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Everything posted by Webby

  1. Number of 'hits' is a fairly inflated statistic that includes all server requests including images, etc. We're at over 1.25 million a month. My guess is that if access to the forum were restricted to registered Members, the total Member count would spike.
  2. Ooops. I've just been informed that we jumped the gun a bit early on the Surface machining App patch. The link will be removed until QC gives the go ahead - hopefully later today.
  3. I think we're back in business, although there may be some hiccups today as I test things out. Anyone else suffering from withdrawal symptoms?
  4. The manual is fresh off the CD presses, and there hasn't been much fanfare yet - so we'll all be cutting our dealers some slack. Perhaps I'll mass mail some prelim info out on Friday.
  5. Our ISP has noticed the 'high traffic' on eMastercam.com, and plans to move the site to a faster server today. As a result the Forum will be down for a few hours this afternoon (Oct 4) during the transition. Sorry for the short notice.
  6. Webby

    oh my god

    Our Patches page was linking to CNC Software's download page for the V8.1 to V8.1.1 Patches. There were indeed some dead links on that page. I've whipped up a mirror of the page on our server and the links are working. [ 10-04-2001: Message edited by: Webmaster ]
  7. Webby


    It has been pointed out that my last post sounds a bit harsh. Let me rephrase. We definitely *do* understand that of all places a CAD/CAM forum will most likely see messages written in ALL CAPS. That's why the Forum Guidelines have the joke about duck tape. quote: 7. Using ALL CAPITAL LETTERS is the equivalent of yelling on the Internet. You *do* need to duct tape that Caps Lock key down for G-Code, but please untape it for this Forum. It's really not a serious offense. At the same time, I feel it's our duty to educate newer users on the finer points of standard 'Netiquette'. That way new users can receive these pointers here among friends. [ 10-02-2001: Message edited by: Webmaster ]
  8. Webby


    Actually the use of capitals is discussed in the Forum Guidelines. ALL CAPS makes things difficult to read. Not to mention that upsetting some of the biggest contributors here isn't a wise move if you value their input. [ 10-02-2001: Message edited by: Webmaster ]
  9. Webby

    off topic

    You're right that the venting has gone on for quite some time. It does seem necessary though as part of the healing process. In my opinion a few of the posts are over the top. However, it's my own personal policy to not interfere with (fellow) Americans on the war path. I think things will return to normal on the forum when things return to normal in our everyday lives. Clearly we're not there yet. Having said that, let me say this to all Members here: The recent attack on the US is not an expectable excuse to exhibit any racist tendencies that you may have. Hatred towards an enemy during war times is natural, yet the enemy has yet to be clearly defined. Please check your messages ensure that you'd be proud enough to show them to your children ten years from now. You've already agreed through your use of this service that you will not use this BB to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law. [ 09-20-2001: Message edited by: Webmaster ]
  10. There should be no discussion regarding new features or products until the time they are released.
  11. A few options here: 1 - let it be - it's a lot a manual labour for the hacks, and why promote cracks to a group including paying customers, CNC Software, resellers? 2 - forum access only for registered members (nothing then stops the hacks from registering, and the Webby's amount of work goes way, way up) 3 - publically block all emails (only Administrators would have access, and this group tends to like full identity disclosure)
  12. I don't think Kenneth's comments were targeted at Otter, rather at the shops hopefully Otter may be able to assist. Looks like a bit of misunderstanding, and unfortunately Otter asked that I remove his/her account. [ 08-31-2001: Message edited by: Webmaster ]
  13. Don't you love change? Everyone seemed to be too comfortable posting, so we've messed everything up on you... Stay with us as we customize the newer engine to look a bit more like the old one. If you hate this - wait until Mastercam V10...
  14. I received three emails today containing the "W32/SirCam@MM" worm virus. The messages appear to be from a bogus email account and were wrapped up in what was intended to look like some tech support type questions. This message serves as a warning to the group members to continue to be cautious when opening message attachments. It helps to show all file extensions (so files like test.doc.vbs or test.doc.com don't look like test.doc). Update your virus scanner frequently. Also, no technical support questions will be answered by direct email to eMastercam.com. For technical support, please use this Forum, contact your reseller directly, or as a final measure, email CNC Software's Technical Support Department at [email protected].
  15. The comments in the thread in question where largely positive - say 90%. These were also removed when the message thread was deleted. I feel this was a consistent way to deal with the problem. This way Rekd's concerns about being white-washed should be somewhat satisfied. Instead - for now - it's a total blackout on the topic of resellers. If you think about it, reporting a bug or stating product concerns is fairly impersonal (although the programmers may be taking names...). Raising issues here about your reseller can definitely constitute a personal attack. Many resellers don't read the forum, so it really isn't the way to have your issues addressed. Sometimes problem resolution requires a bit of venting to cool down before moving on to getting things fixed. Venting is emotional and isn't always completely rational. What we are saying is this is not the place to vent. I should remind everyone that this level of censorship has occurred 2 times in 16 months of the board being active. It hardly defines the day to day activity here.
  16. I've removed the entire recent "Your Dealer" topic after requests from dealers to have the Forum completely shut down. Please keep in mind that this site is run by a Mastercam reseller with the blessing of CNC Software and their reseller channel. As a result, we can't tolerate any reseller related complaints here. Contact your reseller, or CNC Software directly if you have issues with your reseller. This is the only way to check the veracity of your claim, and your status as a licensed user. Feel free to comment on this action, but refrain from commenting on your reseller. [This message has been edited by Webmaster (edited 07-25-2001).]
  17. James - Mastercam, Meyette, & RISC http://www.emastercam.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/001250.html was a repeat of another open thread: Dual proccessor computers http://www.emastercam.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/001220.html You can still reply to the latter thread, or at your request I can open up the former and let the fire fly. I do somewhat miss the essays peppered with dictionary content...
  18. This message was originally posted as part of another thread: http://www.emastercam.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/001220.html I feel that it's been posted again in an attempt to bully James into response. Clearly James does not feel that the original message dignified a response. I'm locking this thread.
  19. You can edit your messages rather than posting a new one each time you make an error.
  20. Not the filter, but the fact that HTML is enabled that causes the problem. BTW - Ding, Dong. CTRL+M works like a charm. [This message has been edited by Webmaster (edited 06-28-2001).]
  21. Assuming you mean your forum UserName... Write [email protected] to request that your account is deleted. After your account has been deleted, sign on again with your current email. Can't have people changing names on their own - need to have a bit of accountability for comments that you make! [This message has been edited by Webmaster (edited 06-27-2001).]
  22. Anything to add to the topic "Verify Lockups"? No? Good.
  23. Let's drop the crap and get back on topic. Multax - Not sure how long you've been reading the forum, but James is the top contributor here. You may find that singling him out as the enemy will alienate you from many of the Members here.
  24. Webby


    Click on the 'flying letter' icon at the top of multiaxis's message to send an email.

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