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Everything posted by crazy^millman

  1. Lol Carlos was thinking the same thing. Crazy Millman
  2. Depending on how complex the parts I cna not zoom iin on my computer either. I will verify it once then reset to the begining then zoom in on that area and the re verify. Just a work around I found that works. Crazy Millman
  3. Well I can tell you that your starting geomentry is not the same as your finished. i was able ot create this as a surface but to do this as a soild is something that will not be easy unless you create a center line to go along and still think you are not going to get the desired results. I dont see a way to take a circle and make it into a ellispe doing this as a soild. I took one half and mirroer it along the line usign that line as my normal control and then did the same for the otehr when I sweep the surface alsong the 2 red line they didnt creat the same effect back to the other ways. I think you will want to do this with surfaces not solids. I can put up what I got if you like but I dont think it is what you are looking for is all. I put it up as COxxxxNSCRAZY anyway. Good luck Crazy Millman [ 10-27-2003, 09:52 PM: Message edited by: Millman^Crazy ]
  4. Thats is cool Carlos. Crazy Millman
  5. Like I said I could care less think it is great if they are catching them good to know. It si a regular Hasp and just tell it no and dont pay attention to what osrt just think it would need resources to do this and well I need every recouse I can sue on the computer is all. Crazy Millman
  6. I want to apoligze to Dave and the other memeber for my comments in the other thread I cant there since it is closed. Mr Larry Hanft I personally apoligze if I have offened you in anyway just me and sorry for that I again have no hard feelings and never did and hope you dont either. Ron Branch aka Crazy Millman [ 10-27-2003, 10:08 PM: Message edited by: Millman^Crazy ]
  7. I did not miss the point of the origianl post and in my attempt to be a little more about some real world things put up true Factors for a Real world analaysis of the equation and as a educated person thought you would see the humor in the fact not a critic just a Crazy person's sense of humor. with this I still tried to be funny: quote: Ok another little twist to this equation what if the wall thinkness of the pipe is .2 what would you end up for the diameter.I took the following commnets to support my thought that maybe you didnt cover this material to as well as you thought by these remarks made: quote: Forgot to add.... many students are complaining...."it's too hard, too little information. quote: This is intro to manufacturing.... mechanical engineering and industrial systems manufacturing engineering students. This is a 200 level course. quote: this wasn't about anything but solving a puzzle...... Thought it could be fun.... was the puzzle impracticle, yep But at the Same time felt this remark was un needed on your part since you felt it was BS and realized it was a puzzle being the educated person you are would not need to call professionals whinners as in this statement: quote: Sorry, too busy to check in. Was starting to wonder who was whining more you guys or the students! Where you taking about some other people in some other forum. Not to be a dick but I was learning this back in highschool when I was taking Machine Shop cuase I was being taught Machine Shop and if you were teaching machining princples then I could see where you thought this was not fair for your students to say. I only wanted point back in my comments that it was not too hard but at the same time it was not too easy. It has been years since I had needed to do things of this nature and I cant think of to many people that know all the formula's off the top of their head. I also look at this a good thinking problem but not a good real world problem. I only wanted to invoke thought into your head about the idea of the question and its nature. Where you trying to teach your students something or show them something else. I would also wager that if that alot didnt even attempt this problem which drives me crazy. I would think if you had covered this Material or allowed them resources to figure this out and they didn't take adavatange of it then they need to get there heads out of their xxxx and realize that the world is passing them by and if they dont make themselves more knowledgeable then they are going to be left behind wondering why. Now if you feel like I am wrong so be it I will not apogize for what I have said. I will say that I am sorry you feel that way. And this commnet was not directly toward you just a commnet is all it is nothing more nothing less so take it for what it is worth. quote: The world of acadminics some times forgets the real world and I think if rewards were given more on a real world level more for the effort than the political correctness of the 6 weeks of clasess on how to write a freaking paper you would have alot more people willing to learn and alot better force of people out there that have learned through higher education. I will also add why should people of good work ethic, strong responsibilites and years of paying their dues not be looked at with the same respect as a person who got some piece of paper that say they did something when most time they cant engineer their way out of a paper bag.(not saying all are this way but more are than are not) I can see I got another person mad at me on here oh well such is life. I am not mad I just put up my thoughts an opinions which what you were asking for in your original posting quote: Do you think it is too hard?If there the same as your great if they are different great that is what make this place and this country what it is the freedom to disagree. I repect what you have said and what you are doing for your students but when someone starts off in a direction of wanting input then states back they are too busy to repond back that is not showing repect to the professionals who are taking time out their work and also as busy schedules to help I got a problem with it. I also with the nail trick wanted you to see soemtimes little thing invoke more thought than the more complex things do is al again nothing more nothing less. Have a good day L Hanft. Have a good day Sir and look foward to my test. Crazy Millman
  8. Ok guys well I wil try it again got the second side of the parts doing 4 at a time so it will be a good test I am also using a mpmaster modifed for the Fadal so I will see and go from there appeircate it. Crazy Millman
  9. ok a question related to this then why would Mill9.exe want access to the internet through iexplorer. My firewall will pop up ever so often asking me that very question. It has happen about dozen time in the last month didnt want to say anything but sicne you guys are talking about it seems like a good time. Crazy Millman
  10. Yeah I got tired of that crap so I uninstalled everyting and started fresh soled alot of the probelms I was havign been good since. Crazy Millman
  11. No Prob glad you were able to get what you needed that is what we are here for to help each other. I learn something all the time from the guys. Crazy Millman
  12. No problem Rekd May have to park out back of the Shop but got plenty of room not near any woods and not near any fire plenty of room to spread out. Crazy Millman
  13. Mayeb check that the T-plane, C-plane, Wcs doesnt have a number there. If it desont I would try rewrittien the op and see if that does it. If not a WTF is in order is all I can say. Mybe it is grabbing the edga os a hole as your control and maybe can't see it. Crazy Millman
  14. +1 on Chris been intrested to see what fixed it for you. Crazy Millman
  15. I would might thi9nk about a .002 ream step up with carbide reamer but dont know if they make them that small. Hand feed I feel bad for you. Crazy Millman
  16. Depends on the Dro if it is a Newall I just click the slep button on the fronts of the ones that have them if it others I just trun the dials to 0 and leave it as that and turn it off unless it is not a last postion type in that case I leave it one better to be off a couple tenths than off .01 or soemthing. I would also do spot checks on the DRO if new to it I have found soem over the years that drift I my Starret 3" dial and run it back and forth at both ends of the travel as well as the middle and check for devation if it doesnt keep .0002 I would check all my scales and check for loose bolts and bent scales if glass good luck it is pretty much screwed if not taking care of. Crazy Millman
  17. Now professor did knowing engineering, or some complex formula help you to solve that problem or did a little bit of common sense help you figure that out or seeing done before. I think it is great you want to expose your students to thing other that just engineering and open their eyes to what it takes. I only responded to you when you can clearly put up the question but didnt want to be forth coming with the answer to guys who where making an effort and I don't think the rewards should be in bonus points for the correct answer but in the attempt of the effort. I felt like with the time it took you to say I will get back you you could have easlier put the answer up and been done with it. The world of acadminics some times forgets the real world and I think if rewards were given more on a real world level more for the effort than the political correctness of the 6 weeks of clasess on how to write a freaking paper you would have alot more people willing to learn and alot better force of people out there that have learned through higher education. I will also add why should people of good work ethic, strong responsibilites and years of paying their dues not be looked at with the same respect as a person who got some piece of paper that say they did something when most time they cant engineer their way out of a paper bag.(not saying all are this way but more are than are not) Crazy Millman
  18. Anything to help a bud. Crayz Millman
  19. Be safe Rekd I will come a running if you need me too help you man. I got a Daybed that turns into a double and a queen sleeper if you need a place to crash for a few days. My wife is a stay at home Mom and My 2 year old daughter would love soemone to play with. Man keep safe and dont do anything cRazy that is my department. Crazy Millman
  20. You need these to close the equation is all [] then I think it will ifx your problem like this. if p_wcs <2, pbld, pn, "TOOL CALL ", *t, *sgplane, *speed, feed, peob, e else, [ pbld, pn, "CALL LBL 2 ; TOOL CHANGE", e pbld, pn, "TOOL CALL ", *t, *sgplane, *speed, feed, peob, e ] try that and see fi it fixes it. Crazy Millman or take out the * in the secone line and that should keep it from double posting. Crazy Millman
  21. Well 10,000 rpm would be a start for me and if I had more would go from that. I woudl look a 0 degree lead drill in carbide if they make them that small. Harvey tool might carry them that small. Crazy Millman
  22. Yeah Heeler I dont use the WCS at all for 3 axis stuff I just move my models to the origin. I do use it for 4th axis stuff but only if I have too. I appericate the offer and will find soemthign for you to play with but I have tried every button and way on that transform and it just dosen't get it the way I like. I find it better to cut and paste change the workoffsets for each op effected and go from there. Beside anything over 4mb has to be dnc around here and you cant DNC subs very well. Crazy Millman
  23. Go right ahead. Stil waitng on ym other answer though about gettign 50 hours of work done in Six. Crazy Millman
  24. It's not the Beatles. Got me on that one. Crazy Millman
  25. Well I am way off base here then. Post Gru's will have to step up to plate for that one. Crazy Millman bows out sits in the corner with his dunce hat on and sees what transpires.

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