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$50,000 a year is poverty in San Diego County


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offtopic.gif It was reported on the news here last night that 16% of the people in this county can afford to buy a home. It was also reported that $50,000 dollars is considered poverty and that any familes with childern making this kind of salary either combined or in my case a the single bread winner will likly not own a house here. I had 6 guys working for back in Jacksonville 2 guys were making 17/hr and 2 were making 15/hr and the 2 apperitiences were making 12/hr which was good for Jacksonville 5 years ago. Every single perosn in the comapny all 15 or us had homes. I work in a plant of over 60 employees. The three owners as well as 4 sales people own homes but on the people in the office and in the shop I think I can count only 4 people. Noone in my department including myself can afford a home here. This is completly crazy in my book that this state is has 60 million dollars to get a new guy in office, has millions of dollars to get illegal people liecences, and do things just of the wall.


I would ask the next you pump gas in this state pay attention ot the fact that you pay 72 cent a gallon in taxes for Gas. If take that and the state sales tax you have more money in taxes there than most states entire budget for the year but yet this state is broke why. Greedy politicans who bank roll their little projects. I want my brother's company to get this contract or whatever. I realize that we elcect these people but when $50,000 is considered poverty in this country that is just really Crazy in my book. Sorry for the Rant but I am trying real hard to be able to stay out here and it is looking harder and harder every day.




[ 01-29-2004, 11:35 AM: Message edited by: Millman^Crazy ]

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Hi Ron,


I hear ya bro, same up here money wise.

This is what will happen next here in Cali.


Joe Smith started the day early having set his alarm clock (MADE IN JAPAN) for 6 A.M. While his coffeepot (MADE IN CHINA) was perking, he shaved

with his electric razor (MADE IN HONG KONG). He put on a dress shirt (MADE IN SRI LANKA), designer jeans (MADE IN SINGAPORE) and tennis shoes (MADE IN KOREA).

After cooking his breakfast in his new electric skillet (MADE IN INDIA) he sat down with his calculator (MADE IN MEXICO) to see how much he could spend today. After setting his watch (MADE IN TAIWAN) to the radio (MADE IN INDIA) he got in his car (MADE IN GERMANY) and continued his search for a good paying AMERICAN JOB. At the end of yet another discouraging and fruitless day, Joe decided to relax for a while. He put on his sandals (MADE IN BRAZIL) poured himself a glass of wine (MADE IN FRANCE) and turned on his TV (MADE IN INDONESIA), and then wondered why he can't find a good paying job in.....AMERICA.....

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I know what you mean also Millman I came from the middle of the map in Kansas and took a job in Minnesotta and I thought I was making a lot more money till you figure in the housing cost difference and all the other political crap that goes with it. I think I'm going to go back to the middle and take all the knowledge I have gained and try to make a comfortable living without struggling everyday or is that the way it is supposed to be?


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I know what you mean also Millman I came from the middle of the map in Kansas and took a job in Minnesotta and I thought I was making a lot more money till you figure in the housing cost difference and all the other political crap that goes with it. I think I'm going to go back to the middle and take all the knowledge I have gained and try to make a comfortable living without struggling everyday or is that the way it is supposed to be?

Come down here matt, way cheaper to live I've have my own house since i was 21.

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The most frustrating thing of all is that I cannot afford to buy a house in the area that I grew up in. Partly because the enviromentalists have put a cap on new construction so the housing market rates are overly inflated and partly because of all the people flooding the area because it is such a desireable place to live.


This frustrates me daily!!!!!!! mad.gif

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The median cost of a house in San Diego just went over $400K. That same house cost about $140K eight years ago.


Several reasons for this:

1. We're out of land. There is almost no place to build new houses in San Diego.


2. San Diego is one of the great cities in the world to live, with arguably the best weather in the world. People who become successful and wealthy in colder climates move to San Diego, and cost of housing is not an impediment.


3. A kind of self-perpetuating hyper inflation. People that are in the market sell their house to trade up. There is no way I could have bought a better house without the equity gain from my old one.


And since housing prices have been going up an AVERAGE of about 20% for the last 7 years, people are willing to over-pay for a house, thinking what seems expensive today will seem cheap in a few years.


The fact is San Diego is a tough place to make it. It's not just the housing cost, but taxes, gas, insurance, etc.


That said, it's a great place to live, with great parks, zoo's, beaches, and pretty girls. eek.gif


I'm staying until I retire, and then I'm moving to the desert -in San Diego county!

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Well It may be a great city but the 5 is a joke on any weekend at any time. The weather was the worst is had been in 40 years last year so I hope it gets better this year.


The only pretty woman I need is the one I got at home.



People who become successful and wealthy in colder climates move to San Diego, and cost of housing is not an impediment.

This is like building a house on a mud foundation you may get it built and you may get to live there but sooner or later the house is going to fall down. It is going to catch up with this county and this country. If you take the average price of a home here and use a standard propery tax it should be about $8000 a home there are only %16 of the people owning homes in the county that means of a county of plus 3,000,000 people only 480,000 people are paying the tax to support schools. So instead of having a majority of the population paying for the schools you have a small part paying and instead of providing a good education to our kids which is our country's future we are just passing the buck on. Yeah it may be what it is but as long as everyone goes oh well great place ot live and no care you keep adding levels to that house built on mud and it will come crashing down.

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You could move to NE Wisconsin.

$150k will get you a nice new 3 BR home. The problem is $50k is above average income. Heating and gas costs have gone crazy and the temp reached a whopping 2F yesterday.

Wait a minute...I forgot if this is a good place to live or a bad.


The single most important factor in the economy is fuel. Until someone stands up to the oil hoarding SOB's out there...we're all screwed.


Happy thoughts, Happy thoughts!!

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Charles, I feel your pain...

We have the same problem in Orange County, CA. I live in a townhouse that is 2 story, end unit (attached on 1 side) and is only 1147 sq. ft. I bought it at $115,000. This home is now selling at $315,000 in our tract eek.gif ! I would have problems qualifying for it if I were just starting out. My Wife and I cannot buy a detached house because, for example, a house with a backyard that is 13 feet from the back door and 32" space on each side, 1310 sq. ft. is going for $469,000. This was a fixer-upper which I estimate will cost about $25,000 easy to clean up and that is if the roof and plumbing is good. My question is where do we move confused.gif . I have coworkers who commute 82 miles (one way) everyday. That is a five hour commute. We are going to stay for a while longer I guess. The real kicker is that values are supposed to go up another 18% by October 04: how do we move up banghead.gifbanghead.gif ? Maybe instead of inversting in something I can't afford, perhaps a trip or two is in order... biggrin.gif

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Hi all,



Until someone stands up to the oil hoarding SOB's out there

Yeah it's not like we could use all that sand out there in the desert and make Solar Panels and get free electricity or anything .............


Or alot of Wind Fans for electricity .....


Or alot of that Wave Technology for electricity


Or alot of (oh no)Hemp for Fuel. Which BTW is an annual renewable energy source our FARMERS could produce better than anyone. And feed half the world as well at the same time. Yeah it all goes back to same ol,same ol old boy network.


In the End.

Status and Wealth over God and Health.

This is the real problem imo.


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I wasn't referring to alternative forms of energy...I was referring to the fact that we just kicked the ash of the biggest oil hoarding dictator of all time. It would be nice if we saw a litte sumtin' for the effort.

I'm not saying this is what the war was about, but it could be a benefit of the outcome. Not free oil, just justifiable prices, that's all.


As for the last post...

I'd sell that townhouse for $300k plus, move to WI and you'd be ahead. You could spend the difference on winter clothes and shovels.

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If you want to live in the popular cities, you have to settle for a smaller home. This I understand is common in many other countries.


In a way we are victims of our own expectations. We're used to growing up in the Burbs with a 1800 sf house and 1/2 acre yard.


Personally, it's worth it to me because this is the only place I have ever lived where I am never bored. When I'm walking through the Zoo Sunday morning among people who've come here from all over the world to vacation, and who are just loving it, I know how lucky I am to live here full time.


Look on the bright side, when you get ready to retire you can take the capital gain on your home, move to the boonies, buy a motorhome, and live comfortably for the rest of your life. The house has certainly outperformed the NASDAQ!

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Godzilla Dude, you just described my situation to the last detail. We got into an attached condo about 9 years ago and had to get out of the desirable part of town to do so. They were going for 80+k and are now selling for 225k. Yes we have equity built up but the minimal we need to spread out with the 10 month old new edition to the family is going for about 500-600k and after crunching some numbers we figured that with a sweet 6 percent loan and 100k down the payment on a 30 year deal would still be around 2.5+k a month. eek.gif


We might have to trade up into a larger condo, which means more homeowner's dues and quazi-socialist living arrangements.


My wife and I want a house on a stand alone piece of property in the worst way but not to the extent that we lose sleep wondering if we are going to be able to make the mortgage.


Are any of you compassionate philanthropists?

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I just wanted to point out that Oil Companies (Haliburton comes to mind) control our economy thru their cozy agreement with the Govment. They couldn't charge whatever they want if there was any competiton for them to go up against. And besides that I hate seeing all that pollution from these inefficient(sp?) systems that are 100 year old technology. Let's see some innovation in transportation not the same old Oil burning crappy systems that keep their Profit Machine running. Besides that, you export all that innovation and keep our economic engine running by selling to others and everybody benefits not just the Oil Companies.

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with those expences how much do you have to work to afford to live there 60+ hrs aweek do you ever get a chance to enjoy it or does it just pass you by on your way to and from work??? id rather live somewhere else and just vist and vacation in those butiful places 2 times ayear and probubly see more and do more that most of the people living there !!here in new jersey ive got a 3 bedroom 11/2 bath on 3/4 acre on a lake paid 145,000 6 years later worth 250,000 and i only have to work 45 hrs a week to enjoy it with a 12 mile comute ill count my blessings ... see you at the zoo in may biggrin.gif

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Guest CNC Apps Guy 1


The house has certainly outperformed the NASDAQ!

I'll tell you what, Hard Assets beat paper any day of the week.


If I were to stay in my house til I retire, I'll probably have in excess of $2,000,000 in equity if housing prices increase only modestly over the next 30 years.


The motorhome sounds good to me. Plus we can take the grand kids traveling during the summer like mine took me.

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