02:24 PM

'// File Name: StripToolInfo.vbs


'// Description: Reads a Toolist.doc file and strips out some tooling info to a text file


'// Comments: quick and dirty, no real error handling and no nice formatting




' -- Start Script

Call Main()



' ////////////////////

' Sub Declaration

' ////////////////////

Sub Main()


Dim strTools

Dim strReport

Dim strLineItem

Dim strLineResult


' -- Prompt for detailed tool doc file

If AskForFileName("*.doc", mcFILE_ACCESS_READ, strTools) Then


' -- Iterate the file and strip each tool + speed + feed info

strReport = "C:ToolsReport.txt"


Dim FSO, fsoFile, fsoReport


Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")


Set fsoFile = FSO.OpenTextFile(strTools)

Set fsoReport = FSO.CreateTextFile(strReport)


With fsoFile


Do While Not .AtEndOfStream


strLineItem = .ReadLine


Call WriteString("Reading line " & strLineItem)


If Len(Trim(strLineItem)) > 0 Then


strLineResult = Split(strLineItem, "=")


If IsArray(strLineResult) Then


Select Case Trim(strLineResult(0))


Case "Tool Number"

fsoReport.WriteLine strLineItem


Case "Tool Type"

fsoReport.WriteLine strLineItem


Case "Tool Name"

fsoReport.WriteLine strLineItem


Case "Diameter"

fsoReport.WriteLine strLineItem


Case "Feed rate"

fsoReport.WriteLine strLineItem


Case "Spindle speed"

fsoReport.WriteLine strLineItem

fsoReport.WriteBlankLines (1)



End Select


End If


End If




End With





Call WriteString("")


Call EditFile(strReport)



End If



End Sub

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Mick much thanks.


Peter this is about the 4th or 5th time I seen almost the same question funny thing is last time I said a script might work and then here comes the VB guy to do such a thing. Very cool and see some things I have not seen before thanks to Mick wink.gifwink.gif so this just got added to my books one copy goes to Mastercma and one copy goes to VB.


Coooooool Beaaaaannnnnnnn.



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  • 3 months later...


Have anyone hear about piece of program, (example,visual basic) which creates a lot of same kind of tools by simple way. Example drills from D: 1.0 mm to 10.0 mm counting new diameter after every tenth of millimeter. only thing you need to do is change lenght and some machining values. Could it be done to create a text file, which is possible to convert to MCam tool file??


Need to create hundreds of drills and taps for different raw materials.

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Hi Winnie.


Cheers for your help. cheers.gif

As you see, I am novice with MCam. Just first week using it, but I have been using DC++ and thought that is it same sharing with professonal tasks, so I tried... and a match, working great. Hope to learn more soon and get available to give my own share to push this forum.


Sorry my feeble language curse.gif , born in sauna in the midle of nowhere. confused.gif Asking more soon....

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