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Hey, I did a search and couldn't find anything on this topic. I am looking to use the shaping option Mazak offers on my Integrex i300. The feature on the part is just a simple o-ring groove that is 1.37" major diameter ( correct terminology for grooves? ). Not very big at all. My question is, has anyone ever written a program for Shaping before and willing to share some sample code? I've been studying the manual trying to make sense of it buuuuttt...... The groove will be machined at B90.° so the C axis will not be used except to position the groove top surface. It's just a flat O-Ring Groove. I'm working on getting the Shaping Option as we speak. The Orbiturn option I do not believe is necessary. Thoughts/concerns? Thanks for the help!
Hello all, As the title states I am looking for help with running in tape mode on a fanuc 31i control. We are currently having to split programs into as many as 20 separate programs. The machine in question is a mazak vhp-160 with a fanuc 31i control. The hard keys on the panel are about identical to a typical mazak but the majority of the control panel pages and soft keys are more similar to a traditional fanuc control. When I put the machine in tape mode I get none of the pages or soft keys that I would get on either a mazak or a fanuc control. I attempted to use an m198 external sub program call to run part program off usb drive as a sub program but I get alarm sr1807. Code used was : m198 p 13536 Any help or resource anybody could offer would be greatly appreciated. I've read through all the mazak and fanuc manuals and there is nothing about tape mode. What information I found online about external sub programs was conflicting whether a usb drive could be used or not.
Hello everyone. Trying to peck tap on Mazak 5-axis with Mazatrol control. It returns to R value after each pack. How do you regulate it with code or parameters to set the return after each peck to a fixed value. for example if my Q is .125 I want only .025 return for each peck. Code line is G84.2 Z-.45 R.1Q.125 F... Any and all suggestions are appreciated.
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- mazak
- peck tapping
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My transfer from main to sub is complete but I still cannot get the turning tools for the sub set. I have attached the program. The lines of read text which are used on the sub do not seem to be doing anything. The text in blue, the main spindle works along with the transfer. Is it possible the operator set the tools used on the sub incorrectly? Could I need to change a parameter bit or something? I have reached out to Mazak but have not received any word yet. Please let me know what you guys think. Thank you 1903.EIA.rtf
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- sub spindle
- offsets
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Im learning how to program a mazak horizontal mill when i program off center everything works good but sometimes i want to do a simple part with no rotations and its own workoffset from corner of part so i set my planes on the part itself but when i post it my x,y,z numbers are way off. Do i need a different post for this method or just modify my exsisting post in some way. Im completely new to horizontal mills ive only worked with verticals hopefully this makes sense
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- horizontal
- mazak
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Hello, I was wondering if someone could send me the parameters for both CIMCO and the fusion 640M so that I can transfer programs to the machine. We have to do it via the usb to 25-pin connector as the floppy drive does not work. This method does work as we have loaded programs on the the machine through CMT. We have only ever run mazatrol programs on this machine, and I am quite new to masterCAM. Thanks for the help in advance.
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- g-code
- parameters
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Hello, I'm using a Integrex j-400 . I have a part and I'm milling with the head at B90. and I need G43 P1 in my code. How do I get MC to out put that code only when I'm using B90.? I looked through the misc. values and I didn't see any settings. TIA, Greg
Hey everyone, I'm trying to better understand inverse feed for a Mazak Integrex J200 Mill-Turn. I'm doing a C-axis contour path to cut a chamfer on a part and I'm just not sure if the code is correct. Everything looks okay, there are feed rates on each line, etc, but it's posting out an H address for the C rotation when there is no movement in Z. Is this correct, or is something not right in my control def/post? Sample code is below. I appreciate any help. O1111(OP1 - 13965) (2/24/2017 10:36 AM) (OP1 - 13965) (*************TOOL LIST************************) (T6 | .25 CHAMFERMILL | LEN. - 6. | DIA. - 6. ) (***********************************************) N6 (T6 | .25 CHAMFERMILL | LEN. - 6. | DIA. - 6. ) (CHAMFER ALL AROUND) M200 G10.9 X0. G20 G40 G80 G18 G94 G90 G98 G91 G28 X0. Y0. G91 G28 Z0. G90 T6 M6 G91 G28 X0. Y0. G91 G28 Z0. G90 M901 M108 M212 G55 G0 G90 B90. C274.9295 M107 M211 G97 S1000 M03 G18 G90 G0 G18 G43 H#3020 X2.755 Y0. Z.073 X1.855 G94 G1 X1.7275 F4. G93 C275.5825 F203.184 Z.0591 C275.5298 F285.756 Z.0459 C275.3789 F286.292 Z.034 C275.1358 F287.07 Z.0241 C274.8127 F288.053 Z.0167 C274.4258 F289.045 Z.0121 C273.9945 F289.848 Z.0105 C273.542 F291.257 C272.5421 F132.676 C271.5417 F132.614 C270.5414 F132.632 C270. F245.038 C269.0001 F132.676 C267.9997 F132.614 C266.9994 F132.632 C266.458 F245.038 C265.4576 F132.614 C264.4568 F132.561 C263.4562 F132.589 C262.6712 F168.998 Z.0094 C262.4453 F579.793 Z.0062 C262.2405 F575.363 Z.0012 C262.078 F572.686 Z-.005 C261.9737 F570.045 Z-.012 C261.9366 F566.069 Z-.0645 C261.9385 F76.226 H-343.4599 F.386 Z-.0644 C278.2722 F642.842 C278.1425 F1022.849 Z-.0645 C278.075 F1965.581 C278.0615 F9848.908 Z-.012 C278.0634 F76.284 Z-.005 C278.0259 F565.892 Z.0012 C277.9215 F570.049 Z.0062 C277.759 F572.689 Z.0094 C277.5542 F575.365 Z.0105 C277.3288 F580.996 C276.3288 F132.667 C275.3282 F132.576 C274.3274 F132.566 C273.542 F168.925 Z.0121 C273.0894 F291.2 Z.0167 C272.6581 F289.848 Z.0241 C272.2713 F289.044 Z.034 C271.9482 F288.052 Z.0459 C271.7051 F287.071 Z.0591 C271.5542 F286.292 Z.073 C271.5016 F285.762 C272.1545 F203.184 G0 X2.755 M05 G91 G28 X0. Y0. G91 G28 Z0. G90 M01 M30
We have a Mazak Variaxis I800, the guys at the floor only have the option to use Restart 2; this is non-modal. I emailed Mazak and they said that Modal Restart cannot, i.e. Restart 1, cannot be used due to the explanation below. Anyone have any say on this, seems like the machine would be able to pick up and read all the previous codes no problem. The Mazak Manual even offers the option and does not warn about any complications. G54.2 - Dynamic Offsetting II Restarting in the program cannot be executed inside of G54.2 mode. G54.4 - Work Position Error Comp. Restarting operation from a block in the mode of workpiece setup error correction begins with a movement to the accordingly corrected position and to the position without correction, respectively, in the case of using the [RESTART] and the [RESTART 2 NONMODAL] menu function. G05P2 G61.1 - High Speed Smoothing Alarm is generated. G43.4 - Tool Tip Point Control Alarm is generated if restarting is done inside of G43.4 or on the line of cancelation, G49.
- 5 replies
- modalrestart
- mazak
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Good afternoon forum members. my company has recently purchased to Mazak intergrexs. An I630 and I200S. I have not programmed this style machines before. I am famillar with turning and milling. I program standard turret style lathes with milling and 4X horizontal and vertical mills almost daily. so I am famillar with rotating planes and features like that. a couple of questions I have is placing part inside mastercam. should I orient just like I do a lathe so that my turning will work with my milling starting from back plane which is c0. or do I orientate completely different. also several turning holders require tilting the head to operate. how is the posting getting the data to tilt the turning tool
Hi all Mastercam post gurus, We have a mazak vtc milling with Mazatrol 640 M pc fusion control. Last 10 years we have been using Esprit for programming this machine. We have been using Mastercam X4 for programming other CNC milling machines. I am not very good on mastercam posts. I modified MPMASTER post for x4 for using on the mazak milling. I almost done except couple of problems. I need the tool change format as shown in red below in the sample program. ie M06 followed by tool number and next tool number. and the last tool change should be M06 followed by tool number and tool zero. I got the first step correct. But when I call the last tool it is always followed by first tool. Any one can give any guidance. Part of my post processer is given below the program Sample program (CHANGING TO Tool 15 VTC 1/2 INCH BSW TAP ) N84 M06 T15 T09 N85 G54 X-49.213 Y-85.244 N86 M03 S100 N87 M08 G43 H15 Z50.000 N88 G00 X-49.213 Y-85.244 N89 Z10.000 N90 G95 G99 G84 X-49.213 Y-85.244 Z-15. R10. F2.12 N91 G80 N92 G94 N93 M05 N94 M09 N95 M01 (CHANGING TO Tool 9 VTC 25MM U DRILL ) N96 M06 T09 T0 N97 G54 X33.074 Y26.075 N98 M03 S2200 N99 M51 G43 H09 Z10.000 N100 G00 X33.074 Y26.075 N101 Z10.000 N102 G98 G83 Z-29. Q10. R2. F130.00 N103 Y-48.024 F130.00 N104 X-36.590 Y-37.901 F130.00 N105 Y36.199 F130.00 N106 G80 N107 M06 T0 T0 N108 G00 G91 G28 Z0.0 M09 N109 G28 X0.0 Y0.0 M05 N110 M02 % Actual post ptlchg_com #Tool change common blocks if force_output | sof, [ result = force(ipr_type,ipr_type) result = force(absinc$,absinc$) result = force(plane$,plane$) ] pcom_moveb pcheckaxis #Check for valid rotary axis c_mmlt$ #Multiple tool subprogram call #ptoolcomment if sof & scomm_sav <> snull, [ spaces$ = 0 n$, pspc, scomm_str, *scomm_sav, scomm_end, e$ spaces$ = sav_spc ] if sof = 0, scomm_sav = snull comment$ pcomment3 pmisccheck pcan if stagetool >= zero, [ if omitseq$ = 1 & tseqno > 0, [ if tseqno = 2, n$ = t$ pbld, *n$,*t$, "M06", ptoolcomm, e$ ] else, pbld, n$,"M06", *t$,*next_tool$, ptoolcomm, e$ ] spaces$=0 if output_z = yes$, [ preadbuf5 if (opcode$ > 0 & opcode$ < 16) | opcode$ = 19, [ n$, pspc, scomm_str, "MAX - ", *max_depth, scomm_end, e$ n$, pspc, scomm_str, "MIN - ", *min_depth, scomm_end, e$ ]
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- 1
- mazak
- mastercam x4 poist
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We are running Mastercam with our Mazak Variaxis and I think our post is set up wrong. Each time we run a part, we have to repost the program. my operators are telling me that if the tooling isnt set up exactly the same as the previous time we ran the part then the program has to be reposted. Does anyone know if this is true and/or if the problem can be overcome?
looking for a machine defintion and post processor for a mazak qtn-300m with no "y" axis, live tooling on "z,x" axis. we're using a intgrex-100 post, but have a lot of editing in the g-code to make it work.
I have a mazak quick turn 20n lathe with a mazatrol cam t2 control. i am not extremely familiar with mazaks and am trying to figure out how to do converstaional programming at the machine, however it seeems the machine is set to read in g code only. it says EIA/ISO on the screen and i am wondering if anyone knows how to get the control set back up to do conversational programming. ideally i would want to program offline and import g code programs in, but we do not have the software.
i have a part with 47 variables that that need to be engraved on each part. 18 of them will change from part to part. the machine is a mazak 730 5x ii. it has a mazak matrix control on it, and was wondering if i can make variables like a fanuc, or is there some macro call like a haas.
Is anyone here currently using the Mazatrol post from Camaix? Do you like it? How reliable is it? Do you need to do a lot of hand editing at the control? Pros/Cons?
So we inherited a few Mazak Variaxis 630-5X's and we cannot figure out how to use the the cutter comp commands in them.(G42,G43,G41) Do they read the commands? I would assume so. We got a bunch of programs in the controller's as well and it looks like whoever was doing the programming before never used them once. Any help?
- 2 replies
- Mazak
- Cutter Comp
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