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Everything posted by crazy^millman

  1. Yeah think they are stupid and also have got the emails saying fi you are not the intended person you are breaking federal law by keeping this on your computer and now we are having to do an IP with also a ND for another customer. I use to do Aerospace and we had them all over everything and also had the Goverment send people by to check our practices for security polices. Crazy Millman
  2. Well I had a friend that wrokd at a major provider for the country that the fellow worker where just sitting around writing viruses to send to customers. He said they fired 50 people in one week for doing it. I have got them on several occuasions and just bug the system got one once hard to reload the whole system that sucked. I have put in a firewall to avoid Tojans attacks. Crazy Millman
  3. This is in the setting for all surfaces in the configuration page for tolerances. Crazy Millman I believe the smaller the tolerance the bigger your files.
  4. Hey that is a good lead what got you into this. I had noone in the family that did this and was one of the people everyone said should be a doctor or laywer. I really pissed my guidence consular when in the 9th grade I threw away the 3.96 GPA the honor society and the 7th place ranking in my class to take machine shop after just seeing it and saying I want to do this. Mind you that I grew up with nothing and knew I had to support myself through college so knew I had to do something to make it. 17 years later still doing it and never regert that decsion one day love doing this and wouldn't change anywhere I have worked yea all 17 places and have done. Crazy Millman ps I did take some college classes but after taking that damn college english 5 time to pass know I made the right choice.
  5. Hey bougmill one thing about highspeed if you decide you want to take it out of a toolpath for some reason go to the right click menu and go to options/locking then on or off are there if you turn it off and regen it will take the highfeed off. Just a tip I had to find the hardway. Crazy Millman
  6. +1 do you have all the latest Dll 9.15? I do the Same thing Have Xp at home and 2000 at the offcie and get files all the time from the FTP at our office. I would olny ask this one question do you have the MC loaded in the same exact place as the one at work. I found I was doing something wrong in the past with The NCI placement. It could also be a config issue with what you have set at work verse what you have set at home. If the place for the post or the tools or soemthing is just a little different it could possbile be making the problem. I found it easy to make copies of everything at work and putting in the same place and way to keep from having problems like this surley couldnt hurt. Crazy Millman
  7. Yes I have been telling people since you got on to me about it. I relaized the easy way by right clicking on the files and clicking zip and it is that easy. Even with the evaluation version. I thought I had to buy it you don't. No problem Marc I Agree Crazy Millman
  8. Rick you hit the nail on the head. One other thing to add you have DNC ability with the Standard Cimco Edit on one Machine I have never had any problem with it. I also do a DNC with Mastercam to one Machine and do DNC with Cimco to antother Machine thus I have the Ability to DNc to 2 machines at the same time Legally without having to buy the Professional version of Cimco and with 2 seat of Mastercam I can DNc to the 4 Machines we have without buying anything extra it is a pain sometime moving the Sim around since we sometimes use other computers for DATA storage but hey whatever works. Good Luck Crazy Millman
  9. Ok rekd I would ask a stupid question but choose not too. I then looked at the HAAS post sent with the basic 9.1 Mastercam to gauge my response on. I ran into soemthing crazy on toolchanges when the gcode call forthe 1002 or the 1000 was set the wrong way when doing 5 axis toolchanges wit hthe Thermwood post. Maybe I am way out in left feild in this but if you equal your frist part on the equation to a varible equal too a nulltool change will you not add a extra tool to the buffer given you the difference of adding the extra tool which would be nothing but a value of space is added to the buffer thus giving you the z.00 information of something that does not exist in the mastercam program for operation but added by accident with the value 1000 calling the null toochange varible in your post. Example below I think sorry if I am wrong but wihtout asking the stupid quesiton for you to send me the post this is the best I could come up with having what I got to work with. ptlchg1002 #Call at actual toolchange, end last path here sav_rev = rev #Axis Sub does not update to rev pspindle whatline = four #Required for vector toolpaths if gcode = 1000, [ #Null toolchange ] else, [ #Toolchange and Start of file if gcode = 1002, The part where it says if gcode equals 1000 then it complete the condtion statement of a null toochange which could possible add the z.00 that you are getting I only think this where you have this quote: if gcode = 1002 & op_id = prv_op_id, b1_gcode = 1000 I do know if this is right and dont have the post to play with to figure it out so given my best try. Good Luck Crazy Millman [ 08-19-2003, 12:17 AM: Message edited by: Millman^crazy ]
  10. Dan2ok not to beat a dead horse but you have all the DLL even the 9.15 and yes it is on the update page have to look real hard where the other dll were they have just replaced them and not put them in other place why I dont know has been very confusing for alot of people me also included in that. If you are put the file up on the FTP and let some of the people look at we are without a netwrok this week so I can only see this from home at night think James has got you going in the right direction. I would also look at my arc filter setting and see where they are set at in your demo and the 9.1sp1 I know they defulated on mine to .005 where I like to have it set to .0005 so this did little thing like this for me. Good Luck Crazy Millman
  11. Well sorry the best one "i cam acroos was an old HydroTel Millcaron that was an old oil sump system that had been changed over to a water collant without ever cleaning out the old system. The daily routine was to dumb a gallon of bleach in them everyday oh yeah there was 3 of them. I was chrged wit hthe task to clean the all out to keep the smell from getting so bad. Oh did I forget to metetion that they had it that way for 5 years. I threw up about 5 times and it took me a good three days and 2 55 gallon drums later to get all the sludge out of them. That was fun and it would have gaged a magit. Crazy Millman
  12. I would only add that if you want to get a good finish on it use Carbide and coolant will keep it from sticking to itself and give you better speeds and feed just like anytime you use carbide over highspeed. Crazy Millman
  13. Ok just one thing to add to the whole thing it is only costing 66 million dollars to do this. I understand they guy did some bad thing and think he should get the boot but how able are the candaites going to be heard when they are over 150. I would just like to see the debate with all the people that are in this like Larry Flint, The dancing Guy, The short guy, The Famous guy, and etc............. With the idea that some have of Calforina needs to be looked at I am from Florida and unless you come here and live and see how things are you need to get a clue before saying remarks to the fatc you have no idea about. I would only say there are all types of people in all places of the world and just because this state is going through this doesnt make it any better or worse than the others. I could wonder why a state hit with something so terrible less than 2 years ago was not ready to get the people off an island and have everything in complete dis-array. I am not bashing them just pointing out if we want to start analizing the problems of each state I am sure we can pick all to death with something. Crazy Millman
  14. Just some thing off the wall to think about. Get some bon-do and capture the part in it. I would also look at some TiAln endmills and cut it dry with the feed per tooth recommend by robk. You maty find is good to look at the 3 flute to rough it and the 4 or 5 flute high helix to finish it. I would also get me a mister with no water pickup to keep the cutter clean of chips. You can also look at diamond coating but expect to pay 8-10 times the price right off the bat but expect 8-10 times the life. If you are doing long cuts and dont want to possible be replacing cutter in middle of a part then may be worth the extra money. The link you got from Rob should also take you to that line. Good luck just like anything once you do it you got it. Crazy Millman
  15. Hey just wondering if this was any help and what did you do to make it work? Crazy Millman
  16. Hey Rekd, We found out Friday we are having another Girl. I am sorry to hear about that and wish your family the best. We are due in December the day before my birthday the frist one was due on my wife's birthday. That will leave us at 2 and we are stopping there. I will be the only guy in a house of three women. I guess it pay back for my mom's three boys. I am one of a twin and we had a little brother. My mom use to always say she was one woman in a house of men. Well look foward to the postings. Crazy Millman
  17. Hey Charles I have been thinkign about this and maybe I am crazy but is it possilbe that there needs to be a loop singal sent back to the controller. I am sure the cables are good but maybe it is something as simple as that. We have 2000 here but send it to the 98 computer to actually do the DNC with. I send all of my parameters back to them no problem. Do you have the controllers set in Format 1 or in Format 2. We have all of our set to Format 1. Is the distance longe than 100' to transfer I have seen that give fits sometimes also. Crazy Millman
  18. I think you will be happy with the SuperBee Line one thing to remmeber thses tools run better Dry in All Material excpet aluminum. It is not the heat it is the gum effect it gives you. I usually take a little cutting oil like 1/20 ratio and coat it to elimate the stick. God luck in your search dont forget to get what you want on a test and tell them to send a Rep. so you can get different ideas and if it doesn't work can always send it back no charge. I have also found that sometime a conventinal cutting wors better than climb. Crazy Millman
  19. Hey Cadcam one thing t othink about in the delete dup in a file. If you have different layers with the same part information it wil not laod them and if it is needed inforamtion it can be a problem I think. Maybe I am out in left feild but just a thought is all. Crazy Millman
  20. That is a good tip didint know it had that ability. Think it would be a good Tech-Tip. Just a thought. Crazy Millman
  21. Well I have been told you can do soem machining in Mastercam with STL's. It is one of the wireframe toolpaths that works with it. WE get all of our files in STL format being Rapid Prototyping. Since I have arrived there I have got them to ask customers to send IGES, Solidworks, or Pro-E to make our job alot easier. I thought it would be a great to get a utility to translate STL's at a $8,000 to $20,000 so that is something out of the question. We got the machines moved and got 2 up Friday and the otehr 2 should be Monday. Left about 6:00pm today but wnet in about 11:30am so not too bad. Crazy Millman
  22. Hum imagine that Crazy millman was not so Crazy Afterall. As with anything it is always easy to d othing is a way you know but it even better to be open to idea there are others that can help you get there is you let them. I am glad cg777 that you have a hell of a guy there. I think if you show him how the mastercam will make if life easier and not replacing him he will really be in your corner. It may be some give and take but as with anything worth doing it requires that. I on another note got only 2 machine up and running. No network and no A/C in our office. It was the fun time I thought it would be. I left today after 6:00pm and not sure when the system will be back up again. I know you are hanging in there and you will get it. I use to do the same thing have people call me about the machines what they could and could not do. There is nothing like real world experience. Good Luck, Crazy Millman
  23. So You mean no one has come close to me in the different shops they have worked in. Has to be soemone out there that come close to it and if you think I am full if Sh?t can give list of all. Crazy Millman maybe that is the problem need a stable envoirment to not be crazy in hum let me see. I know the funny farm.
  24. Hey Rekd you able to get this worked out? Crazy Millman
  25. So if I was to say it is what it is if I knew what it was when it was the thing I thought it was then it might be said if was only the thing I said if I knew how to say it in such a way to see it clearly for the saying of what need to be said to the person saying it was only the start of something good to say to the end of something needing to be said. Hum let me see did I just double talk that is was I just blwoing smoke up someone's xxxx. Question is does it support hyperthreading? The possible answers are YES or NO how about using one of them thanks alot. Crazy Crazy Crazy Millman

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