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within a thou

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Everything posted by within a thou

  1. Thanks newbee that was what it was a cable kept getting pinched. The tech just left and we are back up and running.
  2. On one of my HMC's everytime the Y axis travels in the positive direction at one point the machine alarms out and gives me this message. The book tells me this is a faulty feedback cable. I just dont understand why it is only in one spot and only happens in the Y+ and not in Y-. Has anyone seen this or know what I need to do to fix this?
  3. Download Jing its a free screen recording software you can use to upload the a video of your screen to a url.
  4. And G you are the 1%. The chit you do would probably blow my mind but I make some neat lil things also. I had my reseller come in and reinstall all the software sit with me for afternoon and show him how I do things. His consessius was what i was doing was right and he had no answer. The reseller who helped me is a mod on this site. He is a wicked smart guy and hass gone over and above his job to try and help me. his name is Ajmer. But everytime a issue comes up he cant fix due to my inabilities with using the software correctly him as a reseller cant even get a reply from CNC. . The work I do isnt programming extensive like what a lot of you do my work is weldments all parts have been burrned fabbed welded and I am just finishing. Where my hard work comes in is setting up these twistes jigsaw puzzles and machining them in a state that I havent twisted the eff out of them and when I release the clamps my FAI still falls under the standards I need to hold for Boeing and my other smaller customers. G like you mcam is also my meal ticket but I have spent how much for something tthat is broken and doesnt work as advertised. Like come on lets compare this to any otherr thing you buy in life. You spend the money on a car but the engine cuts out evry time over 50, you buy a tv that doesnt give you channels 50 thru 251 buy a candle that doesnt light, a floating chair that sinks. Each and every one of these products you would get your money back and atleast a binus to ttry and remain a customer of theirs, where as with mcam , CNC might xxxx well send a bottle of vaseline inside of every new update and a case of beer with the motto "this software is about to xxxx you so you might as well have some comfort while it does" but the dont cause they are to busy using the lube and beer on each other
  5. G if what I said is untrue why did the release get pulled? If what I said is untrue why is this forum full of complaints from people who have crashed their machines? I know a lot of my problems are because I am not doing things right but I have sent video casts of the way I am doingg thing to my reseller and on that occasion the reseller also agreed I am doing it the proper way and sent my file my screencast and all the info to CNC Software and I never get a reply. Even simple things for an example I wanted to do a mass edit to my tool library to up the sfm for my drills. I convert it to text it shows in the header the variables but half the information is missing. I have been asking since since spring for this and nothing. And really now it is no big deal cause in the 8 months of waiting it has given me more then enough time to basically manually edit each and every tool. This software has gotten worse with every new release period. Sure they have dangledd a few nice carrots but they mever adress the real issues Now with my reseller I have been asked to send in many files. I work in aerospace also at my company we build the assembly lines for the body of commercial planes. Most of my work is weldments which pertain of many different solids for the actual assembly. I make my stl do my compare and the other solids pertrude through the actual part I am cutting. It flat out doesnt work right and is unreliable. Because of Mcam it has put the chlothes on my back a roof over my head the truck I drive to worj and the food in my belly. I get that and have been a long time supporter. Other then mcam I have only ever used worknc. I realise mcam is a jack of all trades master of none and you get what you pay for but come on the xxxx they are sellin us doesnt work. G can you honestly say you think the software has improved? They dangled a carrot in front of you in the new paths to try and make you overlook all the other problems. Lets put it in the perspective that mcam is offering block heaters for all users. the ones up north who can use it great. The people like you in cali who go to worrk in shorts. too xxxxing bad pay up anyways.
  6. Wish I could say I was perfect in programming like you but I have made mistakes could these mistakes been caught if things inside off mcam worked better. Definitely. But mcam is the jack of all trades master of none. Ask my reseller he will tell you how vocal I have beeen to him about how every release since 9 this software is going backwards. CNC Software is trying to cater to a new market with all these new toolpaths but they dont bother fix the simple things that their long standing customers (who have paid for their houses, cars, PBR habits and their retirements funds) run into constantly. I run Verify with stl compare. and every part comes shows up on the screen as a friggen rainbow even though it is programmed correctly. Ask my reseller (who has been great help and done a great job at in house, who are not the problem CNC Software is) and all he says is cnc fixed it in X6. CNC Software needs to take a second to look in the mirror, address the long standing issues they have ignored. fix the simple things before they keep trying to continue to bait people in with the latest version of X and all its new bells and whistles. I started using this software in V8 and V9 was a improvement but as soon as they turned it windows based in X this has gone down hill. When it went to X so many people were "ya its different because it isnt dos based any more, give it time you will see it will be better" and I listened and patiently sat back and waited to see what would come. It has gone so far downhill that all the people who did instal X6 who are now trying to explain to their bosses what happened with all the scrap parts and crashed machines on the floor thankfully I didnt upgrade to the new version. Read through any of the posts on here and you can see how well it is worring for them. Hell they even pulled the upgrade because it is that bad. To sum this up you sold us a car with square wheels and as long as we are willing to keep putting the presents under your kids christmas tree you will give us free oil changes on a car that wont take us where we want to go. It must be nice to work for a company that can xxxx off their customers the way you do and still have them come back. How did you do it? I would like to be able to take dump in a bag and convince someone to spends thousands on it. What venue o you use for marketing other then "keep giving us money and in time this bag of xxxx will start to smell better"
  7. Guffie I am with JP on this one as this is something I saw a lot when I was learning to model but most of my problems were holes and not necessarily bad surfaces. Try setting your depth limits to absolute and see if it will process. If it does this will tell you you have a hole somewhere and running verify will show you the gouge where your tool just tried to dive through that hole in the part.
  8. in the drafting options in mastercam
  9. I did a search myself and there is 2 posts that both have a dead linnk that points to a eapprentice webpage that has been shut down. I dont know the best way to add a aggregate (mine was set up by my reseller) but I looked through my MMD and it looks like you have to add the aggregate just below your spindle. Whether you have to do anything to your post I am unsure but other posts talk a lot about using the 4 axis router post. I am not at work till monday but if you email me the contour and some specs on raw stock I will try to write something for you. My post is for a fanuc.
  10. Have you tried drawing your path in the front plane then machining in the left plane with a aggregate head? If you do a search there is a really good pdf on how to setup and attach a aggregate head.
  11. Peck tapping is a mcam option. on fanuc the only difference is there is a Q value in your G84. Have you considered drilling the hole undersized then circle milling the minor diameter. What could be snapping your taps is your drill is wandering causing the tap to engage to much on one side. The minor drill diameter for a standard 4-40 tap is .089 and at only 1/4 depth you should easily be able to true the hole up with a 1/16 endmill. I have neer tried to peck tap anything that small but use it all the time on large threads to break the chip
  12. it may be picking up your last defined stock if you don't have stock defined for this part. Had that happen to me the other day couldn;t figure out wth was goin on.
  13. Click on the "!" in the bottom right corner. This will open the status bar customiser that you can choose to reset or reorder there
  14. In the toolpath manager export with geometry then import with geometry. You will be asked for a origin so if your feature is shifted type the value of the shift.
  15. We are looking at replacing our old Toss manual lathe (ya I know its a manual but with the size of the pieces we do and all one of stuff no production it doesn't make sense to get a cnc lathe or mill turn). The 2 lathes we are comparing through our vendors is Hwacheon and Kent. With Kent being half the price before we add on the shipping. ANyone have any good or bad to say about either of these brands? Thanks for your help
  16. Keith instead of zoom then scroll can you not just use zoom twice then F2 twice will bring you back to your original screen
  17. I am actually hoping to run it on one of my VMC's mainly because I have triple the rpm. It will depend on what I can get in tooling because my guage length from my spindle to the table is 31.5" and the part is 19.25 raw and take in account the 8+" tool and holder it can start getting really tight if I cant find a tool that is exactly what I want. I do agree with the arbour over endmill but again it will depend one on availability this job should have been started weeks ago and OAL of the tool. I do have some saving grace though because the 3" circular pocket that finishes 8" deep is actually in the bottom of a 3 X 4.5 square pocket that is 5" deep so I will gain a lot of chip clearance ripping the square out first. The piece is a housing for a pneumatic cylinder so a bit of deflection isnt really going to matter since it is clearance. The fun part will be the 11" long through the 5" thickness that is a open slot that I have to keep within .005 // is going to be the fun part when the part springs. But thats Op2 I dont have to worry about that for a while.
  18. I am west coast Canada my distributor gives us free bodies when we buy inserts and replaces any damaged bodies for free. for the 1.5 Dia I think I have to buy 40 inserts but with the amount of aluminum coming up going through them wont be a issue. Thanks for the help
  19. Joe, I do have spindle thru and cat50 and actually almost strictly use mitsubishi. Getting the chips to blast out of there isn't going to be a problem? I know the BDX4000 can be bought in a 10 OAL with a reduced shank which will help. Just seems aggressive but I get free cutter bodies when I buy inserts and I will be using mitsubishi for all the other parts of this assembly so I think I will give it a go. thanks
  20. I have a job coming up that needs a 3" Dia hole 8" Deep in 6061 with a flat bottom and looking for a tool that can do it. So far the only thing I have found is Allied machines Revolution Drill alliedmachine.com/images/library/file/Literature/RevOD_pgs(2011_rev1).pdf I was wondering if anyone had any experience with this tool or any other suggestions for a tool that would be more suitable. I have 122 of these blocks to make which are 19" X 5 X 4 which have 1.5" wide slots thru the 5" thickness and that 3" Hole and also another 5" deep pocket with .75 Rad in the corner so any suggestions on long series tooling for aluminum would be greatly appreciated.
  21. From the sharedmcam folder I installed everything from my CNC machines, Posts folder Ops and Tools. From mymcam folder I installed everything from the Config folder. There may be more but if you look intoyour documentation the Quick reference card shows you all your customizable files for all and single users. Reference that and you may find some things I missed. HTH
  22. By inputting C10. Then C5. you are telling it to go the long way what you need to input is C10. then C-355. to get it to move just the 5 deg. To get a neg rotation you must give it a neg # (C-360. + the finish angle you want to be at)
  23. Josh when you click on the take snapshot icon the window that pops up has a radio button for white background make sure that is checked

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