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O/T Clinton memoir's book


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Guest CNC Apps Guy 1

I have no desire to do read cigar boy's drivel. Instead of a book tour, he should be going to hunt for Osama himself.


Check this out, I was watching BBC news las night and this Brit was LAYING INTO HIM big time with the really tough questions, you could see his jaw clinching and everything. It was great. cheers.gif to the BBC. None of the frickin' media over here that he'll interview with will stand up to him. Frickin' wussies!!!!!! curse.gif

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Guest CNC Apps Guy 1


...They think a signed copy will be valuable some day...

They won't live long enough... anybody know what a signed anything from say George Washington goes for these days? How about Thomas Jefferson???

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the BBC rocks, it's my choice for news as it is most unbiased

Actually the BBC's coverage of the Iraq War has caused a major upheaval in the managment of the BBC. Some of the upper managment was forced to apoligize and resign by the British Courts due to biased and "factually incorrect" coverage of the war. Their reporting actually drove an ex UN weapons inspector to suicide.

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I listen to the BBC here when working late at the shop, and some very interesting perspectives....



Instead of a book tour, he should be going to hunt for Osama himself.

What's the matter? Not satisfied with Georgie's W's results in finding the MASTERMIND OF 9/11? biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

Me neither.


Oh, saw a great bumper sticker yesterday...

"No one died when Clinton lied".

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With a subtitle of course...


"nobody died when I lied"




he had him once but let him go do think that he could get him the second time i think NOT

Well it was'nt under his watch that the entire bin laden clan was put on a charter plane and flown out of the U.S. the day after 9/11, either...

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Guest CNC Apps Guy 1


...What's the matter? Not satisfied with Georgie's W's results in finding the MASTERMIND OF 9/11?...

Actually, I want him to disappear, then reappear on Aljazeera in two pieces if you know what I mean. eek.gif And yes I mean it. Never in my life have I seen someone as morally bankrupt act so piously(sp?), dragged the office of the presidency through the mud, treated the White House like a frat house... he shoudl have been hanged, and if he would have pulled that crap 100 years ago, he would have been impeached, damn turncoat Republicans that did not vote for impeachment curse.gifcurse.gifcurse.gifcurse.gif



...I expected some sort of reply, but nada.

What's up with that???...

Typical liberals turning a blind eye to their leader's faults. The Democraps practically sainted cigar boy, he can do no wrong, he was the subject of a "Vast Right-Wing COnspiracy".... rolleyes.gif

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I got this message from Iskander today :


" I will stay away from politics ,Middle East crisis and Clinton role in it .

I want you to have a look on him through my eyes ,the man with STRONG ASIAN MENTALITY .

He made of himself a joke to the whole Asia and half of the rest of the world .

Here a Man walks through life debris with proudly raised head ,with self-respect and dignity ,that he is a Man ,not some male primate .

For me ,the Asian man,the most humiliating thing if someone would call me a Coward and Liar .

I would respect him if he would say that this was his private life and not a friggin` business of anyone and retired.

He made of himself and USA a laugh and made so big damage,that it will last at least many decades.

ANd I not mentioned ,what for me means respect to WOMAN .

I said enough ...."


Teh Iskander voice

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Well it was'nt under his watch that the entire bin laden clan was put on a charter plane and flown out of the U.S. the day after 9/11, either...

I always love the democratic slant on this.. The Bin Laden clan as you put it were family members in the boston area who not only have nothing to do with their brother but condemn his actions and feel he is a disgrace on the family name. With that stated they left this country out of safety concerns of what the american public might do to them when it was realized they were related ...


What you have to understand is the sheer size of that family ..isn't there in the area of 50 siblings? Anyone here ever had a brother or sister that was in trouble while other siblings were law abiding? Don't condemn the whole family for the actions of 1 moron who happens to carry the family name .. worry about the people who follow said moron and believe in his cause ....then elimnate every last one of those people .,...

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I always love the democratic slant on this.. The Bin Laden clan as you put it were family members in the boston area who not only have nothing to do with their brother but condemn his actions and feel he is a disgrace on the family name.


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Not that I condone any 'likeness' to France, but I thought this was interesting..



France and America Reach Agreement: Clinton Book Is Bad


French reviewers kiss off Clinton's autobiography as "indigestible, indulgent and superficial," while the French public appears interested only in the chapter on Monica Lewinsky...

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G-code, it took me a while to respond to your links on the 9/11 thread, as they were pretty long and I had to wait until last night to read them. Personally, I have to split a bit from Jack on this one, as I think that the Slate review seemed pretty well researched, though I disagree with your assessment of Slate as being a 'liberal' magazine. There are plenty of news sources that often display a 'conservative' slant, but I would not broadly dismiss them as biased simply because I disagree with them.


In reality, most news sources have the same bias, which is simply sensationalism. If it bleeds, it leads, and if people complain, then they must be watching. The political agenda is secondary to the ratings agenda.


I have seen all of Michael Moore's films, and I am looking forward to seeing Farenheit 9/11, but I consider Moore to be an entertainer instead of a journalist. He is not at all unbiased, as he himself openly admits, and his films have a definite partisan agenda. For me, he is simply a liberal antidote to the equally biased, partisan, and unfounded rantings of Rush, O'Reilly, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, and so many others.


What I would point out to you is that none of the conservative blowhards mentioned above qualify as news journalists, according to the FCC. Their shows are entertainment, and that is how they avoid both fairness and accuracy rules, and equal-time laws. Simply put, they have chosen entertainment value over accuracy and accountability. Michael Moore fits right in with this group. None of them should be considered a reliable news source, whether you happen to agree with them or not.


Oh, and James:


Never in my life have I seen someone as morally bankrupt act so piously(sp?), dragged the office of the presidency through the mud, treated the White House like a frat house... he shoudl have been hanged, and if he would have pulled that crap 100 years ago, he would have been impeached


Word for word, this is what I and many others (Democrats and Republicans) think of George W Bush.

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I will not disagree with anyone who says GWB has faults but the assertion that the media isn't biased is plain naive. If it were true and the media was truly unbiased you’d see more left leaning academics studying the phenomena and using the results to counter this assertion. But you don't. Know why? Because they know the outcome before they even have to do one iota of research and or will not release results of those studies when the information doesn't fit their agenda.


Take the time to read a study out of UCLA and Stanford that I was made aware of recently. It’s long but thourough and I’d recommend reading it before making another claim of a “non-bias” in the media in regards to Conservative/Liberal, Democrat/Republican issues.



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Guest CNC Apps Guy 1


...Word for word, this is what I and many others (Democrats and Republicans) think of George W Bush...

OMG!!!!! eek.gif Please step away from the crack pipe!!!! You're going ot hurt yourself. I am not naive enough to believe GW is without fault. He's set some policies I wholeheartedly disagree with but, morally bankrupt he is not, dragging the office of the presidency through the mud he has not done, people in the Bush White house traet the house with the dignity and respect it deserves.


Mark, I truly beileve you have lost your mind sorry to say. GW can't even begin to hold a candle to the lunacy that Cigar Boy and his ilk brought to the White House. Man.... :shakehead:

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