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Glenn Bouman

In-House Solutions
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Everything posted by Glenn Bouman

  1. quote: Do you have to make a T/plane for cross drilling? Yes, if you set the tplane in the C-axis drl toolpath you will get y axis output. video I think you have covered the limits of what can be done with a Lathe only system and Y output.
  2. Use Cross ctr. example Regarding Cimco V5, check with Anthony Graves, he said a Mastercam OEM of Cimco V5 will be available when X is released. [ 06-08-2005, 07:17 AM: Message edited by: Glenn Bouman ]
  3. We sell lots of lathe only Mastercam to clients that do Y-axis milling on a lathe. Maybe it is a northern hemisphere thing. Watch the video.
  4. I have seen this before. Go Screen, Config, NC Settings and make the "Number of decimal places for NCI files" is set to 6
  5. Did you try this Mark? http://support.microsoft.com/kb/q309173/ It will fix the "problem".
  6. Open pocket only supports 1 open side. Use contour with Multi-Passes see ftp://mastercam:[email protected]/Ma...les/24250MB.MC9
  7. Send me the file and I will check to see what the problem might be.
  8. In Canada I think you need a license to have such files in your possession
  9. It could be the wire backplot bug. Provide the file if you want to be sure.
  10. You should not need an update code if your sim was working on the old computer. Just plug it in the new computer and you should be fine.
  11. Holding the enter key down works for me. or switch to playing long notes on the piano.
  12. quote: How much money is this predator tool? It used to be free, it came with Mastercam up til V7.1
  13. This is what your part should have looked like, if only.... Took 2 minutes to run thru the 2nd op with show tool on and with STL Stock. MC Verify took 15 minutes and would not show the STL stock I refuse to do goosesteps.
  14. Hey chip, that is a nice mustang.
  15. I work for a MC Dealer I have been complaining about Verify for years. Here is an earlier quote from me. quote: Verification posted 01-19-2002 It has been a few years since Mastercam switched to another supplier of verification. The better speed and graphics are only available if you are working in the top view using TrueSolid Turbo No Tool. This allows you to only use standard drills Flat and Bull and Ball endmills. The new WCS function is treated as an index and not supportted. 5-axis support in very weak as you cannot zoom in the model. When demoing Mastercam or programming simple parts the TrueSolid mode with tool is adequate. With the Mastercam's reliability verifiction does not seem much of an issue. But verification is not just for check for gouges but also used for setup documention. With more complex parts with real-life tolerances and stepovers TrueSolid mode is useless. I did a part last night that took 7 hours to run thru. The NC file was 1.3 meg Our previous product which is now called Virtual CNC (which is used by competitors) did the same part in less than an 1/2 hour. Here is a list of functions that are missing, most we had back in V6 No unlimited cross-sections. No CMM inspect to analyze points and features on the cut model. No turning on or off tool colors without re-processing the part. No abilty to run the verification as a separate application allowing you to continue working in Mastercam. "Windows is a multi-tasking interface" No upgrade path to allow use of verifying off gcode or other options. No multi-view support. No status window to show coolant, cutter comp, cycle time, or feedrate status No hollow stock support in lathe (Even though v9 has hollow stock support in job setup) No save JPG save at tool change. No interpolation (tool is only shown at the endpoints, slow motion should not mean dwell at endpoints!) Does not remember previous view when replaying the job. quote: posted 02-25-2004 Unless you are doing simple demo parts or 3axis with standard tools, Mastercam Verify is unacceptable. ftp://mastercam:[email protected]/Ma..._CNC.inc/mc.avi Check this out to see our old solution which is now the competitor's current solution (Surfcam) (Update Surfcam has now switched to what MC now uses) ftp://mastercam:[email protected]/Ma...nc/predator.avi You may need to install this to view the videos. Too bad Predator cannot write a reverse post for machines other than standard Fanuc Mastercam's current Verify is from http://www.machineworks.com and is used by alot of other CAD/CAM companies.
  16. I Ford.MC9 on the FTP site ftp://mastercam:[email protected]/Ma..._files/FORD.MC9 Got from it from here
  17. As a Canadian I am glad you are my neighbor. I am also embarrassed by the lack of support from my government against the war on terror. Here is a snippet that exlains our "soft power" Bill Graham, our then foreign minister, was interrupted during his vacation, as he frequently was in his brief tenure at Foreign Affairs. I remember him condemning the 2002 Passover massacre in Israel from his beach in Barbados. No, wait, my mistake. It was Israel's response to the Passover massacre that he condemned--"disproportionate," he tutted. Anyway, this time round he was vacationing on another island, Corsica, when reporters tracked him down and asked him about Mrs. Kazemi's murder. Certainly, no one could accuse Mr. Graham of a "disproportionate" response. The foreign minister expressed his "sadness" and "regret." Would it have killed him to express a little anger and disgust along with the sadness and regret? Whoa, you don't want to go getting all "disproportionate." Mr. Graham wouldn't hear a bad word about the Iranians, insisting he was confident the mullahs would want to use this case to demonstrate to the world that they didn't tolerate human rights abuses. A year later, a "trial" in Tehran ended in acquittal, and the regime has decided that "the death of the late Kazemi was an accident due to fall in blood pressure resulting from a hunger strike and her fall on the ground while standing." But Canada is still doing its best not to get all disproportionate. Bill Graham has been shuffled off to take his beach vacations from some other ministry of the Crown, and in his place is Pierre Pettigrew. As CBC Montreal put it: "The Canadian government is disturbed but has not yet chosen a course of action after an Iranian accused of killing a Canadian photographer was acquitted, Foreign Affairs Minister Pierre Pettigrew said on Sunday." That's the problem for Canada: the dawn of this new century is an era of hard power. The Graham/Pettigrew approach--speak softly and carry a very small twig--advertises our impotence; in contrast, say, to the robust utterances of John Howard, prime minister of the nation that now fills Canada's vacated slot as the doughty third warrior of the Anglosphere. "Without armed forces a state does not exist," says my eminent colleague at The Daily Telegraph], Sir John Keegan. Hard power does not mean military might alone. But military might is, in the broadest sense, a reliable indicator of how serious a country is. Here's a small news item that caught my eye the other day: the Kingdom of Tonga, our Commonwealth cousins in the Pacific, have just dispatched 45 of their Royal Marines to Iraq. 45 guys? Big deal. Easy to scoff, especially if you're John Kerry, Jimmy Carter or one of those enlightened progressive Democrats who like to sneer about "Bush's fraudulent coalition" and "nations you can buy on eBay." But hold on. Tonga's population is 100,000. A proportional deployment by Canada would be 13,500 troops. 13,500 troops? Canada couldn't deploy that many if the enemy had landed at Halifax and were marching on Ottawa. We demand that Washington wine and dine us and whisper sweet nothings in our ear and then maybe, if they're very nice, we'll find a couple of hundred Princess Pats or Van Doos to send to Kabul. Tonga is a small, poor, nothing state in the middle of nowhere. Canada's a member of G7 and NATO. Which of us is punching below its weight?
  18. quote: Can't find a way to "lead in" to surface path. In your finish toolpath parameters "Gap Settings" dialog try setting the "tangential line length value" This will extend the toolpath.
  19. Here are some work arounds I use when dealing with STL files from surface models. 1) Make sure surface normals are facing out. 2) With revolved surfaces (Verifying mill toolpaths on lathe parts) Fillet all sharp corners to .002 and use Create, Spline, Curves to make it a single entity and create the surface on that entity.
  20. quote: We are still pushing MachineWorks (the company that we license the Verify techology from) to make the handling of STL files foolproof. It's getting better but we're still not happy with it either. Stl files from Mastercam (usually from surfaces) also gives errors in Predator Virtual CNC. quote: If you are making you STL file from a solid model, try using SolidWorks to make it. SW generated STL file frequently come into Verify correctly when MC STL files don't. Seems like fingers may not be pointed in the right direction. Put your problem files on the FTP site and I can try them in Predator Virtual CNC. I have access to another product that also uses Lightworks. I am sure Karlo Apro can also help nail down this on-going problem with his Vericut connections.
  21. It is already in Mastercam. Toolpath, next menu, point
  22. Run C:mcam9cncreg.exe and set your "File Get Dialog" to standard windows. Or turn off "Save thumbnail image with geometry" when saving a file. Or, You may also want to turn down your hardware acceleration in your video card settings.
  23. quote: Here in Canada, we have a more socialist approach and usually finish cleaning up the mess that dictatorships and Fascism leaves behind. How about, here in Canada we are not very patriotic at all. dictatorships and Fascism and the Canadian government is another topic altogether.
  24. Do you get the error when you double-click on the MC9 file? If so use File, Get. Glenn

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