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Found 25 results

  1. Hi everyone, I get a class H 5 ah error when I try to load a program. I'm new to this shop and using the company Mastercam to create and post to the machine. Any help would be great and thank you.
  2. After the update to Mastercam 2024, we are unable to edit shared setup sheets. We get a popup asking to connect to server and it wants "server address", "username" and "password". We've never had to do this before. Our IT Dept doesn't know this information. We've reached out to mastercam. They said it's not their product and to contact Emastercam. They also had us convert the files in mastercam but that didn't fix the issue. Any help would be appreciated.
  3. I keep seeing an error when ever I open master cam that reads. Mastercam has detected a problem with the display adapter ('Intel" : 'Intel(R) HD Graphics 520' : 4.5.0 - Build') and needs to shut down. Please modify the system settings to ensure Mastercam is using the correct adapter. I just need to use mastercam this semester and I have had nothing but issues. But most recent is this error that pops up when I try to open the program. I found an old forum of someone who had the same issue but I couldn't find the mastercam.workspace file in the config folder, if this is the problem then where is it?. I gave mastercam full permission but that didn't work. I also updated all of my drivers on the dell website that also didn't help. Also did I make a mistake making it shared? I feel like this maybe it? I also got access to this program through buying it at the library for one year. I'm running mastercam 2023 because that's what I need for my class despite it being 2024. Also is it because of my laptop? I feel like it's not because it never gave me an error and installed easily. When my computer didn't meet the requirement of other programs the program has let me know. Thank you for any help.
  4. Hello all, Happy Friday! So I'm having an issue loading in my .ipt files. If I merge the file a placement menu shows up like it should with only one option not greyed out and it does nothing. if I do an "open" on it. It comes from the future...... 2022 has no issue loading these files. Currently I have to load it in 2022, save it, then open in 2023. It is also not doing this to every .ipt file, some load in just fine. I'm kinda at loss of what to do.
  5. I am recieving this "Failure is stock definition" error. I don't get why I changed everything back to Top plane. I brought in an .step file of what my raw material looks like and selected it as stock model. that didn't work so i deleted the stock model and just went through the Stock setup Menu under properties and I still recieve the same message. It's so simple I have never seen this error before. my plane manager now shows Top as the only plane used for anything but it won't let me simulate or verify this stock. I would post a zip2go but I don't know if I am allowed to do that from where I'm at. Not sure why I made this post before restarting it. I just reopened the file and it works now but still curious if anyone else has had this. Another possible reason could be that IT has not installed service patch 3 or whatever you call the final patch update that came out for 2023.
  6. Hello Forum, has anyone ever had the following error on their CNC, in this case, OSAI. "HD021 Dual Port Error" . If so, did anyone know how to fix it? I can't find much information about it on the internet
  7. Has anyone seen this error? Not familiar with OpenCL. I have a stout computer, so I am not sure why I received this error. Perhaps something 2020 has changed in computer requirements? Any input is appreciated. THANKS
  8. My computer crashes when running a mill turn simulation
  9. Hi all, I am trying to simulate a lathe operation on a lathe billet with a machine I have created myself based on a commercial CNC lathe model. I follow the tutorials to create the .xml file with the kinetic diagram and the solid parts of the machine. Once I get it, when I try to open it, the following message appears on the screen several times: A translation axis is missing in xml. machine definition initialised with default definition. The thing is that I don't know how to solve it. I hope I can find help here, I have looked all over the internet and I haven't found anything that could help me. Thank you very much.
  10. Im trying to section out my code for an upcoming part. This is a basic program that is using a 3 axis vertical mill. I used section NCI on this program then import it back into mastercam. After importing it back in I go to post the code on each process but I get an error "ERROR- SELECT MACHINE ACHIEVABLE TOOLPLANE WITH Y-AXIS ALONG MACHINE Y - SET AND REPOST" Ive gone back through my program and made sure that my planes are correct. They are all set to top. I even went back through and re-selected my chains for my toolpaths. Since im only using a 3 axis mill and programing from the top plane, I cant see what else I could do to fix this. vie attached my file below with out the broken nci files attached Any suggestions? MILL MEMORY TEST online.mcam
  11. Hi, Im new at the forum, Im having a problem with Mastercam 2017 in windows 10 the problem is that I've already installed twice mastercam 2017 and when I try to verify the machining (simulate) gives me this error " C-Hook not found... C:/ Program files/mcam2017/chooks/MachSim.DLL " Anybody with the same issue that can help? Thank you
  12. Hi, I'm new to MC 2017 Doing a tutorial and went to set up a rough and set the Chaining. I select the points as the tutorials points out and click OK then I get an error "The contour does not lie in the construction plane" not sure what to do here. I looked at my existing planes in Plane Manager all set to 0. Anyone got any advice?
  13. Mc2018 problem. I am trying to trim lines using trim/delete, but its saying that the lines dont intersect. They do as far as i can see....
  14. Just wanted to let the community and moderators know that the most current update of Windows 10 completely disabled both Mastercam 2017 and 2018 HLE Edition for my desktop computer. Upon startup after successfully running though a few processes mastercam will stop on line commands and not progess any further, the blue wheel of death shows up and the only way to end the program is with Task Manager. Saw a suggestion on a thread saying that rolling back the update could fix this problem and after trying this fix it seemed to correct both of them so that they now load and run correctly. Is there any solution for this problems if I was to update back to the most current update? I tried the NVIDIA driver fix but it didn't seem to work, i'm not actually sure if my computer is running an NVIDIA drivers. This is a problems that needs to be fixed. Thanks, Robert.
  15. Hello all, I work in IT at a college and we have an odd problem in our CAD computer lab. We currently have Mastercam 2017 installed on 25 machines and they are communicating with our license server via Nethasp (25 seat license file on the server). We can launch Mastercam, it finds the license server and loads up fine. Problem is that we can only launch the program on 1 computer at a time. Not to say that we are unable to use all 25 seats…we can. We need to physically click the desktop shortcut on each client computer about 20 seconds apart in order to have Mastercam launch on all 25 computers. 1 client needs to launch Mastercam fully before we can launch another client. If we try to launch multiple clients at the same time we get one of these errors. It’s almost like if the server is talking to 1 client (verifying the license via Nethasp), it cannot speak to any other clients until it is done with the current client. The error occurs on the splash screen after about 20 seconds of "Checking Hasp..." “Exiting…No Mastercam license found. Do you have an activation code?” “Exiting…No Mastercam products enabled on this license” This becomes a problem in a classroom environment for us since all the students log in at the same time at the beginning of class and try to launch Mastercam. The only way to get things working is to have Computer #01 launch Mastercam fully, followed by Computer #02, and so on for the next 10 minutes. This wastes a lot of time. Just wondering if anyone else out there is running a nethasp setup with multiple machines...and if so, would you mind testing this out for me in your environment? Login to a handful of machines and simultaneously launch Mastercam on them all. I'm trying to determine if it's worth it to rebuild a fresh server, or if I can fix the problem on the current server...or if this is something that happens to everyone and there is not a fix. I've contacted Mastercam support and they had me verify the nethasp.ini and nhsvr.ini settings. Also reinstalled a clean copy of the License Manager to no avail. Thanks for any help with this!
  16. Any help please. One of my customers has a few Milltronics Centurion 7 machining centres. Now that I have started posting dynamic tool paths with 2018, the machines are doing odd things but not always. Mastercam verify shows a perfect profile, cimco matches this with g-code backlit. But machine on occasion will cut straight into the part, breaking the tool. Checking on the machine graphics verify, this shows the error path. This means the custom can catch the error before any damage. Any ideas would be great, my thought was the look ahead setting. But just a guess.
  17. Any advice welcome. My customer has asked me to do a few trials so we can get backplot/verify in 2018 to match real world cycle times. We know we will not get it perfect, but close would be nice. My first issue i just spotted, backplot says 2 hours 6 minutes. Yet verify comes up with 1 hour 54 minutes. Simple question! WHY?
  18. Hello everyone, Some users may be experiencing an issue when starting Mastercam 2017 or 2018 on a laptop using newer NVIDIA GPUs. This article explains how to fix this problem: http://www.inhousesolutions.com/2017/03/running-command-line-commands/
  19. Hi When i try to open .SLDPRT files with Mastercam, I get the Error: "No parasolid data in SolidWorks file". System: Windows 10, Solidworks Explorer 2016, Solidworks eDrawings Viewer 2016 & Mastercam 9. I've already tried this: regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\mcamx9\common\SWORKSDATA\SWDocumentMgr.DLL" Thanks for your help. -Aldin
  20. Hi, I am trying to machine a mold for a blade and having trouble with multiple errors such as: 1. A solid with at least one serious fault has been created, keep it anyway? 2. Operation can not be performed on sheet body solids Im trying to fill the cavity to be able to machine the surface, then in a separate set up machine the cavity. I've tried some different things but i am not sure how to do this or fix these errors. Attached is the file, thanks! Mold Half 1-OLD.mcx-8
  21. Help any one? Error in SAVMOD. KI Error Code:530 Key already used in archive, I click ok. another window pops up and says Error Accessing .x_t file. I delete the solid I created and I can save. I recreate the soild, and I can not save. I checked there are no dirty Opps. Its never done this before. Its just been one of those days. Any ideas? Thanks
  22. Help any one? Error in SAVMOD. KI Error Code:530 Key already used in archive, I click ok. another window pops up and says Error Accessing .x_t file. I delete the solid I created and I can save. I recreate the soild, and I can not save. I checked there are no dirty Opps. Its never done this before. Its just been one of those days. Any ideas? Thanks
  23. I am trying to set up a toolpath for a solid object originally created in Autocad Inventor. the solid object is a bottom side of a skateboard for a skateboard press. the other side was directly imported and CNC'd with no errors or problems but whenever i try to set up a toolpath for this object i get an error reading: Unable to extract (at least) one solid face. I imported it as an stl. and am stumpted. If anyone has any ideas as to what the problem could be your advice would be greatly appreciated.
  24. In an attempt to start MasterCAM x6 HLE about a week ago after not having used it for a month, the program crashed when it read "Reading key mapping file." I looked online, found others had luck with uninstalling, cleaning out .NET framework and the registry and then reinstalling, but this didn't solve the problem. Not sure what to do, I contacted eapprentice (provides online MasterCAM courses), but they were just as stumped as I was. So they gave me a link to x7 HLE. With high hopes, I cleaned out x6 and started up x7, only to encounter another crash when it reads "Running command line commands." So I go to MasterCAM support. Over the past two days I've spent a couple of hours working with one of their tech reps (who has been great), but now the both of us are stuck. So I come to all of you. Has anyone encountered a similar error or have suggestions? Things I've already tried: Uninstall reinstall Registry cleaning .NET framework cleanout and reinstall Reinstall to a new drive location Disabling all antivirus features Installing Windows updates Uninstalling most software installed since it last work (save a couple games and some Adobe software). General disk cleanup (through CCleaner and Revo Uninstaller) Thanks
  25. I am trying to set up a toolpath for a solid object originally created in Autocad Inventor. the solid object is a bottom side of a skateboard for a skateboard press. the other side was directly imported and CNC'd with no errors or problems but whenever i try to set up a toolpath for this object i get an error reading: Unable to extract (at least) one solid face. I imported it as an stl. and am stumpted. If anyone has any ideas as to what the problem could be your advice would be greatly appreciated.

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