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Everything posted by Jean-Simon

  1. I use side as the piece will be clamped in your chuck, and when you do a c-axis toolpath your tool plane is set automaticaly.
  2. Hi CNC, go on the ftp and get the file named -simon, I moved the piece on the side and redo the toolpath. Was your piece in the right position or you just tried it like that? HTE Simon!
  3. Hi Derrick, I had a look at it for the first time and it seems to be cubic inches for volume and weight for density like steel constant is .283 of a pound for 1 cubic inch so it will tell you how much your block weighs if it's steel. Hope it helps. Simon
  4. You wont be able to know properties. If you want to apply toolpaths on it it's recommended to explode it before importing it. Hope it helps! Simon
  5. Hi Dan, ask the guys at Service four automation they're very nice and knows a lot about Cimco. Simon!
  6. It's me again maybe you're talking about toolpath next menu transform right click in the white box where it's marked x spacing and y spacing and go to x coordinate of a point and so on. As simple as that. Simon!
  7. Good morning AMD, if I'm right you want to modify the toolpath at a given point or coordinate. Just go in the operation manager and right click on the last line of the operation (nci)under geometry and you'll have access to toolpath editor and then play with it. Hope it helps. Simon!
  8. Good morning Westwind, you can or go to too;paths next menu transform and translate your operation and assign new work offset for each set-ups or if your using V9 you can use WCS. With the infos I have it's the best answer I can give you for now. Hope it helps! Simon
  9. Hi Jeremy, in the chaining options you have some check boxes that could probably help you out like: directions for closed chains and reverse directions of inner chains or nested chains sorting. Hope it helps! Simon
  10. I was born sept.2nd 1974 this should counts!!!
  11. Hi John, sorry I don't have access to ftp but as I see you could try create surface trim/extend fill holes and then click on your surface and drag the arrow to your hole edge and then it's gonna prompt you "fill all internal holes" you say yes if you want all holes to be closed in one click. Hope it helps!
  12. Hi if your talking about the smart cornering (highfeed) it's in the operations manager. Last one in the bottom.you can set it to rough or finish. Hope it helps!
  13. Yes just go in drafting dimension point and select the entitie or endpoint.
  14. Hi Dan, you can use check surfaces or faces in all roughing toolpaths except pocket, Why??? no idea. Good Luck! Simon
  15. Hi MCFelix, you could fix that by going in MISC. values from the tool parameters page and activate the mill cyc. g107/g112. You will see it should be alright. Hope it helps! Jean-Simon
  16. Hi Sba, another way would be to create a point in the center of your pocket and select this as chain #1 and then select your contour as chain #2.It will enter at the point you created.You could also use that point to start your helix: center on entry point and in your ramp: align ramp with entry point. Hope it Helps! Jean-Simon
  17. Hi Derick, these settings are only a tolerance to follow surface of course it's directly going to affect your surface finish but these settings are excellent.If you don't need that much precision then you should increase them a bit because it makes files louder and longer to generate depending on the system you work with. Hope it helps! Jean-Simon
  18. Salut Bobcam, tu n'as qu'à aller dans ton job set-up et désactiver ou activer 'assign tool number sequentially' parce que cette case va determiner le premier outil que tu sélectionne comme #1 le deuxieme comme #2 et ainsi de suite, si tu la désactive ça gardera le numéro que l'outil avait dans la librairie ex.:#37. Parle-t-on de lathe ou mill? J'espère que ça aidera. Jean-Simon
  19. Salut Bobcam, oui tu peux avoir de l'aide en français. Mon nom est Jean-Simon je travaille chez CAP Technologies, tu peux aussi nous appeler, nous offrons le support(téléphonique et en ligne) gratuitement.À bientôt et bienvenue! Jean-Simon
  20. Hi Heavy, for me they're responsable but depending the relation you have with your customer you should be able to fix that easily except if it's a 200 pcs. order. I can't believe people are editing dimensions instead of modifying the drawing. Good luck! Simon
  21. Are we talking about lathe or milling? If you're talking about lathe it should be because of your stock update if you use stock definition in the job setup. If you modify one operation you will need to regenerate subsequent ops.because the stock recognition is "on". Hope it helps! Simon
  22. Hi Shirl1, you'll be able to convert the file no problem just by doing "file get" and then change the "file of type" mc9 to pre 7 (*.ge3)but you won't get the toolpaths with it because of major changes between both versions.Good luck! Simon
  23. Hi Jeff, I don't know how familiar you are with MC and I did'nt see the drawing but make sure your surface normal is up otherwise your tool is going to machine under and that's something that can look with what you explained. Hope it helps! Simon
  24. I don't really understand what your problem is exactlly. Try to be clearer or e-mail us a file. Simon

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