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  3. I've actually already been talking to James about the Camplete route. Thank you for the link.
  4. What's happening here may not actually help you, so I wouldn't rely on it. It's a handy tip when it does, though! What's happening here is behaviors that have existed for a long time, but they only really "show up" in a multiaxis path. When backplot goes to display a tool, it has to draw it somewhere. There hasn't been any movement yet so it doesn't know where the vector of the tool is going to orient it, which causes it to just be drawn in whatever plane the toolpath itself is in. As soon as one step of movement is done, the tool will align to the proper vector. Where this wouldn't help you is if the plane is correct, but the line isn't (in this particular example). Agreed. You should at least be using MachSim. Yep, set up your MachSim, preferably hooked up to the post. It'll be a lot cheaper than a full seat of Vericut, but I would always advocate for something like Vericut This might be a good bridge until you can get there. We recently had a thread about it:
  5. Thank you. I went back and back plotted the toolpath, and saw exactly what you're describing. Definitely helpful. Thank you.
  6. Video showing what I mean: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/g8zm2qm32mn5jaywgcq93/Deburr_Axis.mp4?rlkey=f9dvki3nbts8b92oi6y9tmjd6&st=tzufbm1d&dl=0 Link to file: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/zy7s5lr680u0nbol3pkh0/Deburr_Axis.zip?rlkey=nx72qym6pn3ezo78xbkh9dhj1&st=bprb46g8&dl=0
  7. I've made the same mistake before, luckily I've never had the code make it to the machine. IIRC if you backplot (maybe in verify too???) when the toolpath starts the tool will be oriented along the wrong axis (it will be oriented along the axis control line), then it will snap to the correct axis before starting the motion. I saw this happen and after rewatching it and scratching my head a bit, found that the axis control line was different than the z-axis of the plane. I corrected the axis control line and no more funny tool orientation at the start of the backplot. I believe the same thing happens in unified, and I would assume it happens in other multiaxis paths as well. It's not "easy" to catch, but it is catchable. I think this was back in MC23 too, not sure if MC24 behaves the same.
  8. Select all the operations > right-click, edit selected operations > change NC file name. Make sure all the operations in your Toolpaths Manager have the same NC File Name. You likely have multiple operations selected, and Mastercam is posting multiple NC files. Try minimizing the one you see, or looking to see if there are "tabs" for different files in the editor.
  9. When I post a program only 1 tool shows up, how do I fix this?
  10. I'm curious because I'm not familiar with this Line method of axis control, can you share a sample file? I've always treated single offset programs the same as multi offset programs, only forcing all the work offset outputs as g54.
  11. Yes, because I used the Line method of axis control. So it was basically generating code as if it was a COR program with 1 offset.
  12. In verify it showed the tool being rotated to the b90 plane even though you still had the toolpath set to the b270 plane?
  13. You can. Pick two tools and number them the same. It will ask when posting if you want to generate a tool change and you can say no
  14. Honestly, being that we have quite a few nice machines, we really should have better simulation software. We have Camplete for our Matsuura's and Yasda's, but the other machines just get run through verify. Time to do some talking to the "important" people.
  15. Postabilty Machine Sim would have caught this
  16. ^^^^This.... There are many things that Verify can't catch, especially once you start on an HMC....MachSim is better but still lacking and Machsim tied to a post is still better but can still miss things...
  17. I had a small crash last night, and I'm wondering how I could prevent it in the future, aside from being more diligent in my toolpaths. An extra measure of safety would be nice. Luckily nothing moved, and everything is still square, but it still ruined my best pair of pants. I am programming an HMC, and I was using the multiaxis deburr toolpath. I was deburring on B270, and then was trying to deburr on B90. I copy/pasted the toolpath, so the B90 toolpath was still set to the B270 plane, however I was using a line for the axis control. So the code for B90, was still in the B270 plane. The B axis rotated, and X moved, but it didn't retract. My mistake, however, verification also missed it. Is there a way to set verification so that it will catch something like this? Or is this just another case for Vericut?
  18. Thank you for the suggestions! I tried to set the same tool number in Mastercam for drilling and then tapping and it seems MC will update the tool every time I change it. I made a custom tool in the library and it seems like it will work this way. I'll let you know how it goes, getting set up this morning to run through the weekend.
  19. You can create a variable switch (force_pcan), 0=disable, 1=force before, 2=force with, 3=force after Add a new block (pcan_set) and put pcan_set into ptlchg$ and ptlchg0$ Block (pcan_set) needs to use cant_pos1$, cant_pos2$, cant_pos3$, cant_pos4$ to write logic I currently only use 4, I will add more if I need more. I have been using it for 2 days and everything is good so far, I should continue to use it...this is also the first time for me to do this Because I am accustomed to using after....
  20. Last week
  21. Yea just use a tap from the library as the tool or when you post a tap cycle with a drill it will try to divide by zero and error out while posting
  22. @Jayson Kramer He is engraving using a specific font so the Engraving Toolpath is the correct option, just his tool was causing the issue.
  23. I've never tried one of these tools before, but I like how this method would allow you to dial in each cycle separately.
  24. Set it to rigid tap and run the spindle speed ad fast as it can go for the rigid tap cycle.... I am thinking with enough RPM the drill should cut and since it's rigid tapping the the thread will just happen as it gets deep enough.. Never tried it but that's how I would approach it... OR 2 cycles right on top of each other....drill it, the pull back, set it to tap with the same tool and push it deep enough to tap...
  25. Yes i already tried this, but the aktivation wizard give me this eroor message every time i press OK its closes, i tried it like 50 times
  26. So you know only a dealer license supports Emcam and Mcam files. yes you can open a industrial file being Mcam format in EDU. But as stated you cannot save it. Industrial versions cannot open EDU file at all. So I am figuring someone pointed him in the direction of contour for standard engraving not the custom tool of engraving?
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