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Reaming Operations Combined


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Ok this is problay a stupid question but I will ask it anyway. I have used machines that if you called up a reaming cycle, tapping cycle, or etc.... that it would incorprate the center drill the drill and then the tap or reamer in one unit. Is there a away to get mastercam to do that? It would be great to have it automatically do three operations using the same entites or point to do this. I know the old cut and paste.


While I am asking stupid questions about Mastercam is there a finish operation tab for contour like for pocekts operations?


Crazy Millman

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Hi Crazy,

you have the auto drill that would do something as you mentionned (I guess you're refering to Mazak) where you can spot drill (and also chamfer at the same time) drill (even step drill) and then tap or ream, it's under toolpath-next menu-circ tlpths-auto drill, just one thing I'd tell you to be carefull is that if you set the depth at -1.00 it'll tap at -1.00 and if your hole is blind I guess you know what'll happen. 2nd for the finish operation for contour you could probably do something decent using the multipass tab. HTH!


Simon cool.gif

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Thanks guys for the replies. I know about the multipass just sometimes I like to Rough out all of my contours with one tool and then finish wit ha second to get better finishs on my parts. So when I have 2 operation I get that desired effect but with the mulitpass you dont. For the secone result.


I seen the auotdrill just thought it automatically picked all the point verses you picking them is all.


Well see if you think that it is not broken dont fix-it then how do you find things like that out.


Yeah I know the Mazak's May^Day we could get a whole thing going on them again but I will pass.


Crazy Millman

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Hi crazy millman,

As usual James not only beat me to the punch,but is also correct.

This is what I do too.

I have placed a folder on the ftp in the mc9 folder called drill-tap ops.

(sorry Jay,I wasn't sure where to put it)

Inside this folder are (3) .op9 files.

Put them into your mcam/mill/ops folder.(only if you wish)

I have most of your common drill/tap and clearance/c.bore for soc. head cap screws.

All you have to do is "import" the operations (that you need)into you op. manager and pick your geometry.

I do not believe that I have any ream stuff though,but it is very easy to create you own ops.

Give it a shot,I think you might like it. wink.gif

Hope this helps. cheers.gif

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I know about the multipass just sometimes I like to Rough out all of my contours with one tool and then finish wit ha second to get better finishs on my parts. So when I have 2 operation I get that desired effect but with the mulitpass you dont.

I like to do this too. What I do is:


- Create my roughing operations.

- Select them.

- Copy and Paste.

- Change the tool, turn off Multi Pass, and set XY stock to leave to 0.

- Regen.


Saves a lot of time.


Another option is to put ROUGH or FINISH in the operation comment (so you can tell which is which), then use drag-and-drop to reorder the operations so I finish with one tool before I pick up the next.

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The Wiley E. Coyote never likes what he could have he only wanted the untouchable. If it were meant to be easy then everyone would do it. I guess some of us just like the challange.


Thad thanks for the Email and great to get goodies I will Zip up the ones I got and send them your way. I just wanted to thank you in here and give you the props you deserve.


Crazy Millman

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There's a few tricks to do what you want. The one I prefer requires you to have your center drill, drill & reamer operations already saved in a library and goes like this:




1 - Start a drill operation and pick your points.


2 - On the first page of the drill parameters, right click in the tool list pane. Select Get operations from library...


3 - Select your center drilling, drilling, reaming, etc operations from the library and hit OK.


4 - Say NO to the Import/add the operation groups also? question.


5 - Say NO to the Retain depth values of merged points? question.


Unknown the the user (that's you), the system has now created a new operation for each operation you selected to import and they all share the same points.


6 - Select the OK button (without having to fill in any other parameters).


7 - Say NO to the Create the current operation in addition to the ones you have imported? question.


*** You now have operations that all share the same points. This is very powerful as you can execute this method and share geometry on ANY type (drill, msurf, etc) of existing operation at any time and import any operation from any library or other Mastercam MC9 file. ***





1 - Create your first drilling operation (let's say it's the center drilling one) like you usually would.


2 - Create your next drilling operation, but instead of select point geometry, select the Subpgm ops option.


3 - Select the center drilling operation that you created in step #1 from the list and hit OK .


4 - Fill in your parameters like normal and hit OK .


*** Your second operation is now associated and shares the same points as the first operation. Change/delete a point in the first operation and regenerate and the second operation will regenerate also. ***





1 - In the operation manager, create a new operation group (or use an empty one that contains no operations).


2 - Import your center drill, drill & reamer operations from your library into this new group.


3 - Edit the geometry for the first operation and add your points. Select OK .


4 - In the operation manager drag the points from the geometry branch of the first operation to the group name. Select the Replace option.


*** This deletes all the geometry from all the operations in the group (which there was none in all but the first operation anyway) and stuffs in the points from the first operation. ***

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Hey Brendan


1) Where the hell did you get the name; anyway? I've been meaning to ask.


2) Your friggin animation is bogging down my connection




how's the haggis business?


Hey Crazy; a little of the pot calling the kettle black with the names thing; no?




[ 09-02-2003, 02:11 PM: Message edited by: chris m ]

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Fatty, I don't think you took what he said the right way.


Sounds to me like he had a name similar to that when HE was growing up, or something along those lines.. Unless I didn't see what he wrote before the edit.




[ 09-02-2003, 02:27 PM: Message edited by: Rekd ]

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Ok Fatty McButterpants or Morning Wood since you changed it back. I mean this and will say it clear so you understand. We are all grown men and women around here. I think your references are very imature and un called for in here. If you want to go talk in a chat room where that is a good way to try to talk to women then please use them. The last time I checked it was forum about Mastercam and Machining with the sometimes O/T. I could really care less about the Fatty in the Butter Pants of the Fact you have a wood in the Morning.


As far as calling the kettle Black I do crazy thing and make crazy parts in crazy ways always have always will. I am a 1st class machininst but like doing complex 3axis ,4axis, and 5axis parts. Thinh this is very cool stuff and love doing it so some people call me crazy for that. So do I think the name fits the Mastercam forum HELL yes. Do I think so stupid name in a mostly Men forum refering to someone's Man-hood is very suspect!!!!


Crazy Millman


PS for those of your not on the forum this weekend Fatty McButter Pants had up Morning Wood and that was the name I was refering to for reference. The orignal post is what it looked like minus the edit. But the names still have nothing to do with Mastercam or Machining. I was thanking you for your post Fatty, but then you changed your name to Morning Wood thus I was not edting my post to refer to that name. It would just seem werid for the psot to be thanking fatty when that name was not even in the thread.

So Rekd has the popcorn.


Added(If the world was not so able to accept things that may be suspect or that could be better worded then imainge hom much we could allow our kids to watch on TV. Got this question to all of those who have kids since you like the name tell you kids to call their teacher by those great names or better yet just let them call you by them names in public places.)


[ 09-03-2003, 12:32 AM: Message edited by: Millman^crazy ]

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