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O/T A place to chat

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The point is do you go to work as Mike one day then John another day and Michelle another day and Jim the next. It has been a point that I bring up to the people who use names that I have personally felt where wrong like swollen member and some other names I will not repeat. I can cuse and rasie hell with the best of them but there as I have said before a time and a place for it. This community as it has been said by me and others is just that a community and like it is said not too many people that do what we do and nice to have that sounding board. I moved from one side of Amercia to the other I know only my fellow workes and members on this board out here. I have persoanlly talked to James and Matt aka Rekd and think they are great people persoanlly and professionally and they like you do not like certain things in the world. I have always and will always try to be the person to handle thing in a manner to make things better this is the person I am and I can not and will not change that. James has been there done that so much goes without saying when it come to this board. Matt is the guy that see a problem and tells you about if you like it or not that is who he is and he is not chaning for anyone. You sir are acting like the 4 metioned people above coming to work as a different person and in a community of peers why do so. I feel like you have more than proven what ever point you want to prove.


Do what you must in that time coming up but to do something un-community like and to disrespect the other people in this community would show a total lack of professionalism that those of who know you know you possess.


I would also love to see the Webbie do to you what was threaten to me and combine all of your posting to one name so you have a higher post count than almost everyone esle and really like the kettle calling the pot black. A slang meaning if you walk in the shoes of the person you are unhappy with then you must walk a different path even if that pace takes you to the other side of the island. Good day and please resolve this issue for the betterment of us all.


I just have the feeling you are about to do something on purpose to get yourself banned and what purpose would that serve. If you are truly out to help the little guy then you help him by making him the bigger guy through your great teaching not by making it where you can't stand beside him to help him along.

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I hope I can speak for some of the little guys w/ <250 posts.

I am a big fan of OT. It means I can come to the forum for info. or to rest my brain from to much info.

I AM NOT a big fan of one user having 6 different user names. There is no need for that.


Iskandar, I've read many of your posts. I respect you and your experiences -both MC and nonMC related-.

I DON'T respect anything Pooh says. I don't care if I want to talk about Football or how to edit a post for my Heian...I will not take Pooh or Piglet or any other character du jur seriously.


Dividing this forum into Topic vs. Non Topic groups can only hurt. Sticking with one identity can only help your credibility.


And now I can't believe I wasted 10 minutes of my day on this.


Let's move on.

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I tend to contribute, and very much enjoy the O/T threads on this forum; it breaks up the day and usually brings a smile to myself and others regarding the wierd and unpredictable responses that go back and forth.


If you were to give this a moments thought then I am sure that you would conclude that there is a lot to be said about brotherhood and the sense of belonging that also comes with the privelage of membership.


It might well serve relevance or importance to have an open chat area, but the negative is that we would have to be logged in and continually monitoring much like ICQ or the Microsoft alternative.


Viewing an O/T thread always gives the reader the opportunity to choose or to otherwise pass upon something that might not be relevant to Mastercam and this is more than fair concerning any viewer.


I realize that I am not alone in my interpretation of what it is that causes us to come here every day - it's fun and we really like this place just like it is. smile.gif




Regards, Jack

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I appreciate every imput .And I do not want somebody to respect everything I or somebody else sais .

You have a right to choose ,you are a free man .

I only now start to feel what feels a person ,rowing agains the current .


Nevermind .

Winnie in a nice voice singing :

We will ,we will Rock you !

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OK time for Mike's .02¢


This is the mastercam Forum. I find O/T's very distracting. But I respect if people want to do it. I dont participate if I dont like the topic. Free will and all that.


Having a seperate area for O/T's: Why? The web is filled with chat rooms for any topic you like. Go there if you want to chat about football.


Pooh, you creep me out. To come into an adult information site talking and acting like a child is just wierd. You can do it (free will and all), It just creeps me out. As for ther multiple names, same thing. I agree with Ron on this one. If everytime I went to talk to my neighbor, he wanted me to call him by a different name, I would be concerned about who I was dealing with.

I respect You, The Person, and I can easily see you have an extensive knowledge on MANY cadcam software's and topics. I would hate to see you leave the forum. You are a valuable asset. You've taught me some things and I appreciate it.


I have really grown to love this forum. I come here for Mastercam information. If some of you get pleasure from the O/T stuff, that's cool also. But this a place to get/give/share information on Mastercam/Machines/Machining/Computers. We dont need a seperate area for chats.


Mike Mattera

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There have been many friendships that have devoloped in here. This only helps the forum grow stronger. When you sit at work, do you only talk about work, or do you have conversations about i.e. sports, politics, family, parting, whatever.


O/T are a healthy way for all of us to just know that much more about eachother. Creating a seprate area would jeapordize the "groove" of this place, IMO.


Mike, you made two comments I liked, participate of you want, or don't. The second one that I need to put a +1 to is that Pooh creeps me out as well.



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My take on this topic is, we all come here for the technical knowledge base, to support and be supported, to learn and to teach. That is what brought us here and keeps us coming back. I also feel the heart of the forum is it's members. Knowing when fellow members are having babies, working nights, praying for their family or friend who is in harms way, loosing a job, watching wildfires from their livingroom window, moving across the country to be closer to family or for a new job allows us to look beyond the computer monitor and into the heart of those we have become friends with.


I, for one, have somewhat of an addiction to this forum and I come here to check up on new friends as much as I come in here to learn and help where I can.


Opinions are like a$$ #ole$, we all have one and this is mine.



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Hello ,Folks .

Now look at this :



Profile for Piglet teh Very Small Animal

Member Status: New Member

Member Number: 8400

Registered: 29-04-2004

Posts: 0

Location: Teh Hundred Acre Wood

Occupation: Teh Heffalump Hunter


Interests: Haycorns



































J/K Fake smile.gif

But let`s imagine that it is real.

You`ll run to trace this poor guy IP number and compare with mine (let`s ask Webby ,kind of )

Or something of the same kind .

Is this really matters ,who this guy is and if he really related to teh Hundred Acre Wood habitants (I,W and E ) .

I can predict what Millman will say ,and Rekd ,and Mick .

PPL ,try to look on this different :

If this guy THH ,helps ,contributes and obbeys the boards rules ,what teh 1234567 problem ?

When I or Eeyore or Winnie are saying what we think ,we have a right to say .

So U R !

But not always our opinions are the same ,it is not hypocricy ,this is a difference of opinions .

Now about humor and how we understand it .

If you laugh over a guy ,who slipped on the banana clip and fall on his buttocks , I like to laugh on myself .

But you think I am crazy .

We all crazy more or less ,everyone.

You can not be normal being under this stress 12-14 hours a day !

Now look on this from the other angle .

When I or one of my nonhuman friends (Mr Millman is free to choose ) sais that we need a room to chat that`s exactly what we means .

There is a difference between an O/T Thread about a byker wrapped in silk curtain and nonessential info that this bloody day I feel so desperate ,because everyone around me nuts including myself and life worth nothing except a poetry ,that my friend Winnie hummed today !

And you think we must keep this trash forever and make over it post count ?

And you think you had never ever such or other , joyful cases to chat .

And we do not need to chat ,you say !

Strict to Mastercaam.

Ok,I am retiring once more ,but if you wanna say something ,Winnie and Eeyore at your service


Iskander with a Mastercam mug in his hand smoking ,drinking coffee in his charming voice singing :

Far have I traveled ,and much have I seen ....

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I will not take Pooh or Piglet or any other character du jur seriously.


That`s a big mistake !


It's like Ive always told myself "your never alone when your schizophrenic".


Welcome to the Woods ,Mick !


The night of Heffalump hunt !


You hear the roar ,and frightful shriek ,

Some body stuck there up the creek .

It`s Heffalump looks for a prey

4 piece of meat and crag 4 day

3 holy xxxxs !

2 mighty balls

1 Mastercammer on the wall

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Gentlemen , just a thought.


Who efing cares !

One member cannot change this forum's structure. Or is that 3 ? rolleyes.gifbiggrin.gif

Even the originators that do have the power, ask the forum as a group what they would like to see.No worries IMHO.

I personally don't get the sense of humor, i can only figure Isky is so brilliant that he is bored or he doesn't have enough work. headscratch.gif


Iskander , if you are bored or whatever, have fun but don't try to change what doesn't need changing.

Mess with yours, not ours ! Save this for your lovely children.


I have much respect for you and all here, but ya might be pushing it too far, especially for some people that are here alot.


This ,by far, the most rediculous post i have responded to .....anywhere.


Nuff said


Rod Serling biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif teh Alfred Hitchcock !

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