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Rick Damiani

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Everything posted by Rick Damiani

  1. You set the spindle direction in the tool definition. In the operations manager, click on the tool you want to fix and then click on the 'Setup tool' button on the right side of the tool definition dialog. Spindle direction is at the bottom of the tool setup dialog.
  2. This week I was at the California VICA state championships in Riverside as a vendor. I helped one of the teams (their school's first time) figure out how to correctly locate the second side of a part using a test indicator. This was more difficult than it sounds, as the CNC they were using was equipped with a vice that was square in no direciton. That the other mesauring tools they had were of the stamped steel variety wasn't very helpful, either. The kids did good though. Managed to make a good set of parts anyway, and (more importantly) learned how to do something entirely new and got to apply it right away. I gave them some suggusitons on measuring tools, too.
  3. Top of stock for surface paths is calculated from the surfaces you select. If your surfaces extend above the origin, MasterCAM will start roughing at whatever z position the surfaces are at.
  4. quote: ...Priceless ...and so was that post.
  5. quote: What's the consensus, fresh install, or just on top of V9?If you use CIMCO Edit, delete the c:mcam9commoneditorscedit directory and install over the top of V9SP1. Worked well here, and I didn't have to futz around with re-applying my settings.
  6. quote: Good catch. You're very observant. Most people don't catch different Data Paths for a few hours or posting and reposting. Geting pissed, etc...They generally only do that whole 'few hours, getting pissed' bit once though. Or at least I only did it that once...
  7. To fix it, do the following: 1) Delete the c:mcam9commoneditorscedit folder 2) Reinstall MasterCAM. You'll be prompted to do a 'Repair' instalaton. Select that option. 3) CIMCO edit will then function correctly. I think the 'problem' is that CIMCO edit changed the way it deals with SIM checking. Stuff that is left over from a 9.0SP1 install interfered with that.
  8. quote: OK, now I am confused. How does this let me add a tool material type?It doesn't. That functionality seems to be missing. You'll need a stickynote attached to the monitor.
  9. quote: After recently going on a mastercam training course .I was instructed that as a general rule either work in incremental or absolute but try to avoid mixing these up . So says the cad/cam guy.Some general rules are useful. Some aren't useful at all. Following this general rule will keep you from taking advantage of some very nice features that can simplify your toolpaths, reduce your cycle times, and minimize the opportunities for error. What you should do is use absolute or incremental when they are appropriate, as your geometry allows.
  10. Metacut light (backplot/edit) is included and is not a demo. The level one version (solid verify) is the add-on part that is enabled for 30 days.
  11. What is your feed plane set to? Where is the drill point you are selecting? Does that point have a depth assigned to it? Can you post the file someplace so we can have a look-see?
  12. Ducatis are OK ifn you don't put a lot of miles on 'em. The maintenance can get real expensive, though. Especially for the demoquattro motors. Personally, I think that Triumph makes some of the best all-around street bikes. My '99 Sprint ST went 105,000 miles, and I'm hoping to get at least that much out of the '02 Speed Triple that replaced it.
  13. quote: Got the Sync Option and the Misc Int Value 1 also set...is there way to have the Misc Values checked too by default?On the NC page of the settings dialog, select Operation Defaults and change any of the default values for any of the toolpaths you want. To turn misc ints on, do the above and click 'Select All', right click on any selected operation, and select 'Options|Edit common parameters' Note: Changing the operations defautls will only affect new toolpaths. Existing ones will not be changed.
  14. quote: 2)you want to use the Compatablity Wizerd and run it as win 2000 and have it not use XP Eye candy. I'd try it without futzing with compatability first, then use the wizard if there is a problem. I've found that some apps developed for Win2K actually crash or experence other odd problems when run in Win2K 'compatability' mode on XP, yet they run fine in 'normal' mode.
  15. quote: When I enter the Flowline parameters, some of the surfaces flowlines aren't in the same direction as the others, and as a result, the toolpath wont generate.Flowline is one of the surface paths that depends on correctly defined surface normals. If the normals are not all pointing in the same direction, the flowlines will point in different directions and the toolpath will fail.
  16. quote: In any case I know how to save the STL, but I want to bring that cut part back into Mcam (8.1) and mount the part on a fixture as a solid model to do my toolpaths for the second side. (X,Y,Z origin points will be diffrent from op. 1)You can use an STL file as the source "surface" for any of the surface toolpaths, but to do this for all your second-op work seems like way too much trouble. What I would suggust is creating a WCS on the side of the part you want to do the second ops on, and generating the necessary toolpaths on that WCS.
  17. quote: Thanks Millturn! I've been way, way too busy the past 6 months or so, but thanks fer remembering me! I know you can change the WO in the T/C plane, but I didn't know if you could change it for individual geometry within the same operation.Different work offsets for different geometry in the *same* operation? No, you cannot do that. What you can do is one of the following: - Different operations, each with a different WO. - Use the editnci c-hook to transform the toolpath. - Post one operation and edit the .NC file to call the posted op as a subprogram, with the WO changed before each call. - Use one WO, rotate the tool plane about the 4th axis centerline, and let the post do the indexing.
  18. I'll do that. You gonna be there all day?
  19. Just found out that the seminar I thought I was gonna do on the 26th and 27th is actually gonna be on the 25th and 26th. I'll be at WESTEC on the 24th, but won't be able to make the lunch on the 25th. Bummer. Have fun guys.
  20. quote: North Korea is brazenly strutting it's nuclear capabilities, openly saying that within 1 year it will be fully capable of launching a nuclear attack.North Korea launched it's first (and, to my knowledge, only) satalite in 1998. It was launched using a three-stage launch vehicle - the same kind of launch vehicle they would need to launch sub-orbital ICBMs. If I understand it correctly, thier known launch vehicles have range sufficent to at least hit the west coast of the US, and possibly any target in North America. They have enough spent fuel rods to begin produciton of plutonium immideatly, and (from what I understand) re-processing facilities sufficent to generate enough plutonium for one bomb every month. The leadership of North Korea has demonstrated, time and time again, that they are dangerously insane and are prone to stupidly provocative acts calculated to disturb and agitate the countries around them. The US military, after years of cuts and force reductions, is unable to fight more than one major conflict at a time. This is, and has been, public knowledge since the '80s. My fear is that once the US seems to be pre-occupied in Iraq, North Korea will see this as their only opportunity to take bold (or idiodic, you pays your money and you choses your frame of reference) action, secure in the knowledge that the US will be unable to respond effectively. Further, Bush's action in dealing with one member of the 'Axis of Evil' will be taken by North Korea as a precursor to the treatment they can expect from the same administration in the future. Saddam is a very bad man. Iraq is a rouge nation that needs to be brought under control. I do not dispute this. Nevertheless, I cannot help but feel that the course of action the Bush adminsitration has seemingly committed us to spells near-certan doom for South Korea, with the added 'benifit' of a new round of nuke proliferaiton in East Asia. Another thing to consider is how the US will deal with nuke-capible states in the future. Right now we cut off relations with countries that violate the non-proliferation treaty. If we don't take action to curb North Korea while bombing the hell out of Iraq, we send the message that nuke programs developed in secret are OK. That we will be forceful if we catch 'em during the build-up, but will be sucussfully detered from action if they manage to get 'em finished before we find out. Imagine how wonderful a world we will then live in.
  21. quote: What's up with all of the California customers ragging their dealers? How many of you guys are out there? Those of you who are involved in this forum seem to be very intelligent and helpful, you should eat these other guys up.I can't speak for the other CA guys, but my CA dealership only does schools. Oddly enough, James and Jay don't call with quesitons all that often...
  22. quote: lead ins and outs and overlaps are very important in our parts.most of our 'faces' are cosmetic and im used to hiding all lead ins and outs in non obvious spots.The lead-in/out settings (arc radius as % of tool, line length as % of tool, and overlap) can be set in the operation defaults, but the actuall lead-in/out point is specified when you select the chain. There are three ways I can think of off the top of my head to designate a start point: 1) Click to start chaining near the point you want the lead-in/out move to take palce at. 2) After selecting the chain, click on the 'Start Point' option and use 'Dynamic' to drag the start point wherever you want it. 3) Create a point (Create|Point|Position) where you want the contour/pocket toolpath to start from, then select the point before you select the chain. Note: Placing a checkmark in 'Enter at midpoint of closed contours' can cause a re-adjustment of your start points. I'd only use it if I planed to use option 1 from above.
  23. quote: Once it is released, look forward to me telling you...Wow. It's just like having my own crystal ball. I wonder if it's good enough to tell me when I might expect a patch...
  24. Quickpart uses MasterCAM's verify with the settings selected by Quickpart. I'd look at the way the stock is set up in Quickpart for clues. You can, before you run verify, change the stock settings by clicking on the 'Optons' button on the far left side of the Verify toolbar.
  25. James, I think he's trying to engrave a unique number on each part. You'll need a serial number routene in your control to handle it. I know that this is a feature in a HAAS, or at least it is mentioned in the programing manual. I've not personally tried it out, so I don't know how well it works. You could create a custom 'drill' cycle in your post to call the serial number command in the control and posiiton it in the right spot, or generate a manual sub-program and use the MPMASTER post as a guide in calling the custom sub. Or enter it as a 'manual' toolpath. When MasterCAM engraves a number, it does it by breaking it up into lines and arcs. Getting those lines and arcs converted back to a number that can be indexed in the control would be prohibitively complex, I'm afraid.

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