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Everything posted by gcode

  1. I took 3 semesters programming at Saddleback Community College using V5 I thought it was pretty cool at the time, but looking back, it was very primitive. Anyone else remember MCTV?? I started doing actual work with Mastercam in V7, in 1998 (?)
  2. You got some of the best in the business offering to help you and you reply with the smart mouth. I've no doubt this problem is easily fixed but with an attitude like that why should anyone bother???
  3. I'm a dumbass. I was expecting to see a main Radial Menu page, but you have to start the edit process on an individual button to get it. Amazingly enough, I figured this out by reading the instructions
  4. Is there a trick to enabling the Radial Menus? I'm running an older (10 years +) Space Mouse Enterprise and the latest drivers and there are no Radial Menus. I'm thinking this old device does not support them and I'll need to upgrade
  5. With big companies like AutoDesk and Sandvik buying up Cad/Cam companies I wonder how long it will be till someone buys ModuleWorks. It's only a matter of time till someone makes an offer too good to refuse.
  6. I would add a point toolpath before each machining path. Position the spindle at C355 the start machining at C0 for each following toolpath That should eliminate the C axis backlash, unless the machine is just completely worn out
  7. MC2023 can open X9 files. I open individual X9 files in MC2023 all the time. Did you try the Migration wizard? Chose the advanced option, set up your file paths and choose "part files" I would test this on a small sample folder first, but it should work
  8. Weird, I used the window selector and chainged it from the default "Inside" to "Instersecting" It stuck there and I haven't been able to get it back to "Inside"
  9. modern PC's cannot run V9 with a dongle, but will run with a nethasp. something similar might be required run V9 on this emulator... though a USB anyhere device would be worth a try when you consider the fact that CNC Software won't sell a single seat nethasp license I suspect even legitimate V9 users have gone to Crack-R-Us, downloaded a bootleg copy and moved on.
  10. I would try putting a default tool library on the network, link to that and see if you get the same delay. Another thought is that you have inadvertently changed your toolpath operations defaults to the network and Mastercam is wandering around the network looking for something that isn't there. That may be why you are seeing a delay when you launch a new operation
  11. try now the PM failed because I didn't include a title
  12. Viewports have been gone for nearly a decade. I asked why it was removed and was told that according to the Customer Feedback Program only one user in the entire Mastercam userbase actually used it on a regular basis. The Customer Feedback Program provides CNC with a lot of the data they use when developing future versions. That's why it's a good idea to check the box when you install Mastercam or go to File/Community/Customer Feedback Program and check the Join box Mastercam Customer Feedback
  13. I would experiment with the arc settings in the control definition
  14. I saw this happen to a shop I did business with 20 years ago They built aircraft connectors. They had 20 or 30 screw machines and bar feed lathes It was 24/7 turn and burn. They had an ancient main frame computer the size of a refrigerator with tape reel drives like an old sifi movie. This machine ran the business. A secretary entered an order, the machine issued the shop router, ordered the stock scheduled the machine time, inspection time and deburr time, cut the shippers and produced the invoice. It started showing it's age and the quotes to modernize it were running $200K+ They hemmed and hawed and did nothing. The machine finally failed, and the company was bankrupt within a year. The machine did so much, there was no one left that actually knew how to run the business.
  15. What tolerance are you running your arc filters I'd set them for G17, G18 and G19 with a 50/50 ratio and a tolerance of .002 to .004
  16. SpaceClaim It is the best file translator on the planet, hands down,It's not even a fair fight and not only does it open almost any flavor of CAD you'll ever run into, it can repair bad models as well It is not cheap, but it's worth every penny. It's been bought out by a company called ANSYS, but the core product is still SpaceClaim
  17. Maybe it's phoning home to check if a specific type of toolpath is authorized on the license Could you borrow a license and run it locally to see if processing times improve?
  18. when dynamic milling I try to keep the length to diameter ratio to 1.5L/1D max if I need to go to a larger diameter endmill to maintain that ratio I do
  19. Man.. this is a blast from the past , July 2002 Is paintball still a thing??
  20. make a copy of your mcontent file rename the file extension to zip and unzip it to an empty folder and see what you have got. It's possible the content file was created with none standard file locations
  21. Unless you have a really old machine v8 or v9 is a no go now neither version can see the old printer port hasp or usb hasp on a modern computer V8 and V9 will still run on a nethasp though. The archives at work have thousands of V9 files, some quite complex. For years you had to open them in ascending versions to run them in the X versions or early MC202* releases as the solids would blow up However, I recently opened an old V9 file in MC2023 and it came in perfectly which was quite a shock
  22. We're beating a dead horse here This thread was started in March 2002, almost 23 years ago MC-8 was released in 1998... so we're talking about 25 year old software... that is a millennium in software years
  23. Depending on the Unified toolpath you are using, this setting may or may not be available Cut Pattern/Advanced Options/Method by default it is set to approximate try changing it to "Exact" The Min/Max point distribution settings on the same page can help to, but the posted NC files can get pretty big

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