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Everything posted by Cuda84

  1. XP PRO Xeon 3.2 GHz 2Gig RAM 43 Sec. 1st time 15 Sec. 2nd time Dual core kicks. Can't wait to try on my home computer.
  2. I don't think all graphics problems are system problems. I think the file has alot to do with graphic performance. I have one file that is a prime example of this. First note that almost all of my files are between 10 and 30 MB before toolpaths. I have 1 file that is of average size that has fits when I try to rotate, zoom, or pan when unshaded. If I shade the model it is great not a problem. I'm still scratching my head on that one.
  3. Is this a faceing toolpath? I have had this problem before, no controle in the faceing toolpaths. I ended up saveing the toolpath geometry and useing this in a countoure toolpath. Just had to modify slightly.
  4. When roughing with finish pass on, the cutter will take a pass along the surface and the boundry. This will add time to the program, and most of the time the boundry pass will be an air cut. I leave it off as much as possible, but on complex parts it will leave stock in deep pockets with this turned off. Then if you do a remachine you end up with a depth of cut deeper then your insert height. This = CRASH. Is a major pain in the @$$, the machine supervisor complains about programs cutting air or trashed cutters, one or the other, it never ends.
  5. I put a sample of the process that I would use for this part. Note that my boundries would be more refined to limit overlap, and tool selection would vary, but this is how I would go about this part. Also note the created planes in the plane manager. Sorry forgot to leve file name : MSURF5-AXIS-HELP-CUDA84.MCX
  6. Where I work that part would be considered a waste of 5X machine time. As small as it is it could all be done with 3X toolpaths. But if you plan on the 5X aproach I'd do it with fixed angle toolpaths. Each wall seperate then a 3X 1/2" ball down the middle Parralel, to get the bottom.
  7. Ya, happy B'day, and thanks for the forum.
  8. Well I did see somewhere that MR1 would be out by the end of the week. If I am looking at this correctly it is already Friday in some parts of Australia. Actually after looking at a map, it looks like all of Australia is Fraday now. [ 03-22-2007, 02:35 PM: Message edited by: Cuda84 ]
  9. Cuda84

    X2 MR1

    Is it done yet? Is it done yet? Is it done yet?
  10. Cuda84


    I just used it last week, with no problems.
  11. Send me an E-mail and I'll forward the file.
  12. I can't find it on the FTP site. Now I'm not even sure where I got it from. I can E:mail it to you.
  13. There is a C-hook on the FTP site that enables you to save all visable into whatever format you want. It dose not work all the time, but it dose work. I just now used it on a 38 MEG file, it worked great.
  14. Cuda84


    You can reset all of your planes for a toolpath on the tool page under planes.
  15. Cuda84


    Curves used to limit toolpath. (box) I think the same thing applies. The geometry was created on a different construction plane the the one you are toolpathing on.
  16. Cuda84


    Well I have never even seen MC8. But in the newer versions it means your tool plane and your construction plane are not the same.
  17. I am not sure there's a way to do that. I don't worry about it myself, when done toolpaths I select all operations, right click, edit selected operations, renumber tools. Works great.
  18. Project a copy of the line onto the surface "normal to surface". Then trim line to line.
  19. Todd I am one of your customers, and I don't get any tech tips from you. +1000 to the backup utillity, saved my butt more then once.
  20. I placed a file on the FTP site. It's better, looks like the Surface countore path. NOT AS UGLY PATH.zip
  21. What software are you making the files in? I only have problems when importing from Catia. I have creat curves on edges off, and usually get no curve or spline geometry that is not supposed to be there.
  22. I have just run some test toolpaths. It seem to do OK on the outside edge, but on holes it is rolling the edges. Luckly most holes are easy to fill. I am useing mostly high speed toolpaths now so I have to make boundries and extend edges anyway. Hope they adress this in future releases.
  23. That is what I do when useing standard toolpaths. This option dose not exist in the High speed toolpaths though, you will need to creat some form of constraining geometry. I have also used the to and from angles to help controle this.
  24. You don't need to look at the keyboard to click the mouse either, so why dose that count?
  25. You do not need a C'hook to creat a center line. Use the arc at the bottom of the hole and use Creat constant parameter curve to make an arc somewhare along the hole. Connect the center of both arcs, then use plane normal. Works every time.

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