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Everything posted by JoshC

  1. do you want each part to have its own offset, like G54 and G55, or are they going to be perfectly spaced and using 1 offset?
  2. its pretty easy, ill elaborate on this process. Equation I use A=pitch in millimeters 1/(A/25.4)=TPI Lets start with M6x1 This pitch is all we care about, the diameter does not influence the feed rate. We just basically are trying to convert the pitch of the thread into how many threads per inch that would equate to. So we take the pitch of 1mm and convert that number to metric with the equations below 1/25.4 gives us .03937 Now all we need to do is take 1inch and divide it by the inch equivalent of that pitch, which gives us Threads per inch. So lets do that 1/.03937 which = 25.4 TPI Lets try another, Maybe this time a M6X1.5mm A=pitch 1/(A/25.4)=TPI So with that being said a 1.5mm pitch equates to 19.933 threads per inch. So to define the m6x1.5mm tap I would use .2362 dia and 19.933 Threads per inch. There is another way to do this even easier by using the Metric Check box, this allows you to insert actual metric data into the tap info but if you like all inch data the above methods work nicely.
  3. I agree with justin, check to see if you have a dedicated graphics card, dedicated graphics cards are a required per the system requirements on mastercam.com but as smit mentioned you may be able to disable hardware acceleration found under the advanced configuration utility and may be able to limp by.
  4. before i learned about the way to do this through stock models i always would make my stocks as solids and connect them with a really thin solid, like what i show in the old file i had done below. that connection piece would always be in the table or vice in simulation so it never hurt anything and because it was technically just one solid it could be used in the regular stock setup. certainly easier with the stock model but i thought this old method that i used to use was interesting. Not saying this is a good method, but it actually worked pretty well despite being out of the box thinking and more difficult than other methods.
  5. I personally do this through the Drag and drop method, its faster for me at least
  6. If it was a purchased post processor then my recommendation would be to have you send a zip2go and a posted program with notes (or marked up code) showing what you want to have removed to the people you purchased this post through (likely your local mastercam re-seller) and their team should likely be able to get this problem fixed for you in a timely manner. Most purchased posts would include support for a change like this.
  7. I believe stock models are the only way to simulate multiple stock's in one machine group so i think that is the best way at this time.
  8. I have seen this many times, Its normally caused by the Arc End point rounding, Go into the machine def, then the control definition, then the arc page and use No Rounding - Break arc on failure for the arc rounding settings in the bottom right of that page. I don't know why so many controls have problems with the 4th decimal place getting rounded but the Break on failure seems to always work nicely and should fix that problem that you are having.
  9. hi mike, did you get all your posts, etc. migrated over. that may be the missing part if not, here is a video on the migration wizard or if you go into your start menu and open up the mastercam Transition guide page 6 talks about the migration wizard in the mastercam transition guide. I hope this helps.
  10. Oh i see, i didn't see that you were selecting toolpaths and viewing the geometry i was thinking you were selecting the geometry and viewing which toolpath but now i see, nice work david and thanks for sharing this.
  11. i hate waiting on things too so i feel ya. I don't ever use any flyouts in any software even my outlook that i am in all day since those flyouts can be a pain in the butt for me.
  12. its still there, i just checked in 2020 and i use it all the time in 2019 so i know its there too. if it does not appear its probably not a flat chain, Make sure you are selecting geometry that is Flat in respects to your current tool plane. If you have a 3d chain selected it will only show a few contour types. if it is not flat geometry try the transform Project and project the geometry to make it flat and re-chain and it should be available under the contour toolpath
  13. I dont have an answer for your question on how to make the Pinned Managers fly out quicker but i have a work around for this. Instated off using autohide with that little pin button, i would leave autohide off for all your managers. Then just turn on and off them when needed with their corresponding shortcuts. ALT+O = Toolpath manager ALT+I = Solids Manager ALT+L = Planes manager ALT+Z = Levels manager ALT+M = Multi Threading manager I believe those can even be re-assigned but with using the shortcuts the managers immediately appear so maybe that will work for you unless someone else has knows how to make them fly out quicker.
  14. That is nice work and looks like a cool utility, thanks for sharing. for everyone that has not seen some enhancements in mastercam 2020 there is a new feature similar to this in mastercam 2020 that lets you analyze geometry and it will tell you what has associations to said geometry. see image below. your utility is nice, dont get me wrong, but i wanted people to be aware that when they download mastercam 2020 they will get this new feature without any nethook downloads.
  15. there are tutorials that can be downloaded here on setup sheets https://www.mastercam.com/en-us/Support/Tutorials/Mastercam
  16. If the tools dont appear the right size go into each tool and look for the metric setting as shown in the image below and see if that is set properly, depending on if your tool data is metric or imperial.
  17. not freeware, I make a lot of videos so I use a professional screen recorder called Camtasia Studio, I also use their snagit tool a lot too. I just shut the audio for the video since i didn't feel like talking through it so maybe that made it appear like freeware but its a great software.
  18. I know haha, i had to keep re-positioning my screen and i hate that too. i only have problems on longer parts like that one that take up more of my screen, normally on most parts especially when they are not very long i get by really well with just my mouse but on these longer parts a 3d mouse would be really nice to have. I probably will get one and i am sure i will be very happy when i do, thanks for the suggestion.
  19. if this fixes it re-enable your hardware acceleration if you had turned that off per someone else's suggestion.
  20. Check this button if you are still running into this problem
  21. 3d chamfer did a good job when chaining the top edge of the chamfer and usign 0" top offset for the value. I have a video below on how i would setup the path. https://fastechincorporated-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/joshc_fastechinc_net/EYbxWG-GPbZAlNQ9hH6uqSABztXK2PWF50E4JSX6G_1IAw?e=ToeQ1y might be other ways to get this done but this works.
  22. is what they show in this video what you are after? Edit: nevermind, in your original email you said you were using this for undercutting and what is shown in this video wouldn't work on an undercut so this is probably not what you were looking for after all. This might do a good job for you depending on the part shape for everything except the undercuts and then those could be targeted in a separate toolpath if you still liked what they show in the video and that holder tilting is really easy to use.
  23. it effects many softwares even though you may not have witnessed it. if you do even a basic search on a search engine for Microsoft zoom problems you will see many people have issues with microsoft mice in autocad, Internet explorer, edge, and many other software's. I see you are trying to take a Jab at mastercam here but its not their problem, its microsofts, and looks like they now have addressed it.
  24. Hmm, what version were you using because my mastercam 2019 and mastercam 2020 will not let me type level 0, it gives an out of range error in yellow telling me i can use level numbers 1 through a really huge number. If i do it on the home tab under organize it will not throw up the warning but still does not accept 0. also did you hit enter after typing the level number. Like other fields in mastercam you need to hit enter or click into another field when done.
  25. yea if you have an option on your machine i would also do it at the controller, so that way you dont have to go back and forth between mastercam and the machine as tools wear, etc. some lathe machine controllers have taper control options built right in to handle taper on parts, consult your machine dealer or manual to see if your controller has this option and in my opinion that would be the best solution, but it can certainly also be done in mastercam i just think it would be easier on the operator at the machine control.

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