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O/T Gas Prices


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If you roll your own smokes, its alot cheaper.

I pay $2 for a pouch of Bugler, and it lasts 3 days. I bought a little roller that pops em out pretty quick, and it has more than paid for itself.

Jer teh get cancer cheaper

If you really wanna quit, Zyban is the way to go.

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I think united action by us, the people who control the purse-strings of big multinationals, even big oil will make a difference. Truckers in Conn. got together and boycotted the tolls on State hiways and now they're history. Grey Davis raised car insurance too much and now he's history. 2 years ago we stopped drinking French wine and eating french cheese (no great sacrifice) and France is not yet history (we wish) but is hurting. Already just the threat of united action has caused the price per barrel of crude to go down today. People control the purse not the other way around.



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True, and there are also a lot of people who shrugg their shoulder and say "what can you do" and keep silent because they fear no one is listening, who don't even realize that they have a mouth! This is what the big oil and multinational execs love. This is also what authoritarian despots love. We have to keep reminding people that they have a mouth and a purse!



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Guest CNC Apps Guy 1

I thought Iraq was the perfect target in all honesty. biggrin.gif Costly on the human side but perhaps if we're nice to Abdul Mohammed who runs the pumps at the oil field he'll kick down a couple extra million barrels a day our way. biggrin.gif


Actually now that you mention it, I think Venezuela is a good target, they don't have much defense to speak of. A few thousand guerilla fighters armed with Grenades, RPG's and Machine Guns. biggrin.giftongue.gif


James teh wishful thinking

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I can hardly wait for the big oil companies to announce "Record profits this qtr" and give their CEO's massive bonuses compliments of all of us.


Just wait for a refinery "accident". You ain't seen high gas prices!!!!!


Gosh, don't you guys trust the free market to 'correct' itself? Personally, I think the best way to end our dependence on foriegn oil is to end our dependence on oil.


BTW, as far as the relative safety of a Prius vs a Hummer, the Prius is actually a far safer vehicle overall, other than in a collision with something like a Hummer. Accident avoidance (braking, acceleration, steering response, rollover resistance, etc) is far better in a car such as a Prius. Additionally, passenger cars have far more strict safety standards that they must meet, as opposed to light trucks (which is what even the most car-like SUVs qualify as.) Statistically, you are far more likely to be involved in an accident (especially single vehicle accidents like rollovers) in an SUV than in a passenger car.


o/t for james meyette and all cali people Seems like an appropriate cross-link.

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My question is who do we have to invade to get cheaper oil?

There is quite a bit of it in Alaska and offshore California. I guess us wacky Californians would

rather pay $3 a gallon for gas than see an oil derrick on the horizon when we're at the beach.

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The faster we can tranform our fossil fuel driven economy into a hydrogen ecomony the faster we will stop funding global Saudi evil and terror. Hydrogen fuel cells are environmentally friendly and can power cars, homes, offices, buidings off the energy grid. Hydrogen can be generated from the electrolysis of water using wind, solar, hydro and other natural means breaking our cycle of dependence. As Rekd or someone said in another thread...we need a new Manhattan project for energy independence....now!! FWI Bush just pledged $1.7 billion for Hydrogen fuel cell research.



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Guest CNC Apps Guy 1

There's only one minor thing that bothers me about Hydrogen. eek.gif ... it's explosive eek.gif Ran into ventilation "issues" with lead acid batteries inside a car that was shall we say WIRED FOR SOUND. 8 Deep Cycle Batteries, 10,000 watts pounding out about 137db eek.gif We had to build an isolation tank that used a scoop near the front of the car and purged out the back. Other than that, I like hydrogen. I wonder if the water vapor exhaust will cause issues with the environment??

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Driving an 86 Lincoln Towncar. About 18 miles per gallon. It may be an old rust bucket, but I sure do get the chicks with it. HA! HA!

Car pooling is the real answer to most of our problems. Save money on gas while building friendships.



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hurry up, hydrogen! Pretty soon I'm gonna have to push my car to work and back

LOL Roy.


But seriously folks. Even with the Hydrogen fule cells do you think that's going to end this gas crunch? Oil conglomerates (big dogs) are way too large and have a hand in everything. They would quietly squash all production of hydrogen fueled vehicles. Ever see the movie "Tucker"? That was back in the 50's. One man had a dream of a safer, more efficient, and longer lasting vehicle that was stylish to boot. What happened to him and his dream? The big 3 auto companies shut down all suppliers of all the materials he needed to build the cars. What was he going to do, refine the raw materials himself and then build the cars? IF we are to get a major change in our dependence on fossil fules, we have to make it attractive to the biggest companies that would stand the most to lose from no longer selling fossil fuels. What if they were able to convert their oil refinieries into mass water distillation plants and sell the water for fuel. Electrolysis of water molecules could be done in the vehicle itself. The only thing is there would need to be a catalyst of some kind to help speed up the process up for consumption during internal combustion. HMMM!! I wonder what effects salt, as in the kind found in sea water, would have on the electrolysis of water to produce hydrogen fuel? JMHO. cheers.gif

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I am guessing that fuel costs have increased by about 30% in the last few weeks; more important to consider besides our own complaints, is the overall effect on our respective economies.

Imagine if you were an independent trucker and had to foot such a bill – this could well ensure that you would not be receiving a paycheck next week.

Couriers rates are going to go up at least 30% as well and will likely stay there even if the cost of fuel returns to what it once was. The cost of air travel will almost certainly be increased by that same margin. We can only hope the price has pinnacled because my guess is that it could even double, once again.

Some guy at work recently bought one of those 420+ horse powered Dodge trucks, it’s the one you can hear idling from one block away; my guess is that he is spending in excess of $250.00 per week just commuting to work -Around here, this would be a mortgage payment. frown.gif


Today is Thursday May 20th and it would cost me $105.00 to fill a 1990 Benz with high test, which would last about one week.


Regards, Jack

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