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Everything posted by gavetta

  1. Yeah .....so you could tell multiple ops to use same geo without the add/replace from one to the next. Would be cool.
  2. I agree Murlin. I just haven't figured out if it's me or the software yet.
  3. Rodney, It's like Thad said. I just went thru this in the last week or so. Had a problem with suf, rough pocket in X. The MasterCam web site has a link under support that details what you need to do. http://www.mastercam.com/Support/Default.aspx
  4. We got ours in about a week. Our reseller also told us Simswap had a backlog and that it could take upto 2 weeks.
  5. sweet.....I didn't know you could do the fly out menus until now....great option, thanks
  6. I'm noticing something strange if I have some certain settings in Surf, Rough, Pocket in X. If I have my total tolerance in the rough parameter page set to .001 it gouges. If I set it to .0006, it doesn't. I iges'd the file out and brought it into V9, set up same tool path with both settings and it didn't gouge on either one. It gouges around a boss feature (basically contours the boss but goes right thru 2 walls that it shouldn't). Here's photos: The last photo is just the part. Anyone else notice anything like this or have a thought as to what might cause this. I wondering if it's something in the control def/machine def??? This just doesn't give me a warm fuzzy feeling if you know what I mean.
  7. I'm here to let you know we're ready to handle any kind of situation like that
  8. That seems to be whats going on Richard, Thanks
  9. Maybe it saved it as the default "T.mcx" file. Did you have autsave set to active in the config,files page?
  10. Try customize,toolbarss,toolbar states,reset. I don't know if it will work for your case but worth a shot.
  11. I think I'm really starting to get it though. It's just finding out how to do all the stuff I use to be able to do so fast in V9 and before. I'm also starting to see the value of the key mapping. Crtl+E now = Set entitiy attributes. Thanks again.
  12. Peter, That worked!! I keep forgetting about the status bar. I feel kind of stupid now but now I know the right way to do it, thanks.
  13. Yeah,.... maybe I didn't explain it real well. I select the result, go to analyze entity props, and it won't let me edit anything, not just color either.In V9, I could just Screen, Chng CLr, Result and bada bing done, one enitity or 200, done. Now I don't know what's going on. Heres a screen shot of the dialog box I can send some one the file if they want to take a shot at it.
  14. I just xformed,copied 4 boss features(surfs and wireframe) from one block to another, went analyze entity, and it wouldn't let me put the cursor in the box to change color number or let me select a custom color. Anyone else have trouble something like this or know a work around?
  15. Thanks for the help guys. I've made a couple of adjustments to the icon and font size and that helps. Ken, I'm glad to see you guys are aware and are working on a fix. Nice to know CNC listens to the users..........even if we sometimes "whine" about the little things
  16. Yeah,.....guess I should have went with the "recommended" resolution instead of the minimum. That works.....but now I need my glasses to see the menus,lol,.....sucks gettin' old. Thanks for the help.
  17. Ok maybe this is just me and my set up but does anyone know how to change the position of where the verify and some of the other dialog boxes defaultly open up. Every time I open Verify in tool manager, the green check buttonand red x are always below the screen so that I have to move the dialog box to get to the buttons at the bottom. Maybe this seems like I'm whining but I would really like these dialog boxes to open up in a different place. Anyone else have this happen or have a solution or am I just stupid and not seeing how to fix this?
  18. Ok, So there are some issues for some....CNC may need to do a patch or two...it is a re-write and it is quite different...somewhat. I'm going the way of starting out simple and working my way up. I've already prog and ran parts successfully with it but when I need to get it done quick it's back to V9. My major issue is with keyboard shortcuts. I've gotten so use to the "old" way that it's a little frustrating to be slowed down by hunting for the simple things (changing views, c-planes, etc.,)but I know the more I use it the better I'll get. If someones boss pulls the plug for only "proven versions and upgrades" , the boss may as well throw windows out the door.
  19. Got X!! Now just need the time to install and play. Might have to wait 'til Monday.
  20. I've heard something like that before but not sure how long is too long. I remember reading some where that shorter is better and that there is a point where data may be lost. If I can find the info I'll post it. Sorry that this isn't specific help but thought you should know that yes it can be an issue.
  21. gavetta


    Um......isn't there a box you can check to sort operation by order or type in the transform parameters dialog box....
  22. 268MB thru Dial-up????? I'm thinking it will take more than all night. I had to download a patch for some software I use at home (Cakewalk Sonar4 if anyone cares and I have dial-up there)that was 11MB and it took something around 2.5 hrs. Good luck.
  23. Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?J/K I just watched the video and like what I'm seeing! I can also see why it took CNC so long to release. That's a major overhaul. Pro-e is still trying to get all their features up to snuff and they've been at it since ver 20 or 2000 or something. Anyway, good job guys!! Are we there yet?
  24. Do you have your hardware acceleration for your graphics card turned down. What your explaining happens to me if I have the acceleration turn up and I'm running the same video card as you. Do a search on graphics acceration and you should find some info.
  25. Here's my usual routine but it depends on the materials I'm cutting and finish requirements: surface rough pocket (leave stock) surface finish parallel (leave just enough stock for finish) then witch ever surface finish toolpath best suits the geometry could be surface finish parallel, surface finish contour, surface finish project. I don't use flowline alot because its more of a "one surface" toolpath but it does a good job on certain things. That's my .02

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