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O/T Where's the good grammers ?


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It never ceases to amaze me how little is expected of employees, and as a result, how little effort it takes to get ahead in any occupation. I’m not trying to sound like I’m bragging, or that I am some kind of genius, it just seems that people are not willing to put forth any effort, and are reluctant to show any initiative. Any person that shows initiative, and a desire to achieve success, not only for themselves, but also for the company that they work for, will succeed. Complacency seems to me to be the real problem, a great number of people have a genuine indifference toward their employer as long as their paychecks keep coming.

I started working for this company over four and a half years ago, fresh out of tech school. After a year I was programming. All I had to do to get here was apply myself. I am a conscientious employee and I put forth the required effort to improve our processes and I do my part to keep this company competitive. I have been offered other positions including supervision and process engineering, but programming is my niche, it is the area that I can make the greatest difference. Other guys have been here for 10+ years and are still pushing the same button on the same machine. Their idea of initiative is to declare a job or process “stupid” if it doesn’t make rate or otherwise runs poorly. Of course when I was asked if I would like to program I was given the stink eye from the same people. “Who’s c**k did you s**k to get to sit in the a/c and program while I sweat my b**ls off out here?” is what I would here from them, only half jokingly.

This attitude cannot be blamed on environment, as our environment is superb.

I guess I sound pretty down on my fellow Americans, but it’s just the way I see it. Call it tough love. Hey, these guys have had the same opportunities as I have had; nobody has an anvil dropped on them for trying to make their company better. If they desire education, our company will bend over backwards to accommodate them.

I have worked with Bosnian refugees and I have heard first hand the resentment that natives have toward them. They come across as arrogant at times because they are certain of their impending success. Why are they certain? Because, for no other reason than perseverance, they will succeed. This attitude is bolstered by the laissez-faire attitude that they see in us Americans.


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Wow I thought I stuck my neck out there I am going to sit back an see where that one goes.


I hope that noone at you work with reads this thing. It is always good to have idea but there are some things you might not want to share. I been right in your shoes but everyone is different and what you see as important in life and how to get there may be different, doesn't make them bad people just different. I have seen my share of people that I kinda go huh, but I learned long ago to keep my shut if I did want it to make more problems than needed.


You feel good about yourself that is good if you dont noone will. Just need to remember everyone is different on this earth. What you feel might be coming through and showing towards your coworkers and could be the reason you get some of that back at you.


hummmmmm them grey hairs got there some how.


Crazy Millman


[ 08-12-2003, 12:54 AM: Message edited by: Millman^crazy ]

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Clayton- you have expressed some great thoughts here. I was in a similar position 10 years ago when I got up off the floor and started programming. Its funny what jealousy will do to some fellow employees. Its all about carpadium (sp) "seize the day". It'll be better for ya if you do.


Thanks to everyone for their comments. I have had some great responses, hopefully something will come of it.




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I had guys that were really peed off at me when I came off the floor

Then they realized how much nicer it was without you around...


In all seriousness, my feeling is that nobody but you is going to shoulder your responsibilities or take care of your needs; you gotta get what you can for yourself. Let the other guy worry about his end, if he wants to move up and he has the ability, he will; if not, not. No skin off my nose.




Chris teh 'If it could be yours or mine, its gonna be mine'

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Sounds so familiar. Back in '92 I got a phone call from my uncle who owned a machine shop saying he an opening for a polisher. At the time I was cutting fish at Safeway so I said hell yeah. I didn't even know what I was getting into. I was polishing electrodes on a manual Takisawa lathe 8-10 hrs a day 6 days a week for a year. Went through a lot of t-shirts. Every lunch and break I would be in programming room learning from the foreman about machining and Mastercam. I was fascinated with the whole process and started drawing parts not knowing what an endmill was. Of course I started hearing from the boys on the floor that I was getting special treatment because my uncle owned the place. Then I started making parts and all that talk started to diminish. Everyone there could have very easily done the same thing but instead they would spend there lunch time complaining about the shop. I guess we’re all pretty lucky to have found something we all enjoy. I know a lot of people that hate their jobs. Every day is a new challenge in this trade. There is always a new part to program. cheers.gif to all forum members

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We are the masters of our own destiny my favorite saying is "if you don't like the heat get out of the kitchen" that gets used alot where I work at everybody is so afraid to grab the bull by the horns and do something. Alot of people like to worry about everybody else's job insstead of my own and then when things aren't going right it is always the upper management or engineers or somebody else. Gets real old real quick.

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Like all coins, this thread has two sides, and they have both been visible at this company.


Four years ago when this then privately held company had a 50% profit margin, I was a serious balls out go getter. When we purchased the Integrex, the PO was signed by me and the owner. After we were sold to a corporation the bosses started comming. Their attitude could be summed up:


'If it could be yours or mine, its gonna be mine'

Now I can't purchase a tap, 50% of the blue collars are fired, and we're losing money.


Sorry for picking on your quote Chris, I hope that's not your view of subordinates. Peer to Peer competition and challenge is great and raises the performance bar; however, when that attitude IS directed toward subordinates, as it was here, it can suck the life out of someone that


They come across as arrogant at times because they are certain of their impending success

Till they don't try too hard anymore, and wax philosophical on chat rooms.

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Warning somewhat negative attitude follows:


I used to think I had it all figured out. Work hard get promoted. Simple as that. Now, I don't know and I've given up trying to figure it out. For all I know it has to do with the ratio of a full moon to if the boss got laid last night. Or if a butterfly flapped it's wings in India.


I've seen hard workers get promoted quickly.

I've seen goof-off a**wipes get praised for just doing their job. Sometimes just for showing up on time.

I've seen hard workers who were lucky to get a grunt of a hello in a morning.

I've seen a**h***s get fired when they deserve it.

I've seen a**h***s being ignored when they should be b*tch slapped and kicked out the door with a foot in their xxxx. Just because to fire them would be 'inconvenient'

I seen coworkers called brownnosers because they put in extra hours to feed their families.

I've seen people hired for no other reason than they're related to someone and not do anything.

I've seen people hired for no other reason than they're related to someone and do twice the work in half the time.

I've seen people without no experience given a chance and rise to the occasion.

I've seen people with experience throw it all away.

I've seen a person increase productivity 200% and told to go screw themselves when they ask for a raise.

I've seen a coworker pull of the impossible and get the praises they deserve.


/I've got nothing.


Bryan smile.gif

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Aaaa, let'em read it, I don't care anymore.


Take this for example; about 3 years ago the owners of this shop had the Christmas party in a surprise location. We were all to show up at work were we would board chartered busses that were to take us to the party. The busses went up to one intersection on the interstate and got off at the next and made a big circle ending up right back at the shop. It turned out that the President, VP, VP of engineering (brother of the president and one of the smartest people I have ever met) and the plant manager busted their xxxx for two days decking out the shop for the party. They had a band, a piano player, and an open bar. Lights were affixed to the roof rafters including a disco ball. The sons and daughters of management were in the parking lot directing traffic and checking our coats at the door. They had first class catering and the hors d'oeuvre were put on the rotating table or our horizontal mill (ultimately resulting in a costly repair to the mill). The whole deal cost far more than any of the nice restaurants that they have taken us to. Now, call me crazy, but that seems like genuine appreciation for the employees, personally I found it quite moving. But a good number of the guys were not impressed, not everybody, but some. “If I would have known it was going to be here I wouldn’t have worn a tie.” Ingrates.

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I was polishing electrodes on a manual Takisawa lathe 8-10 hrs a day 6 days a week for a year.

Black buggers anyone?.......I have the utmost respect for you if you did that for a year cheers.gif


If I NEVER have to use an ram type EDM again, it will be too soon...... biggrin.gif


Murlin teh CNC's rule!

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Hell you want to talk about stupid things. I had a guy working with me that had the same frist name as me. He gave notice and the owner came out to me and said I was about to come out here and kick your a??. I heard that (the guy with the same frist name as me) was giving notice and I thought it was you and was going to kick your a??. he was pretty much like you would think about leaving without at least come talking to me before leaving.


Or I went to go work at a place and was asked to learn one uniquie machine if I did I would get a good raise after 90 days. I was doing things with the machine in one month that even the people who made it said was not possible to do.

I then also learning thier CAD/CAM systems programming and operation of 3 other CNC Machines

2 mills and one lathe. I was in the process of getting involed in the development stage with some PHD doctors and Enginners to develope some new types of Medial devices which could have lead to about $20,000,000 in contracts for the company. When it was time for my review and was told why in the he?? do you want insurance you dont need a fuc?ing raise your a kid (22 at the time.)I stuck it out for one more month and then went to the son and asked him what it would take to get a raise. He then began to cuse me from head to toe and called me a worthless piece of sh?t. He said I was n ogood adn no where as good as I thought I was I then asked him what type of notice I needed to give he pretty much told me to go fu?? myself.


I then went to go work at a place where the guys had not got a raise for over 3 years and when I asked for a raise everyone about had a stroke. I left after 10 months. They asked why and I told people got to live around here and you crazy if you think I am not going to get a raise. Everyone in the copmany got a good raise after I left. I also got a review at this company that I still got that I worked to hard and need to do less. I was also to earger to do different and learn new things.


I worked another place where they after working for them for about 8 months asked me if I minded not getting paided for 3 weeks they were low on cash.


I think you all get my point we all have war stories some that make people kringe and other that we go damn why can't that happen to me.


Crazy Millman


PS. those are some of my good stories I will spare you from the really bad ones.


[ 08-12-2003, 11:37 PM: Message edited by: Millman^crazy ]

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I do know a very good MasterCam / CATIA (including 5 Axis) programmer who is available in South Eastern PA. We worked together at a shop that I left a year ago. The shop just shut down and outside of a temporary consulting gig, he's out of work.


On the ambition thing ...


I could relate to much of what was posted. I would like to say though that some folks are content to "just do their job". That is not in itself a fault. Many of those same people may be very ambitious in their personal endeovours. Some of the old timers who seem to be "stuck" may have long ago had their turn in the barrel.


Me personally I need to be an active participant more than a passive participant. I have learned that everyone doesnt have this need. In the begining I thought this was due to ambition. Now I know its because this keeps my job interesting and keeps me feeling alive (even when at work smile.gif .


I try to avoid the negativity breakfast club less because Im a company guy and more because Im happier that way.



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When I got out of the service, the first job I

got was for a small jobshop in Orange.

I worked there for about 6 months and the owner

went middle-aged crazy. Overnight he developed a

tatste for Ferrari's, cocaine and young women.

Paying his employees was way down on his list of things to do. It wasn't long before the paychecks started bouncing.

When we got a paycheck, we'd all race to the bank.

The bank manager would make us all get in one line. He'd stand there with a calculator adding

it up as we cashed our checks. When the money ran

out he'd shut it down. A lot of people got hurt working for that clown.

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Overnight he developed a

tatste for Ferrari's, cocaine and young women.

Paying his employees was way down on his list of things to do. It wasn't long before the paychecks started bouncing.

/* pauses briefly considering recent travel expendetures, Jaguar invoices and "oops the bank made an error" letter ... eek.gif ... NAAAHHHH !

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Sorry for picking on your quote Chris, I hope that's not your view of subordinates

1)I'm about as subordinate as they get


2)That's simply my view regarding the advancement of my career; if there is a job, project, whatever, that I want I'm going to try my a$$ off to make sure that you don't end up with it


Nothing personal; just that while winning isn't everything, losing sucks



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