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Kelly Burns

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Everything posted by Kelly Burns

  1. quote: Do you mean , Name the NC file the same as the MCX file ? If so than , Yes. Post/save as
  2. Not really sure what your question is. If you are unsure the files are being saved do a search on your computer to see if they are in fact there. When you are trying to open your files, is the bottom scroll down bar specified on the type of file you want?
  3. Dug into the X trench about 4 weeks ago and havent used 9 since. Yes, the first week was mostly unproductive, but now its become pretty fluent.
  4. Try slowing your Baud rate down? Our Haas machines could DNC @ 115,000 but we have one older VFE that is quircky and doesnt act the same as the rest of the newer ones. If you can send a hard prgm. to the machine your cable should be ok.
  5. Maybe it is a slide, hard to tell from the picture. So which is it, Van Halen or Robert Johnson?
  6. C'mon, fingertapping went out ten years ago. Drop it down to low A and make some angry fiddle noise! Rock on.
  7. Dont forget about the use of the autocursor as well. You can turn on and off what you do and dont need as you go so you dont have to scroll all over the country to find what you need.
  8. You do have that option there. Expand the dialogue box where you are picking the chain prompt. You'll see a partial setting in there. Click it and you can chain single entities.
  9. Yeah, they are totally locked out untill I restart the sofware.
  10. Spend $100,000 on 20 seats and computers, turn them all lose and see what happens. Yeah, right. Usually you can get your reseller to come in and put on some sort of formal training seminar. With the possibility of selling a bunch more seats, which you will probably need depending on how many of this group are higher end toolmakers, they will be happy to come in for a fair price. Sometimes this can be negotiated when you purchase extra seats. Its a lot cheaper and you'll hear a lot less bitching if these guys dont have to leave town for a class and it doesn't upset their daily routine. Later quote: Horse sense is a good judgement which keeps horses from betting on people. - W.C. Fields
  11. Hey Haas kid, I dont know why it does this, we get it on ours too. Same deal, Port 1 Busy, hit send again, and it goes. No one at CNC Software or FastTech in Findlay had any answers either, taking to the old statement "If it ain't broke dont fix it, Mcam has never supported communications, but maybe since we built an editor, we'll think bout it". Kind of a sucky answer, but yeah, it works. We've got a couple of seats hooked into an A/B switch box deal sending to whatever machine we need. The other computer doesn't get this error like mine does. Go figure. On another topic, where ya at it good o'l Fort Wayne? Thinking about heading to Pierre's one of these Saturday evenings to check out some of the local band talent. Got connections with an up and coming band SirFace. These guys ROCK! Opened up for several of the big ones, Seven Dust, Chavell, etc. We got a chance to play with them at Charlies in Hicksville a couple of months ago. Way Cool. Later
  12. There are some other issues with the Toolpath manager though; One I have run into several times is the icons at the top (regen, backplot, verify, etc.) seem to disappear and become ghost icons untill I close out of X and re-open the file again. Not a super big deal, but a pain anyway.
  13. Do I have to? I already feel like an idiot. Re-chain the geometry..........Stupid.
  14. I would, keep everything organized on one file? You bet.
  15. Go to create-line-endpoint, right click on your mouse, go to auto-cursor, select only tangent. Good luck.
  16. Thanks all, figured out the problem about 5 minutes after posting this. Just had a brain-fade.
  17. You can set a default starting point in your directory. IE. DRIVE EXT./YOUR MOST USED FILES This would save you from having to start at a random point each time. We keep all engineering files on a seperate drive, and all our MCam files on a seperate drive. When we import a SolidWorks file for example and convert it by setting the default point to our MCam drive it comes up and we can save to this directly without re-navigating through a bunch of junk on the main server. Hope this helps
  18. Yes, whats your question? Or is this just a FYI?
  19. The toolpath manager for X is not able to select and regenerate operations in different work planes. I can not copy from previous work setups and paste down and regenrate to the post. It will show that it does in the backplot, but it is excluded from the post alltogether. Why is this happening. (Ex.Centerdrill, drill, tap on one side of the block, flip it over to have the same operation on the other side) This is not a bitch mail, but I would like to know why this isnt working right. It always worked fine with 9 and saves me a huge amount of time. Thanks for any input
  20. How about a clock on the wall? Or, has the world become so high-tech that this is to obvious? LOL
  21. I set it up so the Haas Mill post comes up default under the generic mill file. You can configure it to use any post you want of the selections.
  22. I get the same as well, doesnt want to clean up after you use it. I really like this feature that was missing in 9 though.
  23. Have the same thing happening to me, but only randomly. All the mill feeds are fine, but drill cycles sometimes come and go. Had to contact my reseller, he did some things with the post, but still only works sometimes. I was told that there was a known problem with the peck drilling cycle and there should be an update about the middle of September. Try going in the toolpath manager and resetting Misc. Values to read the post and see if this helps. Later
  24. Call your reseller to help you with the post. You'll have to email them all of your files, this is easy to do. They usually have a post guru that can edit your post to your liking. First thing to do though is get them on the phone. Good luck.
  25. I like rhinopile better, but thats OK. Funny.

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