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When will it get here?

Dave Ball

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I pay for maintenance and I am still using X2. I WOULD MUCH RATHER HAVE A NEW VERSION WITH FIXED BUGS THAN A VERSION WITH NEW FEATURES, AND BUGS!!! Do they even care about reliability? It is HUGELY important to most of us. Much more so than new features.


"Unhandled exception" sound familiar???

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ouch. this software has done what i want when i want it to.

ya, dont jump into the new vesion as soon as it comes out. some of you are my beta testers. ya this forum is great to let me know how stable it is and if it still gets the job done. but if not i can wait. thanks to all that have jumped in and voiced their constructive opinions and advise. i think it helps us all move forward.


but to hammer the faults. yo? arent you programmers and get enough of that from you operators?

hey easy to sit back and watch those that do and those that critisize?


carefull. not on x3 till i can risk me job on it.

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It would be nice if a roadmap was laid out by CNC Software that detailed what release the following issues will be addressed in:


1. WCS. (It seems that X4 might be where the WCS gets redone.)


2. Rewritten Chaining that's easier and faster to use (more dynamic, less dialog boxes needed) as well as much easier to see. (shaded / solid arrows rather than thin, fuzzy and dim wireframe.)


3. A less modal user interface where Verify, Backplot, Regen, Save To Machining Operation Manager, Add or Modify a Chain, Create or change WCS could all be done while a machining Parameters dialog box is open. When you're done with any of the items the machining Parameters dialog box pops back up.


4. More robust Machining Operations Manager with support for inheritance, a red arrow that stays put, more powerful Toolpath Groups, etc.


5. Faster toolpath generation.


[ 11-24-2008, 10:47 PM: Message edited by: NeilJ ]

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I may be in the minority, but I am pleased with the stability improvments from X2 to X3. I did find out that it is best to uninstall all older versions of Mastercam before a major release install. I think the default directory C:mcamx is important to a properly functioning install. I tried to keep X2 and install X3 in a seperate directory but I had constant problems. I do agree, however, that chaining needs to be addressed in Xform (no chain prompt box) and I have had the highlight issue. But by far I have a much more stable system in X3 than in X2.

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For some reason it just CHAPS MY A$$ to pay for maintenance and get something worse than what I had. Then I have to pay for maintenance again to get what I had already purchased to work. If that's complaining then so be it. I'm not the govt., I don't have money to pi$$ away on something that doesn't work. And I'm sure if some of you had to pay for it out of your pocket it would be different. Its easy to spend everyone's money but your own.

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Guest CNC Apps Guy 1


...I hope you meant service pack, because my maintenance runs out this month...

CNC does not intentionally delay the releases. We as Beta Testers uncover stuff and when we do, depending on the severity of the issue will hold things up. My guess was that they had intended on it being out already. You guys that routinely complain (not dogging you, just addressing you) about issues. I would hope you would want the best possible release. Am I right? So be patient. All of us Beta Testers are working hard, and based on all the responses to my e-mails to [email protected] CNC is working hard also. Please be patient.


I'm with Steve Beadle though, I've found X3 to be more stable than X2. Matter of fact, I've got a few files I cannot even generate code for in X2 and will only generate in X3 so... that's my take. These were files that are over 900MB (yes that's nine hundred Mega Bytes) and the G-Code is about 200MB.

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I do..

Yes I know you do and a few others here do as well.



We as Beta Testers uncover stuff and when we do, depending on the severity of the issue will hold things up.

So, who decides whats severe and what isnt? There are things from the initial release of X that still are not fixed.



You guys that routinely complain (not dogging you, just addressing you) about issues. I would hope you would want the best possible release. Am I right? So be patient.

Yeah, I thought the money I paid for maintenance to get X3 this spring was getting the "BEST POSSIBLE RELEASE" when we got it late summer. I guess I was wrong. Then I assumed the promise of the fix in mid OCT. was being patient. Since my maint. expired the end of OCT. I guess I have LOST MY DAMN PATIENCE!!!! So, who do you hold accountable for it? I guess no one since thats the norm in this damn country anymore. NO ONE IS ACCOUNTABLE just keep paying the damn fees and everything will be alright.


And the response I get is, "Well microsoft's software isnt any better. They have problems with new releases as well." Yeah, thats true, but I dont have to continue buying maintenance to get it to work. You buy it once and thats it. With Design, CAD/CAM software you have to CONTINUALLY pay to get it to work AS ADVERTISED. Then some here will scream and say "WELL YOU CAN GET IT DONE WITH WORK AROUNDS". Im tired of the damn work arounds. I want what I PAID FOR.......PERIOD!!!!

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Guest CNC Apps Guy 1


...So, who decides whats severe and what isnt?...

That would be QC if I were to make an educated guess.





You guys that routinely complain (not dogging you, just addressing you) about issues. I would hope you would want the best possible release. Am I right? So be patient.


Yeah, I thought the money I paid for maintenance to get X3 this spring was getting the "BEST POSSIBLE RELEASE" when we got it late summer.

My guess that at the time that was the best possible release though I cannot and do not speak for CNC. I have had very good success with X3's initial release, like I mentioned, there's files I can't even generate code for in X2 so...




...Then I assumed the promise of the fix in mid OCT. was being patient. Since my maint. expired the end of OCT...

So I guess you want the fix with the issues??? headscratch.gif



...I want what I PAID FOR.......PERIOD!!!!

I've not put my hands on every software package out there but the ones that I have ALL have issues. I'm not saying it does not suck, nor am I making an excuse, not at all, I'm just stating the obvious. Software peroid has issues there is no getting around it. No matter how much we rant, rave, YELL, curse.gif , it is what it is. When/If you find CAD/CAM software with no bugs/issues, can you please let the rest of us know? There's times when it's really frustrating for me too... especially when I'm up at 1:00am trying to make a deadline at 6:00am and I'm having to figure out work-arounds to get the job done. I'd prefer to not have to do that honestly. I'm not patronizing you, I'm stating my frustration as well, but I think at the end of the day, you're going to find as I have, they ALL have issues.

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I want what I PAID FOR.......PERIOD!!!!

What you paid for was a license to use the software. When you agreed to the terms of that license you agreed to accept the software as is. So technically you did get what you paid for. I know, that hurts a lot, but it is what it is. The only course of action you can take if you're not happy is to speak with your wallet.


And I'm with CNC Apps Guy on this one (hey! there's a first time for everything you know wink.gif ), I recently did a job in X3 which had 1.5+GB (that's gigabyte) MCX files which posted many hundreds of megabytes of nc code and didn't have a single problem with data corruption. Can't say the same for X2, I'm 100% sure I would have lost some work (time) if I used it for that job.

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I think every programmer hates work arounds. But you know those work arounds can lead to forcing a guy to think outside the box and come up with some owesome ideas to improve the quaility and run times. It doesn't seem fair to be forced to pay maint. and not GET SOMETHING. Maybe there needs to be a SP or patch twice a year. Give us the fixes for the things you have fixed. The screen regen issue is very annoying, the red arrow in the machining manager not staying put is very annoyng, updating ANY version of MC is very annoying. Sometimes updates go OK (not very often). Side by side install or overwrite existing version, I've tried both, best to just uninstall and reinstall new version. Still no gaurantee of success. I do like X3 over X2 but things that worked in X2 don't work now in X3. From V9 you can project a curve onto a surface with an offset (so the new curve is not on the surface), in X2-X3 you have to create an offset surface (which most of the time is junk) to project your curve. Still a MC fan, just hurry up with the fixes. I'm accountable for my deadlines, you should be too.

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but I think at the end of the day, you're going to find as I have, they ALL have issues.

Ive never ever said there was software that had NO BUGS. But having to continue to pay to get a FIX is what has pi$$ed me off.


I was already frustrated with the whole X mess when it first came out. When I got X2 it seemed to be the best since V9. We debated then on updating our maint. We were told X2MR2 had some good stuff so we paid our maint. What did we get? Basically we got peel milling. Do we use it? YES, we use it often. Was it worth the $$$$$ we paid for 2 seats of maint.? NO So, last year the same thing. Oh you need to stay on maint. there are some very nice things coming in X3 next spring. Spring came and nothing, finally late summer came and we get X3. What did we get? Basically faster verify speed and a few other options. Was it worth it? The verify speed was worth it in the long run, but way too many issues. We were told the update would be Mid October before our maint lapsed. Its almost early DEC. and we have gotten nothing other than a bad taste in our mouth from this BS. 2 things in this world I cant stand (other than a liberal).....a thief and a liar and I will leave it at that.


Some may be fine with pi$$ing money away on software that doesnt work. I am not one of them. I expect when I purchase something for it to work. If it doesnt I expect them to fix it, not me having to pay again to get it fixed. That would be like me sending a customer a part I knew wouldnt function as intended and making them pay me again to fix it. ITS BAD BUSINESS......AND BAD BUSINESS GETS WHAT IT DESERVES IN THE LONG RUN.

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And the response I get is, "Well microsoft's software isnt any better. They have problems with new releases as well." Yeah, thats true, but I dont have to continue buying maintenance to get it to work. You buy it once and thats it. With Design, CAD/CAM software you have to CONTINUALLY pay to get it to work AS ADVERTISED. Then some here will scream and say "WELL YOU CAN GET IT DONE WITH WORK AROUNDS". Im tired of the damn work arounds. I want what I PAID FOR.......PERIOD!!!!


+1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - infinately to toolman

I am with you on that toolman. As an owner (the guy that spends his own money for Mastercam), I have been terribly disapointed in this last release. I bought into maintenance to stay current on the latest translators & the promised improvements to Mill Turn. What a freakin waste of money! I uninstalled it and am back to X2. Far to much to do to xxxx around with unstable sofware that offers nothing new of any real value. If I scammed my customers this kind of business ethics, I would not be in business. I can see no added value to X3.

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Is it me or has anyone else noticed that there has been no response / reply from anyone at CNC Software? Only beta testers sticking up for them.


I have another piece of specialized software that was released in September (after X3). Since its release, I have received over 25 updates for bug fixes (more than 1 per week, but has dwindled down). My maintenance per year? $50. I give that software company 2 thumbs up. As far as CNC - we aren't even receiving quarterly updates anymore.

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Only beta testers sticking up for them.

It seems only a few folks feel the way I do (Which I seriously doubt). Then there are some that will follow MasterCam to HELL defending them. Kinda like supporters for the "CHOSEN ONE". They follow blindly thinking everything they say is the gospel.


I have been a loyal maintenance customer but I do expect something in return.



I have another piece of specialized software that was released in September (after X3). Since its release, I have received over 25 updates for bug fixes (more than 1 per week, but has dwindled down)

Thats my point right there. At least that company acts like it gives a DAMN and wants to make it right. I have no doubt CNC has some excellent people. I have personally had some dealings with some of the guys and they are excellent which makes me wonder if it comes from higher up.



As far as CNC - we aren't even receiving quarterly updates anymore.

We will be lucky to get 2 per year. We have averaged 1 main release every 2 years and 2 SP or MRs per year.


X3 was released 08/11/08 and we have had noting since. Almost 4 months.


We have received X2MR2 SP1 (01/04/08) and X3 (08/11/08) within the last 12 months.

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It seems only a few folks feel the way I do


They follow blindly thinking everything they say is the gospel.

It might surprise you, but James has been VERY critical of some of the cnc's decisions on many occasions in the "other" forum....and at the same time he understand very well the benefits of x3 over x2...

jm2c wink.gif



Only beta testers sticking up for them.

could that be because they understand the "testing" process a little better ?

How would you like installing a new version every week or so, as it is very often the case right before the official release ? redface.gif

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Some just have more than others, a lot more.

Agree and along those lines is the FACT that there is a major advantage to having a powerful integrated CAD and CAM system.


Thinking along the lines of its MasterCAM not MasterCAD is a huge mistake.


With powerful integrated CAD you get better selection tools, better chaining, etc. Powerful CAD tools really make for a better CAM system.


Recently saw a demo of a powerful integrated system you like. One of the things that amazed me was how little chaining was actually needed.

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Guest CNC Apps Guy 1


...Then there are some that will follow MasterCam to HELL defending them...

I KNOW you're not talking about me. I've been one of their harshest and vocal critics in certain instances. One only has to search here for it.

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