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Everything posted by TeccBoxx

  1. Hi, Kathy I use 2001i alot and was wondering if they changed the Datum planes around or if they still use that crappy datum selection that they have always used. If it wasn't for the datums I would say Pro/E is the best 3D Cad package. Anyway thanks I should look into Wildfire then.
  2. I think Troy nabbed it right on the button. However Mastercam + Solidworks + Rhino = A dream come true. However I currently use Pro/E more than my copy of Solidworks both student editions by the way. I must say though Rhino is a awesome package for moldmaking and 3d modeling. I just wish CNC software would get the new plug-in for Rhino 3.0
  3. Well I guess I am partially here. Cannot wait for the fall semester to get back in seesion so I can start machining all the cool little gadgets that I have been working on. However I must say if it wasn't for you guys I probably would be bald, but this forum has a bunch of great guys and make me feel more secure that I am going in the right direction with my education.
  4. Hi, Randle I have been having the same problem especailly with IGES-110 lines for some reason Mastercam does not want anything to do with them. Anyway if you have access to Rhino I would seriously suggest using it because it has tons options for exporting and fixing IGES files and easily converts to parasolid. Although be careful on Parasolid because I tried converting a parasolid and well lets just say it took forever, actually I stopped the process because it was taking to long.
  5. Looks like a generic Rhino to me. It is more of a stripped down 3D surface modeling program than a 3D CAD program. That is just my take on the demo and short video I saw, but I would recommend Rhino.
  6. I am using Poser to design the head of the horse, well really just add some features. THat being said poser only allows polygon mesh exporting (3DS, DXF, LWO, WRL, and a couple others) I have access to Lightwave, and 3D Max at school, however I tried earlier today to convert it to stl, step, and iges and none of them will take the file because it is a polygon mesh file. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I might be able to get it into mastercam being a solid or with a surface.
  7. Thanks Trevor, the only solid export option that it has is 3D Max and VRML. I don't have any software that reads max, but as far as the VRML goes for some reason Pro-E won't recognize the file. However you made my mind work a little more I didn't think of making a cavity out of a solid for some reason. I guess it is that time in my life I get brain farts.
  8. Anyone have any suggestions or have ever created a mold from a DXF file. I have never made a mold before so any tips there will be helpful as well. Basically I designed a Horses Head and exported it as a dxf file. Now I would like to create a mold out of it. To be honest I have no idea where to get started so anything will be greatly appreciated.
  9. I am considering using General Plastics Last-A-Foam and was wondering if anyone has worked with this material before. If so is it a good easy material to work with? Plus how does it compare to Butter-Board? The pricing on it is half the cost of Butter-Board. Well $62 for a 24"x24"x1" board.
  10. quote: Guys(and gals), you're working too hard at this. There is a tutorial at mastercam.com in the current downloads sections called WCS-ViewMgrTutorial.zip. This tutorial has a graphic pdf or doc file along with some sample files. From what I have heard it does an excellent job at explaining the wcs and all of it's different uses, I.E. multiple setups, horizontal tombstone, 5 axis positioning. For 99% of toolpaths do the following: Thanks Roger I never knew there was a tutorial. I just downloaded it and it offered a lot of great information. Wow I would of paid $1 million for some of the info. Thanks a bunch for the information.
  11. At least you don't live in Souther Colorado where the weather is wierd. Two days ago it was 90 degrees and today it is 50 degrees and raining. No wonder why I am always getting a cold.
  12. Bah the WCS I hate the WCS. It is a great part of mastercam but I think the importance of it is over-rated. Especially on the Mastercam Certification Tests, well at least that is what I hear I havn't taken it yet. Heck I think someone could write a book on WCS it is so confusing. Great thread though I need to figure it out as well.
  13. I have a *.wrl* file which is a VRML file. I am trying to import it into Mastercam Mill but having a few problems. I have been able to get the file converted into both STL, and STEP files but since I am running the apprentice package I am not allowed to convert the file because it asks for a access code. Anyway anyone know of a program that will convert wrl files into iges that still keeps the surfaces?
  14. Chris I doubt you would really want to come here. It is more of a political mess than anything here. However I have two of the best teachers a student can ask for, as for the Dean that is another story. I have to pay the school some where around $50 for material that is pretty much scraps and then if I want to do harder projects I have to fork my own money over. However it is pretty much a open shop and I am in there about 50 hours a week trying to mess something up. The school has a partnership with Haas and well they seem to be screwing us this semester. Although they are replacing a Horizontal Mill with the SL-20 with Live tooling. Unfortunatly no one has even done any C-axis programming. So I figured I will try to learn it in the next couple months before I get back into school. If anyone could help that would be great. I already went through the tutorials but still rather confused.
  15. I just found out today that one of the new machines that the school will be getting next semester will be a Haas SL-20 with live tooling. I was wondering if anyone had any example parts that you might be willing to share that are good examples on toolpathing and creating a part. I am currently going through the San Diego Mastercam book and the basic tutorial book. Any help or tips you might be able to give will again be appreciated.
  16. Nope! it is actually a chess/checkers board. Well at least part of it. It is a school project that I am getting a head start on for next semester. It will actually contain 10 sections and 8 engraved inlays. It is like the theme chess boards that you see from Franklin Mint or the highly prized Onix boards. The theme on mine will be Vietnam, just to add to my fathers collections. The only real downside is my cheap school, they only give a certain amount of material to do a board and the rest must be purchased by myself. It doesn't bother me since I am getting something a whole lot cooler and a better learning experience. Anyway once I get started machining I will be sure to post some pics. Thanks again for the intterest and help everyone.
  17. Thanks a bunch guys. I didn't consider pocketing it out first. Going to get back at it and see what I can do. Thanks a bunch it really helped out. I'll keep you guys informed if I run into any problems. Anyway thanks again this helped a bunch.
  18. I am running v9.0sp1, I just formatted my computer and I cannot find my version 9.1 disk I loose everything. Everything I have tried from different tools, changing some of the parameters something always comes up with a problem. Whether it being scalloped edges, part of the surface being cut or 50 hours process times. It kinda sticnks because if I stick with this part I need to get it down to about 6-8 hours at the extreme most. There really isn't that much there and especially to long since I will be cutting it out of last-a-foam or butterboard, not sure what I will be using yet.
  19. I have been pulling my hair out all weekend and as much as I read and try different things it seems not to come out right. This is my first 3d surface toolpath that I have done and every try I have done I either get scalloped edges or a 50 hour toolpath. So I was hoping if someone could take a look at this file and give me some pointers on how to toolpath this particular part. Any advice or help will greatl be appreciated. The part can be found here ftp://mastercam:[email protected]/Ma...olids/BOARD.zip
  20. Well giving up on Delcam who probably has the worst customer service in the world I turn to you guys. Some of you know that one of the big projects in a lathe class is making chess pieces. Well I will be taking that class next semester and well I already have my pieces designed. So I wanted to make a special board. I want to do some 3D sculpturing or engraving. I remember seeing artcam awhile back and well I cannot find any pricing information or even if they have educational version. So does Mastercam have a C-Hook that simulates the same ArtCam sculpturing techniques? Plus I was wondering if there is a way to shade in different sections on a 2d part without using any type of solids?
  21. Adobe has a great selection of Engraving fonts as well as others. Helvetica is a great font for engraving.
  22. Thanks a bunch I guess I should look a little harder.
  23. I will be taking a Rhino 3D class next semester and I was wondering if anyone has used it before to design parts etc,.. Reason I am asking is because I am trying the demo out right now and wondering on how you are importing it into Mastercam. Are you saving it as a STL or is there another add-on that can be used with mastercam as Solidworks has? Any info will be very helpful.
  24. I have it on my system. However the only thing that is worth the purchase is the Raster 2 Vector package which I have used thousands of times already. I guess it depends on what you are going to engrave. If it is old school style outline engraving don't bother. You can get a lot of free packages that does the Rast2vec conversion. However if you want more of a 3d engraving it is a great buy. Keep in mind this is coming from a student. However a student that worked at an engraving shop since the age of 5 years old. So I know a lot about engraving, plus I introduced it to my teacher and is now a part of the mastercam curriculum, especially since now it comes free with the Apprecntice Package.

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